InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lady Kagome ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"You are happy again, Kagome!" Izumi said happily hugging Kagome, catching her only feet from the dojo.

Izumi had not seen Kagome happy for some time and she had been worried.

"Yes, and guess why?" Kagome bubbled with joy.

"You beat Sesshoumaru-sama in sparring?" Izumi replied quizically.

"No," Kagome laughed. "Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha asked me to be their mate!"

"Oh, that is wonderful news!" Izumi hugged Kagome again, the both of them jumping up and down.

"What is wonderful news?" Jaken asked, walking in on the merriment.

"Oh Jaken-sama, our lords have asked our Kagome to be their mate," Izumi said happily.

"Congratulations, milady! I had a feeling milord would come around. You are a worthy choice, Kagome-sama," Jaken bowed.

"Well, I'll be darn," Izumi gasped. "Dearest Jaken-sama is not calling you filthy ningen anymore."

"If Lord Sesshoumaru finds her worthy, I will not question his decision. It is about time our lord found a mate, and Kagome-sama has shown more worth than any demoness to ever pass the gates of this palace," Jaken said.

"Thank you Jaken," Kagome leaned down and kissed Jaken on the forehead. "You know, despite you being a tad slimy, I didn't mind kissing you on the head. You can be a real sweetheart sometimes."

Kagome and Izumi laughed as they watched Jaken's green skin almost turn pink with embarrassment.

"Okay, I stink. All the sweat from training is itching my skin so I need a bath," Kagome made a face after sniffing her armpit.

Izumi laughed and grabbed Kagome's hand, skipping down the hall. Jaken watched with a smile.

'Milady skips down the halls. That is a first in this palace. It will be nice to see this palace in a happier light with her by milord's side.'

‘Inu no Taishou would be proud of his sons. Although he meant for them to work together, this is surely a pleasant turn of events.’

The other lords in the land had been pushing Sesshoumaru to mate for the past four hundred years. Sesshoumaru was not very old for a youkai, and in fact was one of the youngest lords to come upon the position of a Cardinal lord. His ascension had been early when Inu no Taishou had used the Dragon Twister on Takemaru. It had been whispered all over the four lands on why the revered Tenseiga had not saved its master, but then again, Tenseiga was like Sesshoumaru, it kept its own council and acted upon things without giving much notice. It was fitting that Tenseiga came to Sesshoumaru, but Jaken had always wished his master had been bequeathed both swords. However, now after much time and observation, he knew his master did not need the Tetsuseiga. Sesshoumaru was already strong on his own. The Tetsuseiga ensured that Inu Yasha stayed alive and did not become like one of the mindless youkai that let their bloodlust control them.

‘Now the lords will shut up. Lord Sesshoumaru will finally mate and not to produce an heir, but because he had found the mate of his heart.’

Kagome sank into the hot springs with a sigh after dismissing Izumi.

"Thank goodness this is indoors, no hentais to peep on me," she giggled, relaxing further and then yawning. "Just a little nap before dinner."

She thought about her future. She was eighteen, an adult. The shrine was solely hers. Regardless of the outcome of completing the jewel, she needed to go back to the shrine to recover anything that survived the fire. If she did not go back soon, the government would try to turn it into some little tourist attraction and defile the sacred grounds.

She had left the shrine in ruins. She was sure that someone would have called the authorities to report the fire. They probably found her family’s remains and were probably wondering where she was.

‘How am I going to explain my whereabouts? Everyone knows only that I was often absent from school due to illness, but I have not been in school for months since I have already graduated. Maybe I can say I was helping with another shrine. Then again, if I do, maybe they might check on me. I am stumped!’

She turned her thoughts to what had happened between her, Sesshoumaru, and Inu Yasha. She smiled and sunk into the water a bit, leaning her head on the edge of the built in tub.

‘They both love me and want me as their mate without making me choose. As strange as it may be, I am fine with becoming mate to both of them. They will always be the way they are, but that is why I love them so much. They are both honourable, not to mention sexy as hell. Oh Kami, I am becoming a female Miroku.’

She blushed, and turned to grab her shampoo. She flipped the cap and inhaled deeply before pouring some in her palm so she could lather up her hair. Despite her mourning her family’s violent passing, she felt at home within the Western Citadel. Sesshoumaru had made her comfortable and had not threatened her. She had figured that he wanted her to get along or she would have been obstinate every bit of the way through training or even teaching Rin. In fact, she knew she would have been that way, but was glad that it did not go in that direction. She would have probably been beaten and come to hate the taiyoukai. She touched her lips, remembering his kiss and sighed before dunking her head to the water.

She remembered when Sesshoumaru first picked her up from the forest.

‘I was so scared. I really thought he would have killed me until he said that I would be coming to his home to train myself and also to teach Rin. If I would have stayed a little longer in Inu Yasha’s and Kikyo’s presence, I would have found out that he had not willingly touched Kikyo, but I would have never gotten to know Sesshoumaru. I have to admit that life really threw me a curve. And now… now I am the mate- to- be of two powerful youkai who love me. I can just imagine Miroku’s reaction when he hears about this.’

She soon after feel asleep, forgetting she was only suppose to take a bath.