InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Long time forgotten feeling ❯ Who do you think you are? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

N/A:HI! I'm back with part II! Aren't u happy?! Da-daaaaaa-----n, Sesshoumaru actually has a part here! I wanna thank reviewers even if they didn't give me an answer to my question! I'll take it as a no… Ok lets start the story now ne?

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuysha or any of those cutie characters… I could start kidnapping them though

Long time forgotten feeling

Round 4: Who do you think you are?

He was bored. Writing on the board the stuff the teacher was saying was annoying. To pass some time he watched all the idiots that were intent listening to Yasda-sensei. They were funny actually. All there, writing lots and lots of notes. He watched at them one by one. A guy with black hair tied in a tail was groping on one of the few girls who were taking this class.

After that guy was sitting his brother, he was writing and every now and then he would pick his head up to tell of that lecherous guy near him. Although he tried hard, Inu-yasha had never been so good at school. Inu-yasha had never been good in anything apart judo. He was annoying and trouble some. Was he really his brother? So clumsy, dumb, stupid… The list went on for ever and without him realizing it three quarters of the lesson had passed.

He looked at the board, it was full of well written notes. He, differently from his brother, was the best student of the university.

He looked at Higurashi again, it was obvious that she wasn't paying any attention to what the sensei was saying. She looked like she was lost in her own world. Her gaze distant, her body unmoving. He could remember well her face when he had told her to sit down. She had looked hurt and sad. When she had jumped from her chair she had seemed so happy and now, instead, she looked like a lost girl abandoned to fate.

The first time he had seen her, she had looked that way too. Lost and sad. She had been really proved physically and she looked rather stressed. She had become a friend of his father. Almost like an adoptive daughter. He had been bad to her. During the tournaments he had gone really hard on her. The truth was...that he was jealous. His father had been so proud of her…and she wasn't even his daughter. All he had wanted was to get some recognition from him. But no! He had eyes only for her and that brother of his.

This was so unlike him. Why couldn't he accept the situation as it was? He had asked himself this question many times. He thought that only a few years ago he had left his mind free from the subject. His father had never cared for him, that was that. He couldn't change reality. In his solitude he found comfort. He was indifferent to everything around him. Everything…

The hour was over. The huge board was now all covered in white chalk. He couldn't understand why Yasda-sensei wanted to write all this useless stuff on it. She should do as all the other teachers did, talk and let the students get notes on their own. She was too good with them.

He watched d the crowd of students hurrying to their next class. His brother was grumbling on why he had to take backup lessons and that guy with him too, well, not until a girl passed by his side. Actually, that girl was Higurashi Kagome, the lecherous guy had just 'caressed' her ass and she had yelled something as "You pervert! I'll rip you into shreds!"

He had quite expected that from her. Reacting violently to something so insignificant. Not that he liked groping, it was just that all the other boys in the school did that and she shouldn't be so impressed. In fact he did pity them.

He exited the class and looked at what was going on. It looked like some sort of riot was taking place. Everyone was crowded in a spot looking rather astonished. What he found was unexpected.

Kagome had now slammed the boy, who was supposed to be called Miroku Takishi, to the wall. He heard her low and threatening voice in the rumor of the others. "You, try and do that again…and you won't live enough to regret it…" she had her arm placed on Takishi's throat and he had a rather shocked look on his face.

She looked like one of the members of the many gangs in Tokyo. Had she lowered herself so much? He had thought of her a bit more highly.

Inu-yasha came rushing trying to knock her down, but she was faster and ducked. "What do you want? I still have to tell him a few things." She said taunting. Inu-yasha was now furious, Higurashi was pissing him off, he knew that well. His brother hated it when he did that too, which was practically everytime they met.

"What talk! Yo look like you wanna kill him! If you want to have a fight with somebody then have it with me!"

If something could be read on her face, that was boredom. With a smirk on her face he heard her say "Ok, like I didn't have enough of you this morning." She had changed a lot. Usually she wouldn't have accepted a fight like that.

He had to stop this nonsense before Inu-yasha got into trouble. Not that he cared, but his father would yell at him for not getting his useless brother out of school problems.

This was really bad…the first day of school she was getting into a fight! Well, too late to stop this… Kagome thought

She closed her eyes, concentrated on everything that surrounded her till she could pick only her opponents movements. He was running to attack. She flinched to the side and punched him on the stomach. Hard enough to make him fall to the ground, not enough to make him faint.

Someone from behind her grabbed her by the throat with the arm and with the other hand he kept her arms locked behind her. She looked up and saw… Sesshoumaru!

This couldn't be possible. "You two should stop now. " He said with an impassive and cool voice. She was so angry! She pulled as hard as she could and freed herself from his grip.

"You." She pointed at Sesshoumaru keeping her calm attitude. "You should leave me alone, this isn't any of your business." She wanted him to leave, and rapidly. "Looks like you haven't grown. Can't keep out of problems still eh? I imagine all is going to finish out just as in high school…and you know what I mean."

This was the last strike. She turned away and said, "Who do you think you are, Sesshoumaru?" She said his name bitterly, as if only the sound of it revolted her. "You don't know what you're playing with. You'll better keep out of this." She started walking towards the Japanese literature class slowly and with infinite grace although she was angry. Everyone just looked at her. She was really beautiful. Yeah, who had ever said that beauty wasn't evil.

Inu-yasha was swearing at Miroku for getting into so much trouble, but it was obvious he was ashamed that he'd been beaten. Sesshoumaru just walked away.

Everyone was lost in his or her own thoughts, too deep to be discovered…

Probably Sesshoumaru's a lil'OOC. Hi! I had this really cool idea of having Kagome feared and in a gang! I really like it! Maybe Sesshou's getting her outa this…maybe. Don't wanna tell you too much! I know this was short but of you do part I + part II it's kinda long ne? Well, this fic is getting somehow easier to write. Pfiu! -_-' remember to Review & Review ne? I really need help to get something done! Ya know, otherwise I'll take 2/3 weeks again! ^-^ I can't believe I didn't have to use flashbacks to make it have some sense!