InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lavender ❯ Kagura, Sesshoumaru's Girlfriend ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
DG: I really want to stop this fic. I feel really lazy and depressed!
Shippo: Poor you.
DG: Sorry! Unless further notice, I'll drop this fic.
Sesshoumaru: No! I didn't get to marry Kagome yet!
DL: Too bad, I can't take another one! I already have two of my own, plus I am being nice and
finishing SFS, for you.
Inuyasha: SFS?
DG: Searching For Symbols.
Sesshoumaru: What about Winter Sonata? I didn't even get to kiss Kagome yet!
DL: I might take it, depending on my schedule! I do have a college thing!
Kagome: No use crying. They don't own any of us. The plot belongs to whoever wrote it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Kagura, Sesshoumaru's Girlfriend

"Sesshoumaru, I can't believe Janet died. It all seems like a dream." cried Kagome from
between sobs. Sesshoumaru tightened his grip on Kagome, trying his best to give comfort to
"I know she wouldn't want you to be sad like this." comforted Sesshoumaru. "If I was
her, I would want you to be happy everyday, and live life to its fullest."
"Your right, I'll try to be happy." replied Kagome as she tried to stop crying, but to no
Ring, ring. "Hello?" asked Sesshoumaru into his cell phone.
"Hey buddy!" cried Miroku through the cell-phone. "What's going on? I haven't seen you
in days! What, got a new girlfriend."
"How did you know?" asked Sesshoumaru sarcastically. "Aren't you the bright one
"Your kidding, right?" asked Miroku nervously. "What about Kagura? She won't like
"It doesn't matter if she likes it or not, I don't love her." stated Sesshoumaru as if it was
the most obvious thing in the world.
"But,..." started Miroku. Click. "Hey!" yelled Miroku. No answer. "I can't believe he just
hung up on me like that!"
"Sesshoumaru, who was that?" asked Kagome curiously. "Do you need to leave?"
"No, I want to spend more time with you. I can't leave when your in this state." replied
Sesshoumaru, nuzzling Kagome's neck.

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"Kagome." whispered Sango in a soft voice. "I'm sorry about what happened to your
"I hope you can get over it soon." comforted Kikyou, returning back to work.
"Your sister will be with you, even if she isn't with you anymore." added Inuyasha as he
gave Kagome a warm smile.
"Thank you." stated Kagome. "I know that Janet died happily, because she died in her
love's arm. Anyone who can die like that, lived their life to the fullest." Kagome gave her friends
a reassuring smile, then busied herself with work.

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'Now, where does Sesshoumaru live?' pondered a beautiful girl who just arrived from
America. 'I can't wait to see him.'
"Taxi." called the girl as some people helped her lift her luggage into the car. As she gave
directions she smiled happily, at the thought of Sesshoumaru. 'Maybe I can surprise him. We
haven't seen each other in such a long time, I bet he misses me a lot.'
When she had reached her destination, she knocked on the door, hoping Sesshoumaru
wasn't home. To her relief, Jaken answered the door and his jaw literally fell to the ground. "I-I
n-need to g-go s-somewhere." stated Jaken and fled.
"Well, good, I know Jaken isn't coming back anytime soon. Best part, Sess-chan isn't
here." giggled the girl as she unpacked everything and made herself at home.

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'What a day.' thought Sesshoumaru to himself as he unlocked the door. 'I should call
Kagome and see how she is doing. I miss her already.'
When Sesshoumaru stepped into his room, he almost fainted. Almost. Just as
Sesshoumaru was going to call for Jaken, his bathroom door opened, and there stood a girl
wrapped in towels, half nude.
"Kagura!" whispered Sesshoumaru in disbelief, "What are you doing here?"
"Aren't you glad to see me?" pouted Kagura as she ran up to Sesshoumaru and gave him
a hug. Sesshoumaru quickly pried her off and turned around.
"Get dressed." commanded Sesshoumaru as he walked into the living room. Kagura
pouted even more, but did as she was commanded.
'What am I going to say to Kagome?" asked Sesshoumaru to himself. 'She knows I have
a girlfriend already, but what if she still gets mad? I love Kagome not Kagura. How am I going to
tell Kagura that I don't love her, but my childhood friend?' Millions of thoughts ran through
Sesshoumaru's head, causing him a headache.
Suddenly, Sesshoumaru felt someone jump on him from behind, and turned to see
Kagura. "Kagura, I need to tell you something."
Kagura covered Sesshoumaru mouth with her hands and said. "Let me guess, you want to
tell me you miss me a lot and to never leave you again, right?" asked Kagura.
"Well, not exactly." lied Sesshoumaru. 'Actually, quite the opposite. Thought I can't
seem to find what to say.' That night, Sesshoumaru had to constantly try to keep Kagura out of
his bed.
"Why?" Kagura would always ask. "We're going to get married sooner or later."
Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, and tried to ignore Kagura as her hands roamed over
Sesshoumaru's bare chest.
"Kagura." stated Sesshoumaru firmly, as he grabbed her hands and dragged her back to
her own room. "It's night, and I want to sleep, so stay!"

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The next morning, Sesshoumaru awoke to loud music playing, and recognized it as
Lavender. He groggily got up and did his morning things and went into the living room to find
Kagura dancing wildly to the music. "This is so beautiful, Sesshoumaru!"
"Yes it is." stated Sesshoumaru.
"Did you dedicate it to anyone?" asked Kagura.
"Yes." replied Sesshoumaru.
"My childhood friend, also my..." Kagura cut Sesshoumaru off once again by jumping on
him and attempting to pull his clothes off.
Ring, ring. "Get off." yelled Sesshoumaru, prying Kagura off. "Hello?"
"Sesshoumaru?" asked Kagome. "Sorry that I can't go out tonight, I have to prepare for
my sister's burial, and I might not have time for a while.
"That.." Sesshoumaru was cut off when Kagura turned the music to the highest notch.
"Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru!" screamed Kagome. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." lied Sesshoumaru. "Seems like Miroku is messing around again."
Sesshoumaru turned off the music and motioned for Kagura to sit and quite moving.
"Okay, bye then." stated Kagome. Click.
'That was a relief, now I have more time to get rid off Kagura and think of what to say to
Ka..." Kagura is once again, trying to 'rape' Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru pried Kagura off and
redid his shirt. Then Sesshoumaru left, slamming the door. Kagura's eyes brimmed with tears
that threatened to fall.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

DG: Please review, and I might just get out of my depression.
DL: Yeah, Chels is coming over, she's coming over!
DG: She's not even close to depressed, and now her BF is coming over! Why is my life so bad!
Sesshoumaru: Let's just end this, okay! Though u should end after I marry Kagome.