InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “Just send him up will you,” Kagome said pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Right away Kagome-sama, she said and the intercom went off. “You can go up sir,” Sherrice said to the youki standing before her.
With a brief nod, the Yokai went towards the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor.
`Knock', `knock', `knock'. “Come in,” Kagome said at the sound of the knocking. “Oh my gods its you.”
Chapter 13
“Yes, Kagome, it is me, how could you have forgotten all about our little date we had to day?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Yeah well, wait this is not going to be a date, it is a lunch and a little spa, that is all,” Kagome said. “But I do want it to be a date,” Kagome thought.
“Come we will go to lunch then,” Sesshoumaru said extending an arm towards Kagome.
Kagome grabbed her purse and accepted Sesshoumaru's arm. They both rode the elevator down the first floor.
“Sherrice, could you cancel all my appointments if I have any and take all my calls until I get back?” Kagome asked.
“Right away Kagome-sama,” Sherrice said eyeing Sesshoumaru slightly.
“HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE KAGOME-CHAN,” Sango yelled across the lobby.
Every thing and everyone stopped. Kagome turned slowly like the minuet hand on a clock.
“I WILL SEE YOU LATER SANGO-CHAN,” Kagome yelled back smiling and made a hand sign for a phone and mouthed `call me later'. Sango of course nodded vigorously.
Sesshoumaru who was holding his ears since the yelling begun blinked a couple of times and removed his hands form his still ringing ears. “Come on Kagome, we must be on our way,” Sesshoumaru as he walked out of the building followed by Kagome.
“Aww what happened to your truck?” Kagome pouted looking at the silver Ford Mustang.
“Because this way I will not attract unwanted attention with a eighty two Dodge truck in a two thousand six flock,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Oh yeah it would look strange wouldn't it,” Kagome said.
Sesshoumaru nodded and opened up the car door for her and closed it after she got in. Kagome locked the doors on him, but he just smirked and unlocked the car with a button he had in his pocket. Sesshoumaru saw the cute little pout on he. “She can be so childish that's what I li,” Sesshoumaru cut of his line of thought when he figured out what he was thinking. “You know you like her,” his subconscious nagged, but Sesshoumaru ignored it.
Strangely enough the whole time he was having the little chat in his head he had already started up the car and they were on their way to the Acido fro lunch, and they were almost half way there. “Strange,” Sesshoumaru thought.
“Kagome was gazing happily out the window, he anger long gone and now was planning an attack against Sesshoumaru that will happen after their lunch. “So if I use that move, I will be able to trick him. Yes, he will not see it coming,” Kagome thought smugly. “It is really to bad I cannot read his mind while we fight, but then if I was allowed to do it then it would be no fun,” Kagome concluded.
The drive was not ling, maybe fifteen minutes or so, when they pulