InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Long time forgotten feeling ❯ Of battles and Friends ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, I'll tell you nice and clear, I'm so stuck up with this fic. I just can't really 'enjoy' myself writing it. No don't worry, I'm not going to delete it and stop. It'll keep going of course. I'm just going to take a while for the updates. I can't come up with decent stuff for this from a while…which is---5 months. Oh gosh… Speaking about writers block gone a few months ago was I huh…? An I have to say this chapter isn't even complete, it's a part of it. You can't imagine how many times I erased and re-wrote pieces of this because it was crappish. And how many times I copied and pasted stuff to try and make is sense…and many other stuff. Bear with me ok? ^-^' hehe…

Long Time Forgotten Feeling

Round 6: Of battles and friends

The two were standing a few meters one from the other. They bowed slightly in respect and brought their hands to their swords. Slowly, studying each other's movements they sheathed their katana. Sesshoumaru drew Tenseiga and Kagome Takiden. Everything and everybody was silent, waiting for one of the athletes to attack first.

Knowing fully that Sesshoumaru's technique wasn't absolutely offensive Kagome decided to start first. Carefully she brought her sword vertically in front of her; keeping the hilt with her right hand and gently tilting the point slightly forwards with the left one. Pivoting on her right foot she lunged forward, Takiden by her by her right side.

He knew she would strike first, she knew he wasn't for the offensive and he knew she wouldn't wait for him to start because it would take too much time. He saw her placing her sword vertically in front of her, he realized her technique had changed a little; once she used to handle her katana with two hands, as it was commonly held, while now she used only one; it was a strange technique he had never seen. Noticing that she was starting to move on her right foot he decided it was time to start thinking seriously about this. Bringing Tenseiga horizontally in front of him he used his left hand to keep the end of the blade while gripping the hilt with his right; he fenced her first attack. Not bad. He thought.

This is going to be tough. Kagome mused; yet there was something hilarious about it, probably because she was having a serious challenge after a long time. Using one of the tactics she learned when she was younger, she did a front flip and landed behind him, both back to back.

They turned simultaneously and both hit the other's katana. The sound of metal clashing with metal echoed through all the dojo and outside in the garden. Then jumped away from one another and charged again, nobody had the time to see what they'd done. A few teachers arrived, thinking that some of the students of the club had started a pit, as usually happened. When they arrived, they weren't prepared to what they saw.

Kobashi Sesshoumaru and Higurashi Kagome had cut off from the respective opponent one of the sleeves of their clothing. "Hey, hey, calm down you two, remember, you could be without an arm now!" Shouted Daimiya-sensei at his students. But strangely they turned around, an angry look on their faces. The sent a death-glare right for the teacher. If a look could kill, Daimiya-san would already be in the afterlife by now.

"Heck," Kagome shouted. Everybody in the dojo winced covering their ears in a protective manner. "Do you really think we're 'that' stupid as to slice an arm off someone? We're a bit wiser than that Daimiya-san." Her ponytail was now quite loose due to her movements and the lace holding it in place wasn't as tight as it used to be. Her eyes held ferocity and will.

"Kobashi-san, Higurashi-san! You're playing dirty. At least don't hit your heads and please; don't hurt one another in any way." The sensei said worried.

Turning to look at each other Kagome and Sesshoumaru spared a few words before attacking again. "I see we have something in common," She said.

"No holding back, that was obvious." He said bluntly.

Gripping his sword with both hands Sesshoumaru sent a vertical blow to Kagome; she placed her sword in front of her face with the edge towards her face defending herself, all the while looking at her opponent. Sliding his sword all the length of hers she brought her left hand towards Takiden and thrust it sideways, where she came again in contact with Tenseiga.

They went on like that for what seemed like hours. Sesshoumaru blocking Kagome and vice-versa. At one point both of them were quite tired; they were drenched in sweat and panting slightly.

Then Kagome attacked Sesshoumaru, she had long since stopped holding her katana with one hand, for she was growing more tired by the minute. This time she couldn't block her opponents counterattack in time and raising her sword just one moment before Sesshoumaru's sword collided with her own, getting the impact full force on her wrists and forearms. When she couldn't keep it anymore her arms went limp and she fell on the floor on her butt. And Sesshoumaru pointed his sword at her throat.

"Ok guys stop it here, this wasn't a really regular play you know that? Sesshoumaru, you win. Kagome, you lose. You probably just broke a dozen f school rules right now as well..." Said Daimiya-sensei. A childish laugh echoed through all the dojo. It was innocent, pure, and without any doubt female. All turned around to see Kagome laughing her ass off while Sesshoumaru was still pointing his sword at her neck. He looked quite angry

"Oh gods. I just-I just can't stop laughing. It was so much fun. I feel like I'm twelve years old again… Hey dude, I'd really appreciate if you sheathed you sword. It's a bit uncomfortable having a katana pointed at my throat." Kagome said; first addressing everyone, then, looking seriously at Sesshoumaru. When he removed Tenseiga from her throat and moved so she could get up she thanked him with a short 'thanx' and held her hand out.

He took it and looked at her, "Still can't accept defeat can you?" He told her. Sesshoumaru could remember a few times when she was defeated. She simply stalked off and went to sulk in a park.

"Nah, it's more like I haven't had a decent challenge for ages, so this doesn't feel like a defeat. You are something like four years older than me, and you're a guy. I mean, it's quite a good result for me whichever way you turn it doesn't it? Oh well, whatever. I'm going to change."

Everybody just looked at her. Then a boy named Hiroshi said, "Hey, she's got it right though. She didn't win but she's kept up for an hour. That's awesome. And she's a girl!"

Everybody else started talking and in the end they just forgot what Hiroshi had said and started saying out loud 'Yay Sesshoumaru! Guys are always better than girls!' or something along those lines.

Clearly angry Kagome just looked at them and headed for the changing room, went inside and started putting on her normal clothes on once again.

All the other people in the dojo apart from Sesshoumaru looked at the door shocked. She'd been all childish and laughing a few moments before, and now here was back her arrogant self. They all shrugged it off expecting something similar for all their training sessions and went to the changing rooms. Yet Sesshoumaru, even though he had work to do at home, remained in the dojo to practice and to get some mental peace during meditation.


Once out of the dojo, Kagome felt refreshed. All the bad memories and feeling she'd had before the club had faded-even if for only a short period of time-from her mind. Deciding she had some spare time and nothing to do she went to see whether Sango would like to go shopping in the center, maybe they could stop at her place and have some tea; and she had to buy a few things too.

She found her friend reading a book in the small lake in from of the school under the shade of a big sakura tree. "Hey Sango-chan," said Kagome while leaning on top of her sitting friend from behind, "I was wondering whether you would like to come shopping with me in about five minutes." She was rewarded with a high-pitched scream.

Oh right, Sango always screams when I approach her from behind. Mental note: don't' scare Sango, it hurts my ears. "So, are you coming?" she repeated

"Yeah yeah, just wait a sec, we can go get out backpacks and go. Really, you shouldn't sneak like that behind people." Sango said exasperatedly. Kagome had thins thing for walking around silently like a panther to just pop out behind you and scare you to death.

"Ok! And I wasn't sneaking, it's more like 'approaching in thought'." Kagome laughed.

At thins Sango gave up and stood. "You know, the day someone can win an argument against you will be the day the sky falls." And they both started laughing. Even though the day started in the wrong way, in the afternoon things were slowly going on for the better. Maybe after a long time, people were really finding some much needed peace.

----(to continue & edit 'a little'…gomen)---