InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Long time forgotten feeling ❯ Because of someone you cared for ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

N/A:My boost bar is full to the 100%! I wanna thank all of ya who reviewed! You gave me the "courage" and strength to continue my fic!!! Then I also wanted to apologize, I've been editing again chap.1(wasn't too sure if it came out good!! But I'll trust ya all) and noted that in the authors notes I wrote guy and girls! I'm terribly sorry! I meant guys and girls! Gomen nasai!!

Domo arigatoo if you forgive me!! + I saw that I didn't mention what a judeka was, although I think most of you know what it is I wanna tell the ones who don't! So a judeka is basically the name given to a person who performs judo! (you people who perform (is the verb right? I didn't know how to say it!) judo tell me if I got it wrong cuz I'm a karateka so kinda adapted it to my restricted knowledge. Well, I didn't really guess, I did actually read or hear this somewhere ) Probably you're askin yourself why I didn't put such an easy thing on chap.1! Well, I have to say I, kinda forgot! I'm sorry! But I'm giving you a present! What? Well, I've been trying to make this chappie a bit times longer! Dunno if I managed thoughtmmm…maybe I should talk less huh?

Disclaimer: I DON'T own Inu-yasha…nor Sesshoumaru (why does this world continue to make me remember that! I'd like I could! It'll be a dream! *Daydreams* ) OK OK lets come back to reality!!!-_-'

Long time forgotten feeling Round 2: Because of someone you cared for

Surprisingly he took the hand she had offered him and she helped him up… His look of astonishment and interest was making her blood boil, was she so interesting to look at? She was starting to have a certain disliking for this guy. She didn't like to judge people by first appearances and so decided to at least be polite. He stood up and looked at her for a moment before speaking "Are you Higurashi Kagome?" He asked. The question took her by surprise, how did he know her name? She wasn't that popular, was she? At least that was what she thought, yeah…she had won a 'few' national competitions over karate, archery and judo, but popularity wasn't good for her. Many people wanted popularity but she was happy if everyone left her alone…Being crowded by people made her feel nervous.

Even thought millions of questions were torturing her mind, she was well capable of hiding what she was thinking or feeling to everyone, so with indifference she asked "Yeah, I'm Higurashi Kagome. Who are you? How com you know my name?" He was know looking at her as one would look at an insane person. His golden eyes were staring at her as if she was some sort of alien.

She was fed up of all this and was nearly missing her lesson "Hey, if you're going to answer you'll better do it quickly because I have to go. You're making me late for class." Somehow she had took him out of his trance and he nodded "Well, in case you haven't seen that for yourself, everybody knows who you are. In fact they're all staring at you." He said pointing in the direction of the lockers. "You are N.1 judeka in Japan right?" she nodded slightly annoyed, why was he making such a fuss over it? "This college is famous for it's good study level…but even for the practice of traditional arts such as judo. Apart freshmen everybody knows about you." She had picked up the part on everybody knows about you, but didn't show all the nervousness it had provoked inside her . No, this could not be happening, all she wanted was a nice and calm college year and here she was, everybody already knew her! "So you are?" "Inu-yasha, N.1 judeka of Tokyo U" he replied "Ooook, high and mighty Inu-yasha, why don't you tell me why does everyone know about me huh?" She said as if taunting him to yell at her. She was beginning to have fun pocking this guy!! She brought her hands to her heels and stared at him, a grin slowly making it's way to her lips. From the look on his face he was starting to get angry. His feelings were such an open book, just after two minutes of 'conversation' she could say what he was thinking. Maybe she was wrong…but most of the times, he'd been just too predictable.

This girl was getting onto his nerves!! How had she addressed him?!!! Probably in another circumstance he would've appreciated her comment, but the way she had said it really got him pissed off!!! She had been so sarcastic! As if she wanted to remember him that she could beat him any time she wanted.

Had he just thought of her as a fragile little tomboy? What the heck was he thinking about before? She was no fragile little tomboy!!!! She was a clever and strong emotionless demon!! If he didn't know who she was he could have sworn that in front of him was his brother!!! That look, that persistent smirk and her cool and controlled temper made his anger boil just as much his brother's sarcastic remarks did!!! " Tokyo University likes too keep it's standards high so every year 1st year students make a detailed research on the various clubs. From now 5 years in every research for archery, karate and judo students have met you are Japan's N.1. They then made their presentation and even who wasn't grouped for those clubs came to know it." He said trying to keep calm. Actually he was feeling really proud to know something she didn't.

