InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 3: ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: Sesshoumaru walked into his office and closed the door. He walked to his window and opened it. He formed his cloud at his feet and went towards the power he had felt.
Chapter 3
With Kagome on the patio
Kagome was sitting by her pool on her patio. She was meditating to try and get her power under control as well as her emotions.
At the time Kagome was in her true form. Not even her friends or family has seen her true form. Except for old priestess Kaede. Kaede made her a necklace with the eastern symbol on it to conceal her powers. The necklace has two half moos facing away from each other with a tear drop in the middle. (Kind of like)( Yeah like that)
Kagome could feel the lord of the west coming. The lord of the south, Lord Koga, and the lord of the north, Lord Naraku, were all to scared to come.
With Sesshoumaru flying close to Kagome's home.
Sesshoumaru was five miles away from the power when the wind blew the most delicious smell ever entered his nose. He could tell imminently it was a female and unmarked at that. The female smelled of orange blossoms and rose oil mixed beautifully with a hint of spice because of her power, which made her sent even more intoxicating.
Sesshoumaru landed on the patio behind the long icy blue haired figure.
Back with Kagome
Kagome felt his presences land behind her.
“ If you business is with your brother, he no longer resides here. If your business is with me I suggest that you take leave now before I make you do so,” Kagome stated coolly not standing or turning to face him.
“I am not here to see that worthless half breed, and do not speak to this Sesshoumaru in that tone you vile wretch,” Sesshoumaru bit out coldly.
“I have a name `Kagome' I suggest you to use it, Lord of the Fluff,” Kagome said
Ok now Sesshoumaru was beyond pissed. This wretch had ordered him twice and degraded his name and status.
“Bitch, I will call you what I please,” Sesshoumaru spat.
Now it was Kagome's turn to be pissed. He comes to HER lands, in to HER home, and her cannot even call her by her own name.
Kagome stood up, turned around, and glared at the silver haired demon before her.
To say that Sesshoumaru was in shock was an understatement.
Her long icy blue hair matched perfectly with her sea green eyes. Her skin was flawless not a blemish or scare to be seen. There was the mark of the east upon her forehead in a dark blue, along with three slashes in each cheek, and her wrists. He was guessing the same marks were on her ankles and hips.
As Sesshoumaru's eyes traveled down her curvy form he saw a long icy blue tail wrapped around her waist.
Kagome had stopped glaring and was now looking at him with a raised eyebrow in question when he would not stop staring at her.
“Hello, anyone in there?” Kagome asked waving her hand in front of Sesshoumaru's face.
Sesshoumaru grabbed her hand and it burned on contact. He roughly let go of her hand.
“You baka, you are not allowed to tough me with out my permission,” Kagome said.
“What are you?” he asked sniffing the air around her. “You have the appearance of a demon, but you do not smell of one. Why?” Sesshoumaru asked with a deadpan voice. “Tell this Sesshoumaru exactly who and what you are now,” he added on.
Kagome sighed. “Fine, fine, I am an immortal,” she said like it was an everyday thing.
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow in question.
“I am the ruler of the eastern domain. I was born form the gods of heaven and the seven hells,” Kagome paused. “And you half brother's ex fiancé, Higurashi Kagome,” she said putting her necklace on and reverting back in to her human looking form.
Sesshoumaru's jaw was slack from disbelief. The woman who owned the company Shikon; which was point three points behind his own company, and his half brother's ex fiancé was an immortal.
“Now if you do not mind I need to go to the dojo and blow off some steam,” Kagome said walking off to her dojo she had in the back of her lands.
Sesshoumaru followed Kagome in to the dojo.
The dojo was enormous. It could fit two full-grown inu yokai in their true forms. From what Sesshoumaru could see weapons lined all four walls.
AN: I am soooo happy I got my first review yeah for me, and for my happiness I would like to thank Blackrosewitch. Three chappies in one day and I am really tired so this is the last one for the day. Thank you again Blackrosewitch for your inspiring review, and I will try to update as soon as possible and please review. Thanks, Gothcat
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. Too bad to because Sesshoumaru's hot.