InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Libera me ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This chapter inspired by the song "Forever not yours" by A-Ha. I found the lyrics very approriate for the rest of
the fic. Download that song, it's beautiful!

Disclaimer: Rin and Sesshoumaru belong to Rumiko Takahashi, please don't sue!


T he doors slid open almost soundlessly, and Sesshoumaru slinked inside, shutting it as his eyes travelled the room.
His nose had been right: there, in the other end of the small room he could see Rin sleeping peacefully,
snuggled up in her futon with the usual peaceful look on her face. Her breathing was even, she smelled clean,
she was unharmed.
Watching her sleep made him calm down a little. She was safe...

Thoughts whirled around in his head as he walked over silently, then crouched down next to her, his eyes travelling
up and down her small body.
What should he do? Before he entered the house he was quite certain, but upon seeing her sleep again
all the images he had forced away came back. Rin when he had first seen her... a beat up Rin who
smiled brightly at him while lacking a tooh... Rin lying dead on the road... Rin opening her eyes again...
Feeling the familiar wave of possesiveness, Sesshoumaru's eyes softened a tad as he reached his hand out towards
her, holding his breath as the few seconds it took before he touched her hair seemed like an eternity.
Her hair felt softer than he remembered it to be as his fingerpads stroked her brown hair gently, not wanting
to wake her up.

Could he do this? Was it really wise to leave her here with that human boy? He had respected her wishes so far
for distance, which at least showed that he cared about her at least. If the human boy instead had tried to force
himself on her then, Sesshoumaru knew he would have killed him on the spot, without doubt nor regret.
If Rin had cried, he would have put on his icy mask and told her to follow him.
... why couldn't that had happened instead? It would have made things so much easier...
But he could still do it, right? After sniffing the air, Sesshoumaru concluded that the boy slept in the next room.
It would be an easy task to just slink out into the hallway and the room, then with a swift swing of his
poisonous claws the boy would no longer be among the living. Or, just to make himself feel better, Sesshoumaru
could wake the worthless human up just to enjoy his fear before he killed him.
Then nothing could stop him from grabbing Rin and disappear into the night where he had come from, and the next
morning everything would be back to normal, just like it had been and should be.
Away from this pathetic village and the absolutely distasteful scent of that human boy...

Leaning more over the sleeping girl, Sesshoumaru sniffed at her, her soft scent filling his nose.
To believe that he had thought of it as foul all those years ago.
How was it possible for a mere human girl to make him so weak? It angered him greatly, yet... how could he
be mad at her? His little Rin?
How could he kill somebody she obviously cared about? Could he kill somebody who cared for her in return?
Realizing he was now leaning even closer to her, he sighed, closing his eyes as he nuzzled her cheek gently,
not knowing what to do.


Something was tickling her, and Rin wrinkled her nose in her sleep, her tired eyes fluttering open.
Nothing could have prepared her for the sight of Sesshoumaru leaning over her, his eyes closed as he
gently nuzzled her cheek.
"... S-sesshoumaru-sama?" she croaked out, shifting and pushing herself up. The dark form above her pulled
away slightly, and a wave of relief washed over her as she saw a pair of familiar golden eyes open
and stare back at her.

