InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ The day i knew ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter one

"Sit!" Screamed a red faced Kagome as a familiar "THUMP" could be heard throughout Inuyasha's forest as Inuyasha Kissed his old friend dirt a good morning.

"What WAS THAT FOR WENCH!!!" mumbled a Hanyou.

"I have to go home INuyasha! It'll be my 17th birthday tomorrow and I promised okaa-san I would be home!" shouted Kagome who had steam coming out of her ears.

"Feh stupid girl we gotta hunt for the jewel shards, Kikyo would never get lazy on a job""feh I bet you just wanna go see your precious "hobo"" Inuyasha sneered obviously he did not get the brains from his father and mother.

"WHY YOU!!""why don't you "sit""thump" down and "sit""thump" here and think before I "Sit""thump" you to the center of the Earth! And for good measure…."Kagome was wearing a evil smirk that Inuyasha did not like at all.

"gulp"*I'm done for…eh hehe..

"he's toast" thought everyone else with a phrase that they had learned from Kagome.

"SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""crash, back bone breaking"

:momma you aren't gonna leave me forever are you?" asked a small kitsune who was doing his best puppy dog eyes.

"no shippo" she said gently holding her now adoptive pup" but I won't be back till tomorrow ok?

"will you bring me lots and lots of candy?" he look at her with stars in his eyes.

" yes I will my pup." Suddenly getting serious." Oh..and Miroku keep you hands away from Sango, you don't want to be bedridden for another month now do we?" adding a dangerous to look to her eyes as the now shrinking Miroku all bandaged up sighed.

"Yes Lady Kagome, but may I say it was worth eve….." *WHAM* Sango's boomerang connected with his head then she turned around and she too said good bye to her best friend

"have a nice trip"

"BYE"as Kagome hopped into the well familiar blue swirls welcomed her bring her safely home into the future, leaving behind a twitching Inuyasha in a 20 feet deep hole"FEH"

Kagome sighed as she slowly climbed up the moss filled and damp well. Warm air freeted her as she stepped out of the well. *The shikon is almost complete, I wonder what will happen once it is complete. Will I stay and live with Inuyasha? But what about Kikyo?* That thought broght Kagome's mood down to Earth.* Inuyasha will have to choose between us once and for all* she thought sadly knowing fully well who the blind hanyou would choose Kagome sighed as she slowly made her way to her house." Momma, Grandpa, Sota I'm home" HELLO??"" She put down her yellow pack and walked into the living room. " Okaa-san? OMG!!

"thump" As darkness slowly penetrated her mind.

Chapter 2

"kagome honey wake up" Her vision blurredas she tried to sit up. Then she remember what happened. She walked into the living room to see her mother…as a youkai??. Not any youkai but a kind she has never seen, she had seen fire, water, earth, sky dog, cat, rabbit, bear, wolf, bee,moth, dragon, tiger, lion, thunder,kitsune,swan,rat,raccoon, and Snake…etc. But there stood her mother with knee length pure white hair with some ends slitly red and blue and her eyes were a beautiful midnight blue the most intense eyes she's seen since…sesshomaru. Two blue strips were on each of her cheeks. On her forehead was a tear drop. She had a beautiful midnight blue tail that could put

Sesshomarus fluffiness to shame. But what was most shocking was*YOUKAI* kagome was speechless.

"Mom?.. why are you a youkai? Stuttered.

She smiled a sad one" Kagome I think it's time I told you the truth about our family, your father and … you" she paused before saying the last part." You see 200 years ago I met your father a youkai he was the most powerful,deadly cold and beautiful creature to ever walk the Earth his name was Tenisho. He was strong because he was part Legendary Phoenix, Silver Kitsune, white wolf and silver Inu and a little bit dragon. That wasn't all he was, he was the god of war and power. After I was pregnated with you his family forced us apart telling him that I was too much of a disgrace to the family" Aiko sighed."

As time went by I concealed your youkai features and blood because of the people who sought after you"" you mean I'm a Youkai???"

Her mother only nod was her reply. " what kind am I?

"well obviously everything like your dad but on my side" her features brighten to show she was proud. " I'm part Ice Fionna(bird), dragon, Inu, Wolf, and part Silver Kitsune and water,fire, lightning, wind, Ice, and Nature Elemental Nypth.

"wow"" so do I have a Humanoid form like you too" she was curious because she wanted to see if she too possessed a fluffy tail.

" Hai " her mother started chanting and a white light enveloped her body. When the light cleared there stood Kagome almost as tall as Sesshomaru with wite hair and slight midnight blue at the ends and claws and sharp fangs and elf ears. Her fluffy white tail with royal blue markings lay on the floor just as long as Sesshomaru's if not longer.


" Now honey the power will come to you in dreams tonight a special person wishes to train you." Aiko said mysteriously walking away from the room to go prepare dinner.

"Who Momma?" asked a curious Kagome who was answered with a " You'll See"

That night


Bright yellow sun and luscious green grass.

"hello my daughter…"Said a voice

"otou?" asked Kagome as she whipped around to see a man with silver eyes similar hair and features except for the sword on Kagome's head was accompanied by a tear drop.

"hai my pup""I'm here to teach you to control the elements also your youkai side."

End Dream 13 hours later

*yawn**wow, I never knew sleeping could be such hard work I feel even more tired than before* thought Kagome as she got off the bed*hn? What's this* she stepped on something soft. To see it was a royal blue package.

She squealed in delight. It was a royal blue strapless dress with slits and silver pants underneath and a see through light royal blue out side kimono that reached the ground and a solid blue sash and blue slippers there were a pair of teardrop shaped sapphire earings and necklace and ankelets. After getting dressed in a less fancy kimono she pulled her hair into a complicated swirls and pilled it on top and let the rest fall to her calves.