InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lavender and Roses ❯ And Your Name Is? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Enjoy! Read and Review!

Lavender and Roses

By: Rini

Chapter 1: And Your Name is?

Inuyasha walked far behind every one, sulking with his hands in his large red sleeves. He kept muttering words under his breath and would occasionally kick at a stray stone or at the dirt.

"Don't be such a baby Inuyasha," Kagome yelled from the lead of the group while walking with her bike.

Sango turned her head and looked at how childish Inuyasha looked and elbowed Miroku, who had now attached himself to her side for the last three days. Miroku looked back and raised an eyebrow while trying to keep himself from laughing. Sango elbowed him again to make him stop, but it only provoked more giggles from herself.

"What's so damn funny?" Inuyasha yelled at Sango and Miroku, his loud voice booming through the forest.

Kagome stopped and turned around and then stomped her foot, " Inuyasha! Stop yelling at people!"

"Well, why don't you stop yelling at me!" Inuyasha yelled back at her.

Kagome shot him a deep scowl and marched right up to Inuyasha and glared at him. Soon her face broke out into a sweet smile and she turned around.

"Sit boy!"

Inuyasha fell face first into the dirt, cursing all along. Miroku burst out into more laughter while Sango tried to catch up to Kagome who kept walking.

"Nice job wooing her Inuyasha," Miroku said as he extended a hand to help Inuyasha up.

"Well if she would stop being so damn pig headed and listen to me!"

Miroku whacked him upside the head with his staff.

"What was that for?"

"Inuyasha, you really know how the pot called the kettle black don't you?"

"What's that mean?"

"It means, stop picking fights with Kagome. It's not to fun being around you two when you're fighting. I honestly can't see how you two love each other so much if all you do is fight. Or maybe that's just why you do."

Inuyasha put back on his scowl from earlier, " Whoever told you I loved Kagome?"

"Well, it's obvious you two care about each other. I mean you always protect her and she always looks out to help you."

Inuyasha looked up at the sky and felt the breeze blow by, carrying Kagome's scent of wildflowers. He looked up ahead of him and watched Kagome walk. Her long raven hair flowed in the breeze and her bronze eyes lit up as she laughed with Sango. He couldn't help but smile when he watched her.

Miroku smirked," Is that fair Lady Kagome I see you smiling at?"

Inuyasha growled, "No! Why would I ever smile at her?"

Miroku shook his head, "You can never truly be happy if you are going to keep the one thing that makes you complete away."

Inuyasha watched as Miroku walked ahead and joined Sango and Kagome. For a moment, the half demon could respect the monk, if he wasn't hit a moment later for trying to feel Sango. Inuyasha scoffed off the monk's actions and laughed, but his ears perked up as he sensed a demon nearby.

Inuyasha ran up and jumped in front of Kagome and the others.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"There's a demon nearby. I can sense it."

Sango readied her boomerang and Miroku raised his staff.

"Where is it coming from Inuyasha?" Sango asked.

"I can't tell yet. It's far off, but it's coming closer and closer."

Kagome jumped," Shippo and Kilala are still out there getting water and apples from the bank!"

"Let's go!" Inuyasha yelled.

He picked Kagome up on his back and ran off into the woods after the young fox and cat demons. Sango and Miroku were right behind them, trying as hard to keep up with them with their normal human speed.

"Inuyasha! I sense a jewel shard coming this way!" Kagome yelled.

"I can smell the demon coming closer. It's not going after them, it's coming after us."

Inuyasha stopped and turned to the monk and exterminator, " You two have to go get those two. The demon is following us and we can lead it away. Kagome sensed a jewel shard with it."

Sango and Miroku shook their heads and quickly ran in the opposite direction that Inuyasha and Kagome were running. They leapt from tree branch to tree branch as the scent of the demon was getting stronger and stronger. They stopped in a clearing near the riverbank where the river flowed fastest.

"Its almost here Kagome. Hide somewhere."

"No way! I'll fire an arrow at it!"

Inuyasha growled, "Please Kagome. Listen to me. Go somewhere safe and hide. I'll finish it off quick with the Tetsaiga."

Kagome shook her head and pulled out an arrow and notched it, " I'm not letting you fight this alone Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha growled and pulled out his transformed Tetsaiga, ready to slash down any demon that would charge through the forest. Suddenly, the ground quaked and a 20-foot stone snake thundered out from the ground, sending Kagome crashing down to the hard earth below. Inuyasha turned around, hearing her scream and fall, and was thrashed back into a tree by the hard tail of the huge snake.

The snake demon's eyes glowed bright red and a glow could seen clearly as he held a jewel shard in his forehead. Inuyasha had dropped his sword when he was thrown into the tree and therefore tried to claw at it with his long sharp claws, but it proved useless.

"Over here snake eyes!" Kagome yelled as she charged up an arrow with her priestess powers and fired it at its tail.

The arrow shattered on the stone and seemed to do nothing, but annoy it more. The snake growled loudly and let Inuyasha down and charged at Kagome. Kagome fired another arrow, but it only shattered as well. Kagome braced herself for the crash that would happen when the snake killed her.

< Inuyasha is too far away! He can't rush here fast enough, even with his demon powers! >

Kagome closed her eyes and screamed, ready for the hit, but a figure jumped up high from a nearby tree. A metal chain wrapped around Kagome and pulled her up high in the air in just enough time before the demon snake destroyed the ground.

Kagome opened her eyes and looked down.

< I'm in the sky? How? Inuyasha? No, it wasn't him. Someone's carrying me. These arms are smaller than Inuyasha's and are more gentle then his are. So then who is this? >

Kagome tried to look up, but the sun blocked her vision and all she saw was long silver hair.

