InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “Oh Inuyasha,” Kagome said sincerely. “ I do not know what to say,” Kagome said in fake tears.
“Just say yes,” Inuyasha said looking up in to Kagome's eyes.
“I,” Kagome started out in a happy voice.
“Yes Kagome,” Inuyasha said pushing her on.
Chapter 11
“I love,” Kagome said.
“I love you t-,” Inuyasha started but Kagome cut him off.
“I love the fluffy thing,” Kagome said very fast and launched her self on to
Sesshoumaru's `ahem' tail rubbing her face into it. All the while Sesshoumaru had an anime sweat drop on the side of his head.
“Ugh Kagome, you did not answer my question,” Inuyasha said.
“Oh I forgot, ummm let me think about it, no,” Kagome said and kept rubbing and petting Sesshoumaru's tail.
Sesshoumaru's P.O.V.
`Oh yeah right there, oh, oh, oh, hummmm, If I did not have so much pride my leg would be kicking,' Sesshoumaru thought as his leg gave a slight twitch
End P.O.V.
“Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru, gurr. Flufflanator. Damn what did I do, he is purring so loud that he probaly can not hear me, wait did his leg just twitch,” Kagome said out loud getting aggravated that Sesshoumaru was not answering her.
He still would not listen to her so she stopped her menstruations. And a low whine protruded form Sesshoumaru.
“Aww poor puppy,” Kagome said and stood on her tipy toes and gave him a nuzzle.
“Kagome, I have to tell you something,” Inuyasha said his voice now serious gaining the attention of the two cuddlers
“What is it Inuyasha,” Kagome asked also in a serous voice.
“Kikyo is having my child,” Inuyasha said.
A/N: I planned to end it here but I don't know should I, humm maybe I should because I planned to end it here for a long time and just make you wait for lets say a week or two when my head clears of all the exam stuff stuck up on my head. But I will be nice and continue on for a little while more. You all better review after this, ok yall.
An angry look crossed Kagome's face. “And you came here asking me to forgive you and marry you!” Kagome yelled.
“I did not ask you to forgive me,” Inuyasha said with his ears pressed flat against his skull.
“You might as well have, Inuyasha, it is almost like the same thing,” Kagome paused. “Just get out. I will deal with you when I have to,” Kagome finished tiredly.
“I'll call you next week when the baby's born,” Inuyasha said as he jumped off the roof and bounded towards his apartment, which he shared with Kikyo now.
“Now, what to do? Inuyasha woke me up and now I am not tired and it is only eight thirty,” Kagome said to herself.
“Well I have some suggestions,” Sesshoumaru said his hot breath tickling the back of her neck.
“Oh,” Kagome said whirling around to face him. “What might you have in mind,” Kagome finished a little to hyper.
“Well, I thought since everyone thinks that we are rutting with each other I thought we might make it a realty,” Sesshoumaru said suggestively. “What do you say?”
“Umm,” Kagome paled then blushed. “Would you look at the time,” Kagome said glancing at her bare wrist. “I am really tired now and we still have a spare to finish tomorrow, and I think you left someone back at the `Over Full'.
“Sesshoumaru fought the urge to slap a hand to his head for forgetting Miroku again. “Fine, but when I win our little spat tomorrow, I get what ever I want from you,” Sesshoumaru said with a smirk.
“Yeah, yeah what ever you say,” Kagome said not really listening to what he was saying; instead her attention was on pushing him off of her roof.
“If you do not mind I am going to use the stairs,” Sesshoumaru said with his feet firmly planted at the edge of her roof.
“Oh, um, ok,” Kagome said and stopped her futile pushing.
“Good night, Kagome,” Sesshoumaru said seductively his eyes sweeping over her form and licking his lips.