InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Into my mind ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “No matter what happens stay in you humanoid form,” Kagome told Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru arched a silver eyebrow in question. “Why?” He asked.
Chapter 5
“Because I do not want your acid to ruin my new dojo. Also you will shed and it will take months to clean this place of giant silver dog hair,” Kagome stated.
Sesshoumaru gave a `snort' and walked into the middle of the room.
“ Would you like to fight with weapons or hand to hand combat?” Kagome asked him.
“This Sesshoumaru will fight with weapons first then we will have hand to hand combat,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Wonderful, Now, I only have a couple of rules. Number one, no pulling or cutting of the hair. Number two, no pulling out my feathers or breaking my wings. Number three, no toughing the tail. And I think that's it, yeah, that's it,” Kagome informed Sesshoumaru. “Agreed,” she added.
Sesshoumaru merely nodded his head in agreement to her terms.
“ Ok then, you can choose a weapon off my wall or do you have your own weapon?” Kagome asked him.
Sesshoumaru rested a hand on the hilt of Toijokin. (Umm do yall know how to spell Sessy's demon sword.) Kagome nodes and walked to a glass case in a wall.
Sesshoumaru watched with curiosity as Kagome unlocked the case with a Key that was around her neck.
“ That aura is strong,” Sesshoumaru thought when the case opened.
Kagome reached into the case to pull out a sword incased in its sheath.
The sheath was black with blood red characters saying life and death.
Kagome drew her sword from its sheath and Sesshoumaru watched as it pulsed with life.
“ It was a double edge blade. One edge was white with black characters on it saying death and the other edge was black with white characters on it saying life. The lanneret on the hilt was black and white crisis-crossed.
Kagome put her sheath back in to the case. The she walked into the middle of the room and got into a stance that Sesshoumaru had never seen before.
Sesshoumaru then took his own stance drawing his sword from his sash.
“I have see that stance many times before. So he is going to wait for me to charge, block my blow, drop to the floor and try to knock me to the floor. Might as well amuse him for the moment,” Kagome thought to herself looking over at Sesshoumaru.
“She is going to charge first carelessly. This Sesshoumaru will, bring her down quickly,” Sesshoumaru thought smugly.
Just as they both had planned Kagome charged him. Their swords clashed and sparks flew. Sesshoumaru crouched down quickly and tried to knock her off her feet. Kagome did a flip over him in his back making him fall forward to the ground.
Kagome backed off as he flipped onto his back. Then Sesshoumaru kicked up into a standing position.
Sesshoumaru started to see red lining his vision. This was the first time in a long time that he had lost control in a battle. But look at him now. Here the great Sesshoumaru-sama being humiliated by a female who was at the moment smirking at him.
That was all it took for Sesshoumaru's eyes to go completely crimson red. He turned towards the female who was still smirking despite the angry aura Sesshoumaru knew that he was emending.
“What is so funny, girl?” Sesshoumaru asked glaring at her through red eyes.
“Oh nothing, well just that I have thought up a new nick name for you, and I find it kind of comical. And my name is Kagome not girl,” Kagome said.
“What is it about this new nick name that you choose to appoint upon this Sesshoumaru that is so amusing?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to' force it out of me?” Kagome asked.
She was teasing him and he knew it.
“ Just tell me miko,” Sesshoumaru growled out through clenched teeth.
“ Its Kagome,” she mutters. And stops her rambling when hearing a low growl coming from Sesshoumaru.
“Alright, alright you do not have to bite my head up fluffanator,” Kagome grinning at the new nickname for Sesshoumaru that just passed her lips.
“Do not repeat your name or I will cut out your tongue,” Sesshoumaru threaten glaring.
“But why not I like it?” Kagome asked pouting.
“She looks cute when she pouts,” he had to admit. “WAIT what in the seven hells am I thinking. This Sesshoumaru does not think this girl is cute,” he tried to convince himself, but to no advail.
Sesshoumaru growled and charged at her. Kagome dodged his attacks with grace al most like she was dancing.
“Come on now fluffanator, I do not want to hurt you that bad. You do remember that be both have to go back to work tomorrow,” Kagome informed him as she jumped high and started to fly to avoid a swipe from his claws.
Kagome knew she could stop him, but she did not want to let him see all of her various powers.
“Umm Sesshoumaru do you really think that I am cute when I pout?” Kagome asked while a small blushed painted her cheeks.
Right then Sesshoumaru froze. He thought he felt something probing at his mind; it was her.
“So that is how she was able to dodge my attacks, she knew then when before I even put my moves into action, that bitch can read my mind,” Sesshoumaru thought to himself as an evil smirk adorned his usually stoic features.
He quickly lashed out at her with his green acid whip, but to his surprise she put up her sword in front of her and the whip wrapped around it and the whip was purified.
“ I told you Sesshoumaru I was born from the gods, reading minds is not my only power,” she smirked. I get flashes of the feature, though rare I do have them and one not to long was about this fight. Also when I get them they are in pieces and fuzzy and so I put two and two together, there you have it,” Kagome finished.
A/N-I know, I know it has been a few days since my last up date and I blame My chores, my home work and my lazy ass self. I know excuses are bad but I like to write down my story before I type it or my mind goes blank. I would also like to thank Mikimeu for your review. And if you could see me now I am doing my happy dance, but I think you would go blind from the sight so it is a good thing that you do not. I will update as soon as possible. Please review, thanks Gothcat