InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lord Of ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
amplified thoughts/meanings

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Date: TA 2933

I have almost forgotten how beautiful this place was.

Breathe escaping in a heavy sigh she shifted her weight backwards, her heels touching just behind the shoulders of the elegantly boned mare that she was riding as a means of bringing the beast to a halt without employing the reins that dangled limply against the back of the horse's long arching neck, she considered the sight of the dozing city... village... safe haven and stronghold... that was barely visible within the night's gloom. It was late now, later than she had wanted to arrive at, for if she was to glance over her shoulder and to the left she knew instinctively that she would see the pale grayish... almost brilliantly silvered... globe of the moon as it hovered maybe an hour or two from truly reaching directly overhead. The light was just enough to allow her the ability to see the settlement in all its glory which somehow... though she doubted that she would ever understand completely... seemed to be more enticing to her in the darkness.

Or maybe it was the fact that she was tired.

The summons had come late, later than she had expected truth be told, and she supposed that had to do with the fact that she had ventured further from the domain of this stronghold than had been expected... but she had been hunting something that had needed to be found and the idea of turning back, even when she had approached more dangerous lands, had been the last on her mind. Though the term 'Ranger' oftentimes applied to men she had enough training that she could hold herself against many a man in combat and unlike her larger counterparts wasn't quite foolish enough to believe even all the skills in the preverbal world were enough to keep her safe. But even if she had not completed her own task, knowing the folly of choosing to ignore the summons, she couldn't help but feel a tendril of relief as she considered the sight of the sleeping stronghold.

Or maybe it was that she missed this place more than she thought she would.

A shift of weight underneath her, more pronounced for she had forsaken riding anything but the heavily padded saddle blanket and stopped with the use of saddle as the additional weight was more a hinderance than anything else, and despite herself she grinned slightly. Though not one of the legendary Mearas... those horses whose intelligence rivalled that of Man and who were said to understand human speech... the cinnamon furred mare with her distinctively darker, almost black tinged mane and tail with black markings etching up all four of her legs to the knees in a patterning classical of 'bays', was smart. Known as Caran Faron, or simply Red Hunter, the name didn't even begin to equate to the equine's sleek footed steps or great agility... or the fact that the elegantly boned mare happened to know that they had finally returned to the place known as 'home'.

"Im gelir ceni ad lín, híril nín." The voice, though it was really nothing more than a mummer of sound as if the speaker was worried of waking sleeping minds, still caused her to tense... immediately realizing why her mount had shifted sideways, having heard the other's approach long before her own weak human ears had.

Shifting upon the bay-tinged mare's back her azure, a deep sapphire blue, eyes immediately focused upon the one who had had the gale of interrupting her thoughts.

She had missed him... truth be told... more than she was willing to admit. Though she was more fair-flung, less willing to stay around the domain of the safe and protected haven of Rivendell for her alliances lay as much with the elves who had fostered her in her elongated life as it lay with the Men whose race she happened to be a member of, Kagome would be the last to lie and say that throughout her returned life she had not come to rely upon the other's strength and knowledge during the many ventures that she had partaken in. Well skilled and powerful, possessing knowledge in both magic and swordplay, the elfin warrior was considered something unusual in the fact that he had 'died' in battle against a balrog only to be revived by the antics of the Valar in response to his skills and granted abilities similar to the Maiar themselves. She and the golden haired elf were more similar then, she supposed in the oddity of their second lives... as she too had had the misfortune of having the Valars return her to life for a sacrifice that she would much rather forget that Kagome had made millennias ago.

"Glorfindel," his name meant 'golden-haired' and was well attributed to the unusual tinge of his hair, a trait of the ancient Vanyar elves as too was his pale features... fair even for an elf.

Someone else would have doubtlessly scrambled at the voice, maybe even fumbled themselves into a folded bow for at least what was possible from the back of their mounts in both surprise and fear of finding someone of such status coming to fill out in the middle of the night. He was both ancient and well respected amongst the elves, even if they were generations younger than himself, and as such held the position of lord... second only in power to the Lord of Imladhras himself. But as for herself she didn't struggle into a bow as rather Kagome resigned herself with a slight grin at the speaker for she had been expecting his arrival truth be told. Still for all her amusement that he would come out at this hour from the back of her mare Kagome could read the question in almost impossibly pale blue eyes easily. He wanted to know if she had been successful in the task set to her.

"Lau," wrapped as she was in a traveler's cloak breathe plumed before her in a thin cloud, "ani apsenë."

"Ú-moe edaved," indeed there was nothing to 'forgive'.

None had expected success anyways, and she had oftentimes argued with a few close allies with respect to the 'fool's folly' of partaking in such an event. One said ally was the reason why she herself had taken so long to return to Rivendell even are the messanger had come and found her, bringing word that they... the mother and the son... had arrived within the depths of the safe haven itself. When word had reached her protocol should have had her turn back and return immediately... she hadn't though. Her elongated life had granted her more knowledge with respect to the treachery of others than her fellow Man possessed, for she had lived through countless such events, and as such to be cautious was part of her very nature.

But if the Balrag slayer, a demonic creature which in slaying had taken Glorfindel's first lease on life, was insulted by her cautious nature he had never shown it before, and didn't now. The slight dipping of the elf's head wasn't quite enough to disguise the wary smirk that tugged at his lips. "Tolo, mado go nin."

Still, shaking her head and wondering as to the sort of 'meal' would be at this late of hour, Kagome resigned herself to follow.

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The date is set at TA 2933 - the time that a child Aragorn, then 2 years old, was sent to Rivendell to be raised by Lord Elrond.
Caran Faron, or simply Red Hunter - a blood bay mare belonging to Kagome. The mare is commented of knowing 'home' when the horse and rider reach the outskirts of Riverndall meaning that it is elfin-bred.
Im gelir ceni ad lín, híril nín - elvish - I am happy to see you again, my lady
Lau, ani apsenë! - Sindarin elvish - no, forgive me.
Ú-moe edaved! - Sindarin elvish - It is not necessary to forgive
Tolo, mado go nin. - Sindarin elvish - Come and dine with me.

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