"Inuyasha?" she spoke.

"Not this time love," a female voice answered her.

Kagome's eyes shot open and looked down as Inuyasha tried to hold off the demon with his sword, but wasn't having much luck. She saw the ground coming closer and held on tightly to who ever was carrying her.

"I won't let anything hurt you, "the figure said.

Then, Kagome and the figure landed on the ground and Kagome got her first look at her hero. She was a tall girl with light and dark silver hair and a beautifully decorated dark navy kimono. The girl turned to face Kagome and she saw she had deep violet eyes and violet and navy stripes on the sides of her face with a violet crescent on her forehead, the points facing upwards, and a sapphire tear drop in the center of the points.

The girl winked and raised her weapon, a metal whip, and jumped up in the air to the trees. Kagome watched in awe as the girl leapt from tree to tree trying to get behind the demon while Inuyasha tried to fight it. She leapt up high in the air and swung her whip high above her head and lashed out, grabbing it around the demon's mouth.

"Now Inuyasha! Go for the shard!" the girl shouted.

Inuyasha was amazed at how this girl appeared from no where to save Kagome. He could smell the demon in her and knew she was pretty powerful. He kept an eye on her as she helped Kagome and heard her tell her how she wouldn't let anything hurt her. He still found it hard to trust her, but he needed all the help he could get since the Tetsaiga wasn't working on the thick stone.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but I won't take orders from another wench!" Inuyasha yelled as he brought down his sword and used the Wind Scar.

The demon shot out red rays from its eyes and deflected the Wind Scar.

"Stupid male! I'll do it myself!" the girl yelled.

The girl let go of the chain around the demon's mouth. She poured her energy in the whip, making it glow purple, and threw it at the demon. It distracted it long enough for her to get the shard from its forehead. The girl summoned her whip back to her and jumped down to the ground next to Inuyasha.

"He's all yours now," the girl purred out.

Inuyasha growled and brought down the Tetsaiga in the Wind Scar and destroyed the snake demon in one swipe.

Kagome ran over to Inuyasha, joined by Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and the transformed Kilala who arrived shortly after she was rescued. Kagome ran out and hugged Inuyasha for being safe and Inuyasha reluctantly put his arms around her as well. Sango was examining where the demon's ashes lie.

Miroku looked over at the young, ravishing maiden who had saved Kagome and helped defeat the demon. He walked up behind her and reached out with his hand, but was quickly grabbed by clawed fingers and met the dark eyes of a demon.

"Watch it monk," the girl growled.

Sango whacked Miroku with her boomerang, "I'm sorry Miss, but he's a bit of a perve who doesn't know when to quit."

The girl withdrew her claws and glared at the monk, " Stupid man. Weren't you ever taught manners?"

"I can't help but touch women as radiant as you," Miroku tried to charm.

"Sorry monk, I don't fall for any males charm."

"I'm sure you don't fall for anything except jewel shards," Inuyasha said rudely.

"Yeah, you got the jewel shard right?" Kagome asked.

The girl raised up her hand with the jewel shard in between her fingers and smiled as she flashed her hand again and this time, there were four more shards in between her fingers.

Inuyasha raised his sword, "She's just another dirty demon after the power of the Sacred Jewel. She just wanted the other shard."

The girl smiled and her eyes softened, "Honestly. If I wanted the shard why would I have helped save the girl and you?"

"She's got a point," Sango said.

Kagome walked forward and grabbed her hand and smiled, " Thank you very much for saving my life."

The girl looked into Kagome's innocent eyes and couldn't help but notice the purity and love contained in her bronze depths. She was extending her hand in friendship out to her so openly and freely.

The girl smiled, "It was nothing."

"So why did you show up here so suddenly at the right moment?" Inuyasha asked questioningly.

"I was tracking the demon I heard held a shard in its forehead. I fought it in the mountains, but it was a little much for me to handle and I chased it down to the valley where I thought I would have a better chance of killing it. I guess it smelled you and came here after all of you instead. I got here just as he was going for the girl. I couldn't allow him to kill her."

"Thanks again. Lord knows Inuyasha was never going to beat it on his own, "Kagome joked with a smile.

Inuyasha growled and yelled at Kagome but she merely smiled and said "sit" as he fell face first to the ground.

"Nice leash dog boy," the girl laughed.

"Yeah. Inuyasha never learned manners either," Kagome laughed with her as though they were old friends.

"Guess we picked a fine group of men to travel with," Sango added with a grin.

The three girls started to laugh at the guy's expense as they merely looked on embarrassed and, in Inuyasha's case, pissed.

Shippo walked over to the new demon woman and sniffed her and started to jump up and down, "She's a fox demon!"

Kagome picked up Shippo who was still cheering. Kilala walked over and sniffed the young girl and cuddled up against her legs and purred loudly.

Sango picked up Kilala, "Guess Kilala here thinks she a cat demon like herself."

The girl scratched Kilala behind the ears, "They are both right."

"Really?" Miroku asked, "You mean you're a half demon?"

"My father was a fox demon and my mother was a cat demon. I, as their daughter, am both a cat demon and fox demon. Though I assure you, I have full demon blood."

"Of course, "Inuyasha started, "You have demon markings on your face, the tail, and the ears and you don't reek of human."

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah! Another fox demon around!" Shippo cheered and he hopped onto her shoulder.

"So does this beautiful lady have a name?" Miroku asked.

The girl looked up at the setting sky and back at the group in front of her, "Arioch. My name is Arioch."