InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lady Kagome ❯ Chapter 66 ( Chapter 66 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“I demand that you step aside. I care not that you have orders. I am Lady Kagome’s official retainer and I demand entrance to her room,” Lucius growled menacingly.

This is what Kagome woke up to hear and she immediately jumped, gathering the sheets to her. Sesshoumaru had long disappeared from the room, as they had agreed it would be best. Sesshoumaru had to rest and prepare for whatever Lucius brought forth in a fight that was inevitable. Kagome stood on her feet and found it hard to walk, almost wobbling to her closet.

‘Though his entrance was not painful, he really worked muscles I never thought I had,’ she blushed to herself, while grabbing a black robe.

As she did, Lucius burst through. The European dog demon sniffed the room twice and snarled, his eyes flashing red.

“I smell him. I smell the sex that went on in here. Woman, you mated that demon, did you not?” he asked, his voice deep, as his inner beast was coming forth.

Kagome stood straight and narrowed her eyes at Lucius. She would not cower from him. She was proud of being the mate of Sesshoumaru. She had wanted it for such a long time and did not care about her obligations to be some queen over all youkai.

“What of it? I’m mated to the one I love. He is more than worthy. More so than even you, Lucius,” she smirked, reveling in her newfound level of confidence.

This man had bound her painfully and she had played possum far too long that it had practically shamed her. He would learn his lesson or die.

“You were to be mine. Not that cur!” he growled louder. “I will kill him.”

“Then you will do it in the formal ring with everyone watching,” the voice of Marik cut through and within seconds, the mixed youkai had materialize as if out of no where.

“Then so be it,” Lucius barked madly.

“Lord Sesshoumaru is waiting your arrival. I trust you to control yourself until the council can be gathered. The others may join when they may, but it is really the concern of the Council to see this challenge,” Marik informed. “If you cannot wait, I shall maim you of every body part until you need to have a servant feed you for the rest of your immortal life.”

Kagome internally cheered, although the maiming part did not settle well in her stomach. Lucius balked at the threat and then rushed out, eager to fight.

Marik turned to her and smirked, “Well, looks like you had one hell of a randy time last night, my lady.”

Kagome blushed and pulled the top of her robe closer.

“Fear not, Lady Kagome. You belong to my friend, Lord Sesshoumaru. I have decided that he is worth such a relationship and so, you are also my friend. Hurry and get dressed. We have a fight to get to and its about bloody time that Lucius gets what is coming to him,” Marik grinned ferally.

“Well, I have to admit, I’m honoured to be called a friend. But, what of the aftermath? Regardless of who wins, I do not want to hold this station. If Sesshoumaru wins, I want to go home with him and be his lady. That is how it should be. If it is Lucius, I will kill him myself by any means necessary and disappear. I am no coward, but I simply don’t want to be this. If I had been originally suited for the position, I would’ve have been trained a long time ago before my memories were taken away, a proper Queen,” Kagome explained, turning to pick out her garbs to wear to the challenging ring.

“Whatever you decide, I will support. As I said, I am your friend and as part of the council, I can step in as a regent for your sake. Of course, you would hold your title, but I would be the one operating in your stead. Occasionally, I would request your appearance at certain functions,” he suggested.

“So, you suggest I just become a figure head?” she asked, moving behind her dressing screen.

Despite the screen separating them, Marik turned his back to allow her more privacy. He did not have to, but the screen did leave a slight silhouette of the miko- inuyoukai dressing behind its thin material.

“Yes, I’ve done this in the past when the previous Queen had disappeared and gone on vacations. It is not difficult and my family was cultured and molded for ages into this position,” he answered.

“Okay, ready to go. Will you escort me there, Lord Marik?” Kagome smiled, stepping out from behind the screen wearing an exact replica of the outer kimono that Sesshoumaru had always worn during Sengoku Jidai, but with a few layers underneath.

She shoved her black tail over her shoulder and noticed that it was splitting.

“You are a mature, mated youkai, Lady Kagome. Your tail is splitting to show others. With it comes more power to your own ki combined with the ones you acquired from mating Lord Sesshoumaru,” Marik explained. “And, as for escorting, as long as you call me Marik, I will happily escort you.”

Kagome giggled and took the arm that he offered her.

They walked the halls which were bustling with demons of all kinds who were trying to get to the fight.

‘Word sure traveled fast,’ Kagome thought wryly, tucking a raven lock behind her pointed ear.

Of course, the guards were shoving those same demons aside and shouting, “Make way for Her Eminence, Lady Kagome.”

Kagome hated the attention, but knew it was something that she could not avoid. These creatures revered her as their leader, even though her reign was new. Many bowed or shouted praises.

A couple minutes later, they were at the challenging ring. Marik escorted her to a group of seats made especially for her and the Council. Sesshoumaru and Lucius were standing, facing each other. Sesshoumaru was in the same battle attire he had in Segoku Jidai and Kagome could only think how right he looked in those white and red garbs. Both of his swords were strapped to his sides. His Mokomoko-sama however, was split like hers, but he wore his exactly like his father, and had put the other spiked shoulder plate on the other side, evening out his pristine black and silver armor. He stood calmly, seeming unaffected. It made Kagome’s heart flutter seeing him look so proud.

Lucius, on the other hand, was still in his pampered robes, but had at least threw on a gauntlet on one arm, a metal chest plate, and a sword on his left hip. He did not hold back his emotional state as he snarled and his eyes showing that his beast was almost in full control.

Kagome could feel the jyaki around both. They contained theirs in a respectable manner, though it was condensed and very angry. Both were powerful. Kagome had really never seen Sesshoumaru at his full power, and now that he was mated, she hoped that as Marik had said, that her silver haired lord would also acquire more features.

“Oye, Sesshoumaru!” Kagome heard a voice and turned to it.

It was Inu Yasha!

He took Tetsusaiga, sheath and all, and then called out, “Oye, bastard, here’s the damn sword you always wanted. I gotta tell you though, that you need to promise to protect your bitch.”

Sesshoumaru did not turn toward his half brother’s voice, but did catch the sword that was tossed his way.

“With my life, I will protect my mate,” Sesshoumaru said calmly, and smiled as he slipped Tetsusaiga and its sheath under his sash right by Tenseiga and Toukijin.

Nothing good could come of that smile. Kagome knew it all too well.