InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love's path ❯ Happily Ever After ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, I decided to continue the story since a couple of reviewers
asked me to.
Happily Ever After
Kagome left Sesshomaru in her room while she went downstairs to see if his clothes were clean yet. She found her mom in the kitchen and asked her if his clothes were dry which they were and she retrieved them from the laundry room and took them back up to her room. After Sesshomaru had dressed in his clothes and Kagome changed back into her kimono they went downstairs to say goodbye to her family.
“Mom, Jiisan, Souta I am going back to the Feudal Era today” Kagome announced as they sat down for breakfast.
“Well you come back and see us sis?” Souta asked.
“No bro, but you should see me soon since I am a demon and are able to live long. But it will be 500 years until I get to see you.”
“We'll still miss you Kagome no matter how long it takes to see you again” Mrs. Higurashi said as she reached over and clasped Kagome's clawed hand.
“Thanks mom” tears gathered in her eyes. `Five hundred years is going to be a really long time' she thought to herself as a few tears escaped from her eyes. Sesshomaru sensing her sadness clasped her other hand and brought it to his lips to place a soft kiss on her knuckles.
“I'm not too hungry,” Kagome said as she excused herself from the table. Sesshomaru watched her leave the room with a worried expression on his face. Mrs. Higurashi cleared her throat to get his attention. He turned his head towards her, “You will take care of her?” she asked with worry in her voice.
“Yes I'll protect her with my life.”
“Now you be sure that she doesn't get hurt” her Jiisan glared at Sesshomaru.
“And love her” her mother cut in.
“Yes, with all my heart; Kagome was the only being that saw through my emotionless façade, I will love her forever.”
“I believe you, you are a honorable man Lord Sesshomaru.” He inclined his head and rose from the table and followed after Kagome into the living room. He found her curled up on the seat that she called a sofa and she was crying. Sesshomaru walked over to her and took her up in his arms like he does Rin when she has a bad dream.
“The years will pass by quickly, I promise” he hugged her closer to his chest.
“I know, it's just that I feel as if I will never see them again. What about Naraku, he could easily kill all of us. And Inuyasha might even succeed in killing me to get Kikyo's soul back.”
“No, do not trouble yourself with those thoughts. I swore to protect you my mate and forever I shall no matter if I lose my life in the process.”
“But if you die than there will be no reason for me to continue in this world with out you.”
“Shh, all will be fine. Naraku is a fool for underestimating your powers. Naraku will perish from this world and you will be rid of your burden.”
“Your right I shouldn't cry, I will survive and spend the rest of my life with you, my mate.”
“Let's go home”
“Yes, our home with our pups” he stood up and set Kagome down and they walked into the kitchen where her family was eating.
“Sesshomaru and I are leaving now” Kagome announced as the looked at each of her family's faces. They each stood up from the table and embraced Kagome in a hug.
“I love you sis, take care” Souta said.
“Grand daughter, take care of yourself, don't let any demon push you around” her Jiisan smiled at her.
“Good bye honey, I'm positive that you will have a wonderful life with Sesshomaru; be sure to have me a lot of grandkids.”
“Mom!” Kagome pulled back from her mom. “Well, bye mom, Souta, Jiisan I'll return in no time that you won't even know that I have even left.”
“Bye Kagome” they chorused together as the two lovers left back to the Feudal Era where their home awaited them.
One year later Kagome sat under a sakura tree as she watched her three children play in the fields. Sesshomaru appeared beside her and embraced her in a loving hug. “Sakura is growing real fast” Kagome said as she watched her youngest child running after Shippo who had stolen her flowers.
“Yes, she will be as beautiful as her mother” Sesshomaru said.
“I'm glad that we defeated Naraku without any casulities.” Five months ago Naraku had finally come from his hiding place hoping to kill Kagome and get the rest of the Jewel shards. Everyone was present; Kagome, Sesshomaru, Sango, Miroku, Kilala, Inuyasha, and Kikyo who wanted to see Naraku extinguished from their world. The battle did not last long for Kagome had purified him when Naraku had Sesshomaru in one of his tentacles.
“Yes, now we can live in peace” Sesshomaru placed a chaste kiss on her lips.
“Yes, Aishiteru Sessho”
“Aishiteru Kagome.”
The End
I know that I rushed this chapter but I thought that it was getting pretty boring and I had run out of things to really write about. I have another story in progress that is a whole lot better than this one. Write ya soon! Thanks so much for all of the reviews that I have received. I especially want to thank; Sesshy Jr., Alice, Koga and Sesshy Lover, Blueyesangel1186, Kassi Harsch, Kikyohater 37, INUGIRL, Fan girl 0, darkpreistessofhell, Dianna, Demonic Angelz, Balmung's Angel, Jessy-chan, and many more. I really appreaciate the many reviews that you have wrote me, good or bad. See you all later.