InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Libera me ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
For your note, I actually despise happy-wappy Hollywood endings, but I don't like overall tragic ones
either... So please stop asking me to write a super-happy romantic ending, I think there are lots
of those out there.

Written by: Mette Krangnes

Disclaimer: Sesshoumaru, Rin and Jaken are copyrighted Rumiko Takahashi, I don't own them.
Please don't sue.

Sesshoumaru's eyes looked lazily at Rin from across the fire from where he was sitting, leaning
back into a sturdy rock. How long had it been since she has fallen asleep now and how much time
had he wasted away staring at her? Not that he needed to sleep, youkai of his status was above that.
Just... some rest would be nice now and then, and due to Rin's stupid flirting in town he couldn't
help but wonder.
Maybe the boy hadn't stopped at kissing? Maybe a worthless human brat had groped his Rin?
With a frown on his face he tilted his head, the light from the fire flickering on his skin and
playing among the amber in his eyes. She looked rather peaceful where she slept, maybe because she
knew that he usually sat awake during the nights. Or maybe because she was a human and didn't know
Silently Sesshoumaru rose to his feet, making his way around around the fire and towards the sleeping
Rin without disturbing her nor Jaken. As he crouched down next to her he couldn't help but feel
a little sad though. For him a decade or two meant nothing, but for humans it meant everything.
How he had wished for her to remain as the little girl she had been, a small human doll with soft
brownish hair, innocent eyes and fresh scent. It wasn't wise to continue on keeping a human for a pet
like this...
Though when he saw the look on her sleeping face, he sighed, recalling all those years. This was
weakness dammit! And he, Sesshoumaru wasn't supposed to be weak! Everyone who had dared imply that
before wasn't of this world anymore, he had personally seen to that. There would be no doubt:
He, Sesshoumaru, was above such weakly feelings. His face would remain emotionless, he would
continue killing those who opposed him, and he would remain as he had been for centuries.
So why couldn't she...?

All of a sudden Rin murmurred in her sleep, not disturbed though as she simply rolled over, a smile
on her face. Sesshoumaru froze for a moment incase she woke, then watched as she calmed down, her
chest rising and falling with her even breathing. Not entirely sure, Sesshoumaru leaned closer,
sniffing at her. No, he still couldn't smell anything else on her. She still smelled like his Rin,
of flowers, grass, berries and wilderness. He closed his eyes, leaning a little closer, now sitting only a
feet away from her. Her scent filled his senses now, and he reached down a nimble hand to stroke some
strands of dark hair away from her face, feeling the softness of her skin as he did so.
When he saw that she didn't stirr from the contact, he slowly leaned even closer, their noses nearly
touching. Why was he doing this?
Abruptly he pulled back, a frown on his face. This human girl was practically his pup! He had taken her
in when she should have passed on to the other side, he had saved her, let her stay with him for over a
decade now. And in addition to that, youkai should never degrade themselves to the level where they
took interest in humans as mates. And in this care it sickened him even more. His family had enough
shame on it with the fact of his father's dalliance with Inuyasha's mother. It certainly didn't
need him to add to the hall of shame by rutting with the human girl he raised!
With a slight snarl Sesshoumaru sat back on his haunches, watching Rin intently.
He was probably just feeling possessive. After all, she was his property. He didn't need to show
off by taking her, certainly not! To think that he almost degraded himself like that, it was absolutely
preposterous! Narrowing his eyes in a predatory fashion Sesshoumaru nodded for himself. Yes, he was
above such childish behaviour. Next time a male showed interest in Rin he would merely get rid of them.
Yes, just like that, it didn't have to be more difficult.

Before he knew it he had lain down next to her, watching her sleep as he propped himself up on one elbow,
his eyes glued on her peaceful face. She looked more she was when she was younger when she was sleeping...
Without his stern expression faltering from his face he leaned closer again, then tenderly nuzzled her
hair, his eyes drifting shut for a moment.
He would protect her, like he had always done. Protect her until she was able to take care of herself...
... but when would that time come? or, would he let that time come?
Usually when human females reached the age that Rin was in now, they got married...
In the bowels of his chest Sesshoumaru felt a growl rising, but he held it back, opting to clench his
teeth tight instead. Rin marry? HIS Rin marry? Like there was any human male who was good enough for her!
Weak human boys who turned into drunk bastards, corrupt leaders or servants with no backbone.
Carefully he wrapped one arm over her, pulling her closer to him as if to shield her from the outside
world who would surely harm her like it had done when she had been just a pup.
If it hadn't been for him she would have died with the knowledge that she was alone... and wasn't that
what humans feared?
But still... he didn't want to face his fear either... watching his Rin grow old and die... and if he
did indeed continue keeping her he would live to see that. After all, it did seem like yesterday
when she was trumbling around him, chasing colourful butterflies and braiding flowers into her hair.
Now she was a young woman, and before he knew it she would turn into an old hag, with grey hair,
an even weaker body and...
He inhaled her scent again, nuzzling his face further into her hair, sighing as he calmed down again.
Why did she always make him upset like this...? Not many beings were able to thin his patience like this.
And why was Rin the only human...?
Feeling her stirr a tad, he froze for a second, listening to her deep breathing and the wind blowing through
the trees, making the leaves dance in the moonlight.
Then finally, with a mental sigh Sesshoumaru pushed himself up and away from Rin, his golden eyes not
leaving her though. Rising to his feet he brushed his haori free from grass, reprimanding himself.
The lord of the western lands wasn't concerned with the fate of lesser beings. He shouldn't care wether
they breathed or not as long as they didn't oppose him.
He didn't care that Rin was... going to leave him.
Silently he crouched down next to her again, then leaned close, placing a small kiss on her forehead.
He let his lips linger for a moment, tasting her skin, then once again rose to his feet, turning to sit down
at the other end of the fire again, deep in thought still and trying to make a final desicion.