InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little No More ❯ Finding The Truth ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Little No More
Chapter One - Finding The Truth
“Bye, Mom!”
“Bye, dear. Be careful you know some shrines are dangerous...“
“Yes mom I know...” A young girl mocked back. Her long raven black hair hung over her shoulders lightly, part held back into a ponytail. Keeping a good portion out of her bright brown eyes. “Finally I got away from her.” Hatsue Shinpo said cheerfully as she saw her friends waiting for her at the front entrance to her family's home.
“Hey Hatsue what took you?” Kura Mutsu, Hatsue's best friend asked curiously and smiled. Her short, amber colored hair pushed back behind her ears so the few, short bangs wouldn't cover her hazel eyes.
“My mom,” She said in a bored tone,“ She wouldn't let me leave unless I knew how dangerous shrines can be. I had to sit and listen to everything that makes them dangerous...But not one made sense.“ Hatsue laughed and started down the street toward school with her two friends.
“Are you excited about the trip to Higurashi Shrine, Hatsue?“ Tohru Gura asked softly while reaching up to push a few stray lock of her long blond hair out of her blue eyes. “Kelo said he wanted to share a bus seat with you.” She said and smiled at her friend's blush.
“Yea, he seems to really like you Hatsue. Why don't you accept any of his dates?“ Kura asked slightly confused. ”I mean come on any girl would love to be in your place...He's cute, polite...Did I mention cute?“ She asked then laughed when both Tohru and Hatsue gave her a dumb look. “Well...”
Hatsue sighed as she turned her attention to the side walk she was walking on. “He's just not my type of guy...” She spoke softly, hoping her friends wouldn't continue the conversation.
“Well what is your type?” Tohru piped up curiously as she glanced from where she was going to Hatsue.
I knew it...They can't take a hint to shut up! Hatsue thought then sighed once more. “I don't know...I'd like a guy who is tough but still is sweet in his own way. Someone who can back up his talk if you know what I mean.“ She said and winked then laughed.
“So in other words you like the blood thirsty gangster type...“ Kura said and stared at her friend confused for a moment. “You don't seem the type that would like that kind of guy, Hatsue. I mean...Wouldn't you rather have a guy who is willing to buy you anything you want.“ She asked and then stared up at the sky as if in deep thought.
Hatsue shook her head at her friend who was now daydreaming. I don't know why myself...I have just always thought that one day when I meet Mr. Right he wouldn't be like any other normal guys. He'd be different...But in a good way.
She thought to herself as the school came into view and she noticed the buses already loading. “Agh! Come on we're going to miss the bus!” Hatsue yelled and grabbed her friend's hands and started to run toward the buses.
“Hatsue you're going to pull my arm off slow down...“ Tohru yelled and tried her best to keep up with her friend's pace.
“Come on...I wanna keep it...Let go...I can run on my own!“ Kura whined and tried to pry Hatsue's hand off her wrist.
“Hatsue, I saw you and made the bus wait...” A young man said, his short brown hair in his blue eyes some as he smiled at Hatsue. “Are you all right?”
“Yea...I'm okay...Just fine...” Hatsue said through deep breaths. “Thanks Kelo...” She said and staggered on the bus out of breath from having to run and drag her friends too.
“Lord Sesshomaru,” A young girl spoke softly as she held her hand over her stomach as it made a strange rumbling sound. “I'm hungry can I go find something to eat?” She asked hopefully.
“Rin, we can't stop every time you get hungry!” Jakken, Sesshomaru's minion spoke out angrily at the young human girl.
“Go ahead,” Sesshomaru said calmly. His long silver hair blowing gently behind him as he walked and his golden orbs fixed in front of him.
“Thank you Milord!” Rin said happily and leapt down from An'un and started out a bit into the forest to search for something eatable.
“Stupid girl,” Jakken said annoyed then turned to look up at Sesshomaru. “Are we going to wait on her or continue, Milord?”
Sesshomaru ignored the toad demon as usual and set his attention to more important things. It is the same scent...He thought and then shook the thought away as he continued to walk, knowing that Rin would follow them on her search for food.
“Finally...I don't think I could take that bus drivers driving any more...“ Tohru said as she ran off the bus, her hand up to her mouth.
Hatsue and the others just laughed at their friend as she held her stomach after throwing up a bit.
“Tohru it wasn't that bad,” Kura said and laughed.
