InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 4: Fallen Goddess? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: Sesshoumaru followed Kagome in to the dojo. The dojo was enormous. It could fit two full-grown inu yokai in their true forms. From what Sesshoumaru could see weapons lined all four walls.
Chapter 4
Sesshoumaru watched as Kagome walked into the middle of the room. She raised her hands up above her head and took a deep breath. Kagome then walked into what looked like a locker room. Less then five minuets later, Kagome emerged wearing the old-fashioned miko garbs, and she had her long black hair in a high ponytail.
Sesshoumaru continued to watch her as she walked back to the middle of the room. Kagome then pulled out a strand of silver hair from her sleeve and placed it on the floor.
Kagome took a few paces back and snapped her fingers twice. From the hair an Inuyasha clone formed.
Kagome looked the Inuyasha clone up and down circling his person before nodding her head.
“You will do,” Kagome said walking towards one of the wall with weapons on it.
Kagome grabbed a regular sword and two twin swords that shone a bright blue second.
“Fight me,” Kagome ordered the Inuyasha clone.
The Inuyasha clone imminently took the sword transforming it into a fang (like on the show) and took a fighting stance. Not eight seconds later the Inuyasha clone charged blindly at Kagome.
Kagome easily sidestepped him.
“Oh come on Inu two. I am in my level one miko form and you cannot even hit me. That is really pitiful,” Kagome said at the clone.
The Inuyasha clone growled at her while she again circled him.
“Shut-up wretch and die,” Inu two yelled as he charged again.
Kagome quickly unsheathed her swords and in a scissor like manner cut off his head thus making his body disappear.
But Kagome did not feel like that was enough of a work out, so she turned to Sesshoumaru.
“You,” Kagome said pointing to Sesshoumaru. “Fight me now,” she ordered.
“ This Sesshoumaru will not take orders from the likes of you,” Sesshoumaru said plainly.
“Are you afraid that I might make you submit to me?” Kagome questioned.
“This Sesshoumaru submits to no one,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Not even a goddess?” Kagome asked.
“I do not repeat my self,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Oh really, well, this goddess will make you, a lowly inu submit to me,” Kagome said.
“You are no goddess, they are bound to the hells and heavens,” Sesshoumaru told her.
“Not if they have fallen and were reincarnated,” Kagome informed him.
“I will spar with you only to prove to you that this Sesshoumaru submits to no one,” he said coldly towards Kagome.
“Wonderful, just let me change back into the real me,” Kagome told Sesshoumaru as she closed her eyes and relaxed.
Sesshoumaru watched in aww again as Kagome turned back into the blue-haired beauty, but then Sesshoumaru's eyes widened at what he saw next.
Wings, beautiful long wings grew out of Kagome's back. They were the same color as her hair except each feather was tipped with black. To Sesshoumaru she was beautiful.
After Kagome was finished transforming she walked to a corner of the room and knelled down and opened a cabinet drawer. Kagome grabbed some clothes for Sesshoumaru and herself to wear. She then went to a wall and took some armor off of it and walked back to Sesshoumaru.
“Here you go. Change it to this,” she said handing him the clothes and armor. “Go in there to change,” Kagome said pointing towards the men's locker room.
While Sesshoumaru went to the men's locker room Kagome walked to the girls locker room to change into something that had more room for her wings.
When Sesshoumaru walked out of the guy's locker room he truly saw a goddess.
Kagome was wearing a leather bra like top with leather bindings crisis-crossing across her well-toned stomach. Kagome's wings were free from any fabric. Her pants were also leather; they hugged her hips and flared out bellow the knee. She also had a spiked belt. (Kind of like cat woman's out fit) Her pants had a slit on each going from the base to the knee, and she wore no shoes.
Kagome looked up from her stretches and saw Sesshoumaru.
“He looks a lot better in those clothes then a suit,” Kagome thought to herself.
“No matter what happens stay in you humanoid form,” Kagome told Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru arched a silver eyebrow in question. “Why?” He asked.
A/N: Hey I am sad, the reason, no one is reviewing. Come on people is my story so bad that I only get one review. Please, please review even if it is one word just review pretty please with a cherry or what ever you like on top. But I will keep updating even if I do not get any reviews, because that is how nice I am. Thanks, Gothcat
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters.