InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Leadership ❯ pack ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Declaimer: I don’t own InuYasha ….
Summary: Sesshomaru lost of his pack , now is having doubts on his leadership and trust no one. .. But here come Kagome a alpha female with a terrible past, looking for some to help her guide her pack. Could they help each other forget their hurtful and troublesome past and look forward towards the future….
~:Authors note:~
Sesshomaru is a wolf demon here he is a bit out of character
I was certain I could catch my prey even though I was hunting alone. I could smell it's fear as it scampered helplessly away. I knew I had my prey cornered between a bolder and a lake. When I finally let myself be seen, I bared my fangs at the poor creature.

It froze in fear, it's eyes wide and frantic as it saw it's death glinting in my eyes. The mighty leap I gave landed me on the animals back and my jaws locked around its tender throat, my fangs sinking into the skin and crushing it's windpipe. It was dead in a few seconds, it's eyes still wide but glossing over. I gazed around to see if it was safe to start feasting on my catch and sensing nothing of immediate danger, I began.

By the time I finish eating I could sense another wolf coming along. Emerging through the trees, my breath was taken away. I had never seen such a beautiful wolf.

She had hypnotizing blue eyes that I was lost in almost immediately. Gazing at me with next to no curiosity, she started drinking water from the lake. I continued to stare and faintly I wondered why she didn’t run or wasn’t submitting like other females would when a male was around. Finishing her drink, she held her head high and sniffed at the air as I took a few steps forward. Those clear blue eyes met with my golden ones and it seemed like an eternity until we both heard a cry. It was her pack calling her. She walked elegantly back the way she came, not taking a second glance. I watched silently as she disappeared into the darkness.

I continued my journey alone. My own pack was killed by a murderous group of bears and I had not been there to protect them. I had let my pack down . I settled down under a huge tree and closed my eyes to welcome the world of sleep.

~Dream sequence:~
The whole pack was resting after another successful hunt. I looked to my right and see Red and Snow lying next to each other. Red, my second in command, was smart and strong for a young pup, but he was wise and thought fast on his paws. Snow was Red‘s mate. She had large brown eyes and white fur.

Annie, a white and black furred brown eyed wolf, was arguing with Almond, a grey furred blue eyed wolf, to come to a conclusion to who’s strategy was better. At the end Annie won.

The pups were play fighting with each other . I watched them in content, enjoying the simplicity. Sam, the youngest of four, came up to me with a playful growl and I could tell he wanted to play fight. I pushed him aside with my paw because I was not in the mood. He started to wine and I just rolled my eyes and used my tail for his amusement. But soon the rest of the pups... Lilly, Jack and Liz... came an I walked away from them. I couldn’t handle them all.

Jasmine looked amused and she called her pups to nurse . “What’s wrong Sesshomaru? Can’t handle the pups?” A brown and black wolf with black eyes snickered at me. I glared at him. “Their not mine, so why should I even bother? And I do not play with the pups. It’s not my thing as alpha.” I turned around and went to scout the area to make sure there was no danger to my pack.

I wasn’t far away when I heard the pack calling me and it sounded as if they were in trouble. I ran as fast as I could but when I arrived I stopped dead in my tracks. I was shocked when I saw the dreadful sight there. My pack was dead, their bodies splayed out on the ground and covered with blood. I searched to see if there were any survivors, but there was none. I flung my head back and howled to the moon for my lost pack that night.
~End of dream sequence~

I woke up in a slight sweat, my jaws clenching. It was still dark and the sun wasn’t going to spread its warmth until a couple of hours. I decided to do what was best at this point. I went hunting.
Kagome’s pov

As alpha female in the pack, I was scouting the area for any danger that might have been lurking around. Once I found a good and safe area for the pack to rest, I told them I was going by the lake to drink some water and to scout the area once more.

I smelled a lake and another wolf. I noticed a snow white, golden eyed wolf and I continued to go towards the water, even though my eyes examined him from their corners. He was absolutely beautiful. I drank some water, sensing that he meant me no harm. He took a few steps forward and I held my head high alike an alpha would. I gazed at his beautiful golden eyes until I heard my pack call me. I walked slowly into the dark woods, wondering why they were beckoning. As I reached my pack I saw...

A brown and white ball of fur that instantly clashed on the grass. "InuYasha! Kouga! Stop this insolence at once!" I barked “Kagome! We were just …um…playing…-" Kouga stumbled as he turned his head to the white wolf- "Right InuYasha?” asked the brown wolf . "Yeah! Koga’s right. We were just showing the pups how to play fight.” Said the white wolf that went by the name of InuYasha.
“What ever. Have you seen Sango or Miroku anywhere?” I asked both of them.

“Mother!” I turned my head to watch as two young hyper wolf cubs came running towards me. “Hey you two! Have you been good today?" I asked, clearly knowing their answer. They whined, their round eyes peering up at me. "You know we’ve been good mother!” "Rin?" I questioned the small little orange-black female pup. “Yes-s mother…” She said very nervously “Tell me, what have you done this morning?" I raised my eyebrow at her. She started shifting uncontrollably under my gaze and was nervous. I could see Shippou jumping up and down as if saying “Make something up and fast!” She stuttered out her answer. “Umm, w-we played-d in the wood-d’s and we-e…” She paused for a moment and remembered that the other two older males were “showing” them how to “play fight” She cheerfully looked at me and said, “And they were showing us how to play fight!” she slightly wagged her little bushy tail.

“Really?” I questioned her and I turned around to look at the guys. “Yeah, umm, hey look! Here comes Sango and Miroku!” InuYasha said. I sighed and turned to gaze at the other two wolves coming into camp. `I’ll have to talk to them two later` I think to myself, my eyebrows furrowed in suspicion.