Kagome turned her head to the ceiling and stared blankly at it for a moment do the gods want revenge for something? She thought bitterly. She didn't want popularity, all it brought were problems…and sorrow… In high school she had had many problems, she even had to change school. Other karatekas and judekas wanted to spar at all times and her health had been really proven during that period, fortunately in that school there wasn't kendo club. Kendo had always been the sport she was worst at. Archery had never brought her great problems because archers had polite manners and were friendly most of the time.

During the second two years of high school she was often in hospital. She had never fainted at school, she'd never give such satisfaction to all those, jerks. Despite this when she arrived at home she would fall unconscious and her mother would eventually bring her to hospital. She had become really fond to a doctor, he was to her like the father she'd never had. His name was Inutaisho Kobashi. Now that she thought of it, this guy, Inu-yasha looked pretty much like him, nooo, no way! A guy like this could not be Inutaisho's son! Kobashi-san had been so nice and caring… No! Not all the time! He too had left her like everyone who she cared for did! He had changed hospital and didn't even come to say good-bye. The day she was given the news, she had sworn she would never care for anybody else again in her life… It was now three years from when he had left but every time she thought of him, she felt sorrow overcome her. Sports had become a way of forgetting everything, but this, nobody apart her knew….

She was so lost in her thoughts that that she hadn't realized how late it was, form what she had heard, Yasda-sensei would get mad if someone was late! She turned towards Inu-yasha and 'thanked' him "Well, thank you for making it clear, be sure I'll not disturb you anymore." She turned and walked towards her class.

Inu-yasha stood there, watching as she told him that she'd never bother him again. He couldn't quite pick up if it was an apology or another remark; she had been so annoying the last four minutes that he didn't care the less if he never saw her again. Then she turned away and walked gracefully towards the Japan's ancient history room without a word. He was brought back to his earlier conversation by Kikyou "Ohh high and mighty Inu-yasha before the interruption I was asking if you'd like to come and see the archery tournament this Friday?" she squealed "Quit it Kikyou!" He said rather annoyed, if the word spread around that would be his nickname for all the year. "Ok Ok, so are you coming?" she asked impatiently "Yeah Kikyou, sure I am!" He said trying not to sound as angry as he was. "Great!! We'll go directly after school on Friday OK?" While talking Kikyou looked over to where her best friend was staring but found nothing more than crowded halls of Tokyo University… "Yeah all right with me" He said. Maybe he should chill out more. He wasn't anymore N.1 judeka of college, although it was sad, he should accept that.

Somehow the idea of never seeing her again made him feel sorry. The look on her eyes, it wasn't one of a happy girl, not at all. Nothing could be read in her blue eyes, but he had absolutely, even if only for a moment…he had seen a look of loss and sorrow in those eyes, she had been staring at the ceiling thinking about something completely unknown by everyone apart her…

Sesshoumaru had been watching the scene before his eyes. He could remember well that girl…he had beaten her during the national's finals of kendo. She was pretty strong. Of course, he would never admit such a thing to no one else but himself… She was in such a rush that she had ran over his stupid half brother. He was going to class, Yasda-sensei had asked him for some help during his class and he didn't want the teachers to start disliking him. Having the teachers at his side was convenient although he needed their help to get what he wanted. His brother was taking too much to sit up and probably the fool was going to start a fight. He's chosen the wrong person to pick up fight with he'd thought. He had heard the way she had addressed him as the high and mighty Inu-yasha, if it wasn't for his always maintained control he probably would have started laughing. The girl had then turned saying something that had disappointed Inu-yasha and started walking towards class, Japan's ancient history class in fact...

Hehe what do ya think? Is it a cliff hanger? I've tried to figure it out myself but was too tired at the end so tell me please!

Did it rally take me only 2 days? Omg! It's record time! Chap.1 took me 2 weeks! (yeah, I'm not kidding!! It really did take me 2 weeks!! And it was soo short too! I was soo stuck on grammar! Well, I'm getting used to it thought so don't despair…) so I duno if this chap is good…well review & make me know! I think it took me so lil time cuz you people gave me the strength!! Review review and review! I know this chapter is kinda short too but I think that because I've updated after 2 days I can be 'pretty' happy with what I it.