“All right, settle down!” The teacher yelled over all the students. “Okay now Mr. Higurashi is going to be nice enough to explain all of the stuff in the shrine so pay attention to him and show him respect...“ The teacher spoke then turned to look at an old man walking toward them.
“Is that Mr. Higurashi? Was he around in the Warring Era?“ Kura asked then laughed as she got a dumb look from both Kelo and Hatsue.
“They say his family has been watching over this shrine for generations...“ Tohru said once she got herself together and rejoined her little group.
“Really? How do you know so much about the geezer?” Kura asked and looked over at her friend curiously.
“This,” She said and held up a booklet. “They gave them out yesterday to anyone who wanted one...“ Tohru said and laughed when all she received was a huff from Kura.
“What else does it say, Tohru?” Hatsue asked curious of this beautiful yet mystical place. I have a strange feeling...Like I'm being watched. She thought and hugged herself, rubbing her upper arms as she got goose bumps.
“Are you cold, Hatsue?” Kelo asked as he noticed her hugging herself.
“Huh?” She asked since she wasn't paying attention. “Oh no I'm fine...” Hatsue said, hoping what ever he said that would answer it.
“Well let me see...The Higurashi Shrine is said to make it through years. It is one of the oldest shrines here.“ Tohru read off from the booklet and followed behind the others.
“Sounds boring...” Kura said with a joking yawn as they followed Mr. Higurashi through the shrine not noticing one of their little group stopping.
“What's that...” Hatsue said lowly to herself as a small building caught her eye and seemed to call to her. Geez this place is creepy...She thought and started to turn and run after her friends but stopped when she thought she heard something.
“Hello?” Hatsue asked confused then took a few steps toward the building that she had been staring at.
A peek won't hurt...Right? She thought as she stopped in front of the doors and then pushed them open and gasped as she noticed steps then an old looking, wooden well at the bottom. “Whoa...” She said softly and walked in and started down the steps slowly. “This must be hundreds of years old.” Hatsue said to herself as she ran her hand along the tip of the well as she walked around it.
“Huh? Hello?” Hatsue asked when she thought she heard a low rumbling voice. “Okay...This is creepy...” She said quickly and started to turned to leave.
He needs to know...
“All right who's there!” She said getting scared. Okay I'm yelling at nothing now...Geez...I better get out of here. Hatsue thought and turned again to leave but stopped frightened when a blurry mist seemed to block her view of the door. “Uh...” She barely got out as she backed away from the strange mist.
Come...To his era...
“What? No, don't!” She yelled and forgot about the well as she turned to run and instead she fell over the tip of the well and into the darkness of the Bone Eaters Well.
Sesshomaru stopped and glanced back behind him. She's here...But that scent is odd...He thought slightly puzzled yet curious.
“What is it, Milord?” Jakken asked once he noticed Sesshomaru had stopped.
“Watch after Rin,” He said bluntly and turned to go the other way. His mind riddled with confusion at this new scent.
“Oh...My head...” Hatsue spoke gently as she placed her hand up to her forehead. “Kura! Tohru! Kelo?” She yelled and paused. Waiting for an answer. None came. Ok, that's odd. Where are they? She thought with confusion. “They must have moved on to another part of the shrine,“ She spoke softly as she climbed up the side of the well as best she could.
Reaching the top a gasp escaped her mouth. “Whe-where am I?” She breathed out in confusion. “This isn't the Higurashi Shrine.”
“Who are you?” A rough, yet calm voice echoed, catching Hatsue's attention quickly.
“Awe...” She barely spoke at the man she saw. He was...beautiful. She stared at him amazed for a few moments. Her caramel orbs taking in his beauty. Long silver hair, amber colored ever that fluffy thing is..yep, I'm crazy! .She thought and hauled herself the rest of the way out of the well. “My name is Hatsue Shinpo,” She finally answered.
Sesshomaru's gaze narrowed as he stared oddly at the human woman. She looked almost identical to Rin, except older. More mature and fleshed out. But she still held the air of innocence about her.
“Who are you?” Hatsue asked and stood awaiting his answer curiously.
After her seemed to check the young woman over Sesshomaru merely turned. “My name is Sesshomaru,” He spoke as if caring less. He started to walk, leaving her standing. If she is who she seems she will follow, He thought as he continued seeing if what he thought would be true.
A soft, un-noticeable grin played over his lips when he glanced to see the young woman start following him. Perhaps she can be...