Startled a little, Sesshoumaru pulled back from her, his eyes gazing at her in the darkness of the room.
"Why are you late...?"
He almost smiled bitterly at that. No questioning of why he was here in the room in the middle of the night?
This he hadn't planned. What should he do? What should he say? Should he say anything at all?
"Are you okay, Rin?"
The words had left his mouth before he became aware of it.
Relaxing a tad after hearing her master's voice, Rin laid back down, watching him with a tired smile.
"I'm fine, Hatsui's family is very nice..."
So that was the name of that accursed human boy. He hated it.
"I see."
"His mother taught me how to make some rice dishes, and they said that I could come visit whenever we travel
by this village again," continued Rin in a hushed whisper, not wanting the sleeping inhabitants wake up.
She could barely hear herself, but to Sesshoumaru's delicate youkai ears it was more than loud enough
to make out the words.
"So they liked you, I gather?" he responded calmly, sitting himself down next to her futon, his taunt muscles
relaxing a little.
Smiling widely, Rin nodded and stared up at the ceiling. She couldn't remember the last time Sesshoumaru
had actually asked her questions. Hell, she could barely remember the last time he had a conversation like
this with her. Mostly it was only orders for her to get food, hurry up or to stay put until he returned
from a battle or anything of that sort.
"Yeah, it seems so..." she admitted, then blushed a little, which earned Sesshoumaru's curiousity.
"Is something the matter...?" demanded the youkai as he leaned slightly closer, not liking the way the girl
averted her eyes.
Rin couldn't exactly find the right words for what she wanted to express, or more correctly, did she really want
to let Sesshoumaru know that Hatsui's father directly had suggested that she should stay and become
Hatsui's wife? How would he react? Knowing all too well of Sesshoumaru's great anger and distaste towards humans
in general, Rin couldn't imagine how he would react that they wanted her to stay.
"N-no, it's nothing..." sighed Rin, letting her eyes travel across the thin wall.
Feeling a little frustrated, Sesshoumaru growled a little, narrowing his eyes. Something was indeed wrong,
and he wanted to know what.
"Tell me, Rin."
The seconds before Rin finally opened her dry mouth to answer felt like forever for both of them, then
Rin spoke out as best as she could.
"T-they... they wished I could say..."

There were no words to describe what those words felt like. Even though he had heard her say 'they', indicating
the family, Sesshoumaru could sense that they also refered to her... Rin wanted to stay with these humans?
So it was like he had feared... wait? Feared? He didn't fear anything! If Rin wished to leave him, then she
should leave. She was of no use to him, she had never been nor would she be. The only thing she did was
delay him, jabber about uninteresting stuff, for example the weather, pathetic flowers she picked and about
trivial stuff, she constantly needed food, water and to rest.
Well, okay... so she did keep Jaken busy so the two of them were arguing so he at least would have some peace,
and she took amazingly good care of Ah-Un. And once in a while she groomed his hair too... and she had become
rather good at fixing clothes, which was women's work.
Then it was... her presence... she... whenever she smiled up at him, it made him... calm down.
He didn't know why or how, but it did. All he knew now was that he couldn't chose: her happyness, or his?
Then it hit him.
He was a mighty youkai, the lord of the western lands. His will was final, he owned this human girl since the
moment her heart had started beating after he had revived her! She adored him!
Nobdy could take her without his permission... so he would make her return to him, where she belonged.

As Rin saw him lean closer, his form looming over her in the dark she couldn't help but squeak a tad, her eyes
growing wide.
She was silenced however as his lips gently brushed against her cheek, his soft breath tickling against her skin.
Reaching one arm out he pulled her close and laid down next to her, hugging her back into his chest, her small
form slightly covered by his bigger one.
Not moving, Rin stared right in front of her, feeling his arms gently wrap around her waist and his nose burrying
into her hair. Why was she blushing?
When she usually slept, she slept next to him, only snuggling up in his tail. And when Sesshoumaru slept, which
wasn't often at all, he chose to sit underneath a tree, sleeping lightly incase any danger lurked.
This... felt weird. To hear him breathing calmly into her ear, one hand at her waist, his strong arms pulling
her close, the warmth of him next to her.
After a few moments Rin allowed herself to breathe again, then she closed her eyes and leaned back into his broad
chest, nuzzling her face into the softness of the tail.

When she relaxed against him, Sesshoumaru sighed, lazily stroking his cheek against her shoulder, where the hem
of her sleeping kimono had fallen down, revealing some skin. Gently stroking his lips over her collarbone and
nipping with his teeth to distract her, he moved his right hand down from her waist to her thigh, which made
Rin freeze.
"... what are..." she began, sounding both confused and a little scared at the same time.
"Shhh," hushed Sesshoumaru as his other hand found her chin, pushing her face towards his, "don't speak...
not now..."


A/N: Lemon part of this chapter will be posted later when I actually finish writing it! **blushes**
Anyway, hope you anti-lemon people liked this chapter, and I hope you lemon-lovers will look forward to the
lemon part! Anyway, review with suggestions for improvements, your thoughts, fears and hope!

The next chapter, and altso the last chapter, is done! I'll post it when I think I've gotten enough reviews! ^_^
**smirks** Yes, I love getting reviews!