InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love's path ❯ A Night of Love ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “You are an amazing woman that has stolen my heart like no other could; I am asking if you would…”
“If you would become my mate?”
A Night of Love
“Oh Sesshomaru”
“If you don't want to then I underst” Kagome placed her index finger over his lips silencing him.
“I would love to become your mate but do you love me?”
“Yes Kagome I have loved you ever since the first day I meet you.”
“I love you too” she pressed her lips against his in a slow kiss. When they pulled apart Sesshomaru stood up with Kagome still around his waist and made his way out of Kagome's room and to the end of the hall. He opened a door and went inside his room and laid Kagome gently down on his bed.
“Do you know the youkai process of mating?” he sat beside her on the bed.
“I think so” a slight blush made its way to Kagome's face.
Sesshomaru chuckled; “good, you can choose to either stay human or become a full blooded Inu-youkai; it's you're choice.”
“I'll become a demon because I know how you hate hanyou's”
“If we had a Hanyou pup then I wouldn't care as long as it is you that I am mated to.” Kagome's blush became a dark red as she thought about being mated to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru laughed this time making Kagome blush deeper if that was possible. “Do you want to be a demon?” Kagome nodded her head not wanting to further embarrass herself. “Shall we proceed with the mating process?” Kagome once again nodded her head. “Relax” he pushed her back onto the bad. Later after they shared a passionate night Sesshomaru marked Kagome as his mate by biting and drinking of her blood at the juncture where her neck meets her shoulder. Kagome drank from his blood as well so that she would become an inu-youkai.
I am sorry about the short chapter but I have to go baby-sit my younger brother and sister because my parent's have gone deer hunting. I'll update tomorrow. Again I am really really sorry.