InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ Choosing Sorrow ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 15

Sora was backed into a corner she could not get out of for she had almost blurted out the secret. A secret that her mother made them promise to never reveal until she thought the time was right. Sora's lower lips quivered as Sesshomaru gave her an unwavering questioning stare. Sesshomaru was getting more anxious for he wanted to know what they had been hiding from them. Manei shifted from foot to foot as he occasioinally casted concerned gazes at Kagome who lay silent and peaceful. She looked as if she was dead if one did not look close enough to witness the occasional rise of her chest. She was perhaps dead, not by body but by soul. She was broken. The thread that she was hanging onto for love was sliced as the pieces fluttered around her and leave her to collect them with their laugh of mockery and taunt. Tears slipped down her pale face as she slowly gave into the word of the unconscious.

............................Kagome................... .....

Every where around her was dark and filled with sorrow. It was an empty space perhaps made for her to duel on her own in her loneness. She would never let anyone have her heart again.

"I never loved you KAGOME!" rang through the void like echoes repeating over and over again in torment.

Tears spilled down her cheek as she collapse on the floor of blackness. She clasped her chest over where her heart was and let out a heart wrenching cry. She had done everything for him, sacrificed her self, she would of given her life for him. But he did not feel for her. She was merely a toy to satisfy him. A piece of property. A piece on a chessboard was perhaps more worthy than her.

"WHY SESSHOMARU WHY" She shouted into the darkness knowing it'll never reach him. A sudden dark figure appeared. It approached her with calm strides and an air of arrogance surrounded the figure.

Kagome gasped. "Kikyo"

There stood Kikyo as calm as ever unfazed by the fact Kagome was sending her warning glares that ensured death if she meant any harm.

"You are even more pathetic now my dear Reincarnation" Kikyo sneered at her broken down state. Her plan had worked perfectly and now she just had to make her lose the will to live even further. They were like pawns for her, they fell into her trap easily.

"He never loved you, he would of eventually mated another and you would have been stripped of your title and thrown out." She stated loving the look of pain upon Kagome's tear streaked face.

"Kagome if you go back you shall doom him, in two months on the full moon the Southern land shall declare war upon the West and they shall go into a most gruesome battle. Lord Sesshomaru shall be fall in that battle." Kagome's eyes widened as she thought of Sesshomaru's death. What would happen to Rin?

"Why are you telling me this..." She said in a falling tone as her throat became coarse. She had to find a way to stop Sesshomaru's death. She sobbed as she knew her love would never be returned but it's in her love to save him.

"Because you were the cause of it" Kikyo smiled at her reincarnations loving the way the word seemed to knock the breath right out of Kagome and fill her with grief and guilt. "because he mated with you and not the southern princess. Sesshomaru was forced into battle and he was killed protecting you."

Kagome fell back onto her arms as she shook her head disbelievingly at her incarnate. *No Sesshomaru......he doesn't love me but he was forced to defend and take me in....i'm the cause of this...* Kagome choked on her tears as she dropped her head down trying to take in the guilt. * if I die then he shall survive....but who will take care of my pups....Shippo....Manei.....Sora...* More tears came as her heart was torn in every direction. Every pain pulsed through her blood determined to rip the sanity from her. * I shall live...I will not fall into Kikyo's trap....i shall resurrect Suki Princess of the Southern Land....I shall leave Sesshomaru .... I shall disappear forever...* She thought painfully but she knew she had to do the right thing. But there was something nagging at her heart, she simply ignored the tug of hurt. She looked up calmly at the surprised Kikyo and started glowing silver and blue. Yes her Ice Fiona side was taking over. The icy bird that was strong and bold and fearless. All that she needs to be to save Sesshomaru.

"I shall live Kikyo." She stated simply as the silver and blue lights spread from her very being.

..................................Outside of her Mind..................................

The room was empty except for Kagome for Lord Sesshomaru was busy with the children. The dark night air surrounded her body making her hair move ever so slightly in the moonlight. A sudden glow surrounded her then a flash of white.

Kagome now stood as she took in a deep breathe. She was a goddess in their rarest form taking in the moonlight as her energy for her soul. Her pure white hair tumbled to the ground soft as a feather. Two great big pure wings were erect on between her shoulder blades. Her piercing silver and blue eyes showed grief and guilt. Two ice horns stood on her forehead in them were forever blazing blue fire. Her tails now drifted behind her with feather like tails too. Her claws were icy blue like of something carved from ice. Her kimono was now white under kimono and a white fading into blue outer see through kimono. She had let her Ice Fiona side become dominant, for she needed it's strength and courage.

She gracefully walked onto her balcony as her tails gently brushed the ground with a mix of feather and fur. She turned to the ever bright full moon as it's rays soothed her pain and grief. *two months from not....* She thought sadly. Sesshomaru wouldn't miss her, he would just move on with another. If only Sesshomaru would feel her pain, she was sure he would be bedridden for a month. The fiercest of battle was being fought in her head as she debated what to do. The pain for her was unbearable to stay here. Also if she was to remain, she would be the cause of her love's death. Her love.. she laughed bitterly as tears of crystals streamed down her face. She reached for them letting the tears drop into her hand. As a blue light surrounded them they became two twin like dimond necklace. They were what they call a Phoenix's tear, the rarest of the protection charms.

She squeezed the necklaces as more tears came from her face she watched as they turn into snow flakes gently setting down beside her feet. She turned her watery eyes once again at the full moon never having to feel the pain of utter despair she screamed into the night pushing in all her feelings into it as she promised her self to never again feel regrets. The chilling cry of this ethereal creature hanged in the night traveling though the castle and forest. A single white fox came towards her crumpled figure it nuzzled her neck in show of concern.

Kagome lifted her teary face to the baby fox as she lifted into her lap. She then inserted a diamond into it's forehead giving it the ability to become more than that of an ordinary animal. It's tail split into four and it was like a miniature Kilala. She sobbed into her fur as she screamed into the night once more wishing that the moon would take her pain away.

She heard footsteps coming her way. She turned around and headed back into the room as she laid the two diamonds on the chest. The room was cover in beautiful ice. It shimmered in the moonlight. Then something hit her. * How long was I would....did the scent spell wear off* Fear gripped her heart. Not for her. But for something she fear that Sesshomaru would destroy if he ever found out. She knew she had a lot to do as she chanted a spell that would bring Suki back. * Once he has her.... I shall be a mere distant memory of what there once was* she knew she had to do it quick because Sesshomaru was coming. She glowed red and then all was done.

She sealed her own fate, pain, guilt, grief, sorrow, and love.