InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 10: ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “Yes Kagome has some impressive flexibility. I must say she can bend in some odd angles,” Sesshoumaru went on slightly smirking with a false look of lust in his eyes.
“You didn't do that Kagome, did you?” Koga asked with a hurt look on his normally handsome features.
Chapter 10
“Yes we did, and I was very satisfied but we knew if we went on all night we would not be able to get up to go to work today so we are going to continue our little tryst, wait we did not set a date for us to finish what we started?” Kagome said.
“How about to night, I am free how about you?” Sesshoumaru asked.
Kagome put her pointer finger to her bottom lip in thought. “Umm I do not think I can My schedule is booked, but e can have lunch, lets say, tomorrow, I think I am free, Yeah are you free for lunch?” Kagome asked. Finishing her musing.
“Yes I think we can plan something, Ill pick you up at your office, I am driving,” Sesshoumaru declared.
“So you two are a couple. Kagome I cannot believe you bedded this freak,” Koga said finally noticing them not paying attention to him.
“Who said I bedded him?” Kagome asked.
“You just, but I thought,” Koga stuttered out.
“You clearly thought wrong,” Sesshoumaru said with his stotic voice.
“Come on Kagome let's leave this freak,” Koga said still thinking Kagome was his.
Koga grabbed Kagome's arm and was shocked and pulled his hand away and looked where he was burned.
“What the fuck!” Koga yelled.
“You should get this through your brainless skull Koga, I AM NOT YOURS SO LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE, or I will purify your ass to the seventh level of Hell,” Kagome saying the last part with venom in her voice. “Sesshoumaru,” Kagome said turning towards him.
“Yes?” he replied questionably.
“I need you to drive me home since I do not have a ride any more, and I am to tired to just call a taxi,” Kagome said.
“Fine then,” Sesshoumaru said with a sigh. (Warning Sessy will be ooc from now until I decide ok)
“Oh my gods that is your truck?” Kagome inquired in disbelief.
“Yep,” Sesshoumaru said pulling his keys out of his pocket. “Are you goin' to get in or are you gonna stare at is for the rest of the night?” Sesshoumaru asked getting in to his truck with a nice long `creeeeek' as the truck took on his added weight.
Kagome just stood there staring at the 1982 `Dodge' pickup truck.
“You know if you hate it that much you could always call one of your friends,” Sesshoumaru said.
“It is just so gorgeous,” Kagome said and an anime sweat drop formed on Sesshoumaru's face. “ It's a beauty Sesshoumaru where'd you get her?” Kagome asked with stars in her eyes.
“I have had the truck since the early eighties, Now get in the truck if you want a ride,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Ok, ok I'm coming just hold on,” Kagome said walking over to the passengers' side. Kagome hoped in and they were off to Kagome's house.
`Wash''dry' Miroku washed and dried his hands walking beck to his table.
“Ugh where did they go?” Miroku asked out loud where he sees no one at the table he was at before.
Miroku went outside to look for them and saw Sesshoumaru's truck missing.
“Aww man not again,” Miroku groaned.
Sesshoumaru kept thinking he forgot something, but he remember what. Sesshoumaru pulled up into her driveway and went around to he passengers' side of the truck. He opened up the door and found Kagome fast asleep. “Kagome we are at your house now, Kagome?” Sesshoumaru said and shook her slightly and relieve that he was not burned or shocked. Sesshoumaru sighed for the second time that night and picked up Kagome bridle style and walked up to her door and the door was unlocked. Shaking his head Sesshoumaru walked in and sniffed out her room. “Now I know you don't wanna' sleep in here,” Sesshoumaru said. Sesshoumaru found the stairs and walked up what looked like the roof access. `Creeeek' the door opened.
“Hey Kagome, maybe we should get…what the hell are you doing with Kagome, Sesshoumaru?” Inuyasha yelled as Sesshoumaru came in to view with Kagome in his arms still asleep.
“Stop yellin',” Kagome said sleepily as she opened her eyes.
“I was merely taking her home back from dinner, Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru said as he set Kagome on her feet.
“Inuyasha, Inuyasha what do you think are you doing here!?!” Kagome asked realizing who was on her roof.
“What am I doing here? What in the hells is Sesshoumaru doing here for?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes what are you doing here Inuyasha, and It is none of your business but Sesshoumaru already said why he was her,” Kagome said calmly.
“Kagome will you still marry me?” Inuyasha asked with his famous puppy dog eyes.
“Oh Inuyasha,” Kagome said sincerely. “ I do not know what to say,” Kagome said in fake tears.
“Just say yes,” Inuyasha said looking up in to Kagome's eyes. (Gag, sorry on with the story)
“I,” Kagome started out in a happy voice.
“Yes Kagome,” Inuyasha said pushing her on.