InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love at Last ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

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"Wench. I saw how you subdued that half-breed back there… How did you do it?" Sesshomaru asked as soon as Kagome knew where she was.

"Ask Kaede… Kikyou's younger sister. She did it…"

"Kikyou… Of whom do you speak?"

"Inu-Yasha's dead miko…"

"Ahh… you're jealous."

"Am not"

"AHHH!!!!!" Shippou yelled as he realized who had captured Kagome and him. Sesshomaru made a desperate attempt to cover his inu ears and accidentally dropped Kagome.

**********************Back at Camp**********************

"Inu-Yasha… we must go save Kagome from Sesshy (A/N: His name is to long to type so I shortened it ;)). Who knows what kind of unimaginable torture she not to mention Shippou's going through!!!" Sango pleaded with the stubborn inu demon as she packed Kiara for the long trip ahead. As she walked by Miroku copped a feel and got smacked by her boomerang. At that Inu shook his head in disgust for the hentai's ways.

"Feh. He probably wants to trade her and Shippou for Tetsiguia (?) and thinks I'm stupid enough to trade…"

"Sango is right, Lord Inu-Yasha," Myoga (?) the flea said from his shoulder, "Kagome is part of our party and she does find the shards…" At that Inu jumped up and commanded the group to get moving so they could catch Sesshy before he did too much to hurt Shippou and Kagome. Little did they know was that they were in danger at that very moment…

******************With Sesshomaru************************

As soon as he covered his ears, Sesshy noticed that the human wench and her pup were rapidly falling towards the ground. Although at both their screams were killing his ears even more then just the pup's he swooped down with his demonic speed and………….

CAUGHT HER!!! She stopped screaming when she noticed that she was flying back up to the clouds and was no longer in any danger.

"Thank you, Sesshomaru-sama." Kagome said to Sesshy as he wrapped his tail around her and her pup.(A/N: Yay!!!! Go Sesshy!!!!)