InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Love ❯ Past ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Devil's Reincarnation
Kagome held on to Sesshoumaru as they swayed silently to the music. He looked at her his eye dancing with love and care,” Kagome…how long I have waited to hold you in my arms once again. I believed it was a dream before. I believed it was a daydream that forever haunted me and made me smile…”
She couldn't help but smile sadly yet with a hint of happiness. She pulled herself closer to him her eyes squinting with unshed tears of apologies. He pulled her away a little rising her chin up,” Kagome do not be sad all right. Just listen to me, it is not your fault. I did not protect you but I have coped pushed it away until now. I love you and I want to be with you…”
She looked to him taking his hand and placing it on her cheek,” Sesshoumaru…”
“ No let me finish. Kagome we are to be together forever. When I saw you in the beginning I didn't know. I hesitated to kill you then…this happened. Please forgive me. But I do love you Kagome and I want you to know that so you could forgive me.”
She placed her head on his chest as he held her,” I have forgiven you since the beginning my love. Now tell me have you been a good father to Rin?”
He laughed at her small joke then twirled her gently as they continued to dance,” I have but she seems to be driving me out of my mind.”
She smiled,” Actually it seems she is annoying Jaken more. By the way the old toad where did he go?”
“ He is with Rin…”
She nodded as Inuyasha cleared his throat,” Hey Sesshoumaru you mind if I cut in for a moment.”
He looked to him,” As long as you do not plan on hitting on her…”
Kagome elbowed him in the gut with her elbow pushing him away as he held his gut. Inuyasha laughed as Sesshoumaru whispered for him to hear,” I want to talk to you outside after this.”
He nodded as Inuyasha danced with her,” Kagome…”
She looked to him,” yes?”
“ You look beautiful and I want to tell you that I am happy for you.”
She smiled to him then hugged him gently,” Thank you that means a lot coming from you especially, but I thought you weren't suppose to hit on me.”
He smiled sadly as he looked at her then away. She whispered,” Inuyasha…”
He stopped,” Kagome…”
She sighed then smiled,” I knew it you loved her.”
“ Loved? What are you talking about?”
She grunted,” You and Kagome the other one…you love her and now that the other Kagome is released you wonder what happened to the girl you loved is she even in here for you?”
He covered her face,” Kagome, I know it sounds just so…”
“ Inuyasha I love you so much I always did and do not worry I well be here for you.”
He stopped,” Kagome that was her how did you do that is it? Are you just pretending?”
She shook her head,” Kagome and I are different people she is locked up inside me and I have promised to bring her back, tomorrow she well be back…”
With that she kissed him on the cheek walking away as he stood there tears threatening to fall yet joy he was over come with joy he ran out the patio jumping over the railing as Sesshoumaru rose an eyebrow,” Why is it you are so happy were you?”
He shook his head taking as breath as Sesshoumaru turned from him,” Thank you little brother. Thank you for protecting Kagome well her body and soul inside his own, and I wish to apologize for what I did and hope to start again with our bond. I wish us to be allies at least.”
He stood there,” Thanks Sesshoumaru and thank you for finally saying that.”
He nodded turning,” And little brother I am sorry for making the girl you love disappear for a while. I promise she well be back.”
He smiled,” That was what I was happy about, I miss her.”
“ I am sure you do like I have missed Kagome but that is over and now you well find yours.”
Kagome walked down the hall with her brother as he looked at her,” The girl's soul is pure what is going on in that body of yours?”
“ The soul of Kagome is pure I do not nor shouldn't of had it. I am not pure; I am seemingly a girl with power. I have killed and I have…”
“ Protected, Saved, sacrificed…”
She laughed as her light emitted into the room. It turned cold in the room as the orb continued toward her. She looked at it,” A spirit?”
“ Yes the spirits still wander it seems with you back someone here wishes to speak to you.”
“ Me?”
“ Kagome do not act so unloved.”
She laughed as the orb formed. She looked at it,” Father.”
She bowed as he stared at her then smiled putting his hands out,” Kagome.”
Tears streamed from her eyes as she ran into his arms,” Father.”
He held on to her,” Kagome…I have missed you so much. I have longed to hold to you again as you were like a child.”
“ Daddy, I missed you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you.”
“ You were only four when it happened Kagome…
“ But I forgot when I promised not to.”
He smiled to her,” My little girl is all grown up…now I can go on.”
“ Go on?”
Hatcha walked toward her,” Kagome father cannot linger here forever. He is standing in limbo then. We would not want that for him. He is dead and must be with the dead we will all be together some day.”
She wiped away her tears,” Some day.”
He put an arm around her as the father whispered as he disappeared,” I don't want to see you up there for a long time, all of you.”
Hatcha smiled,” You won't I'm to young.”
Kagome laughed then nodded,” Yes father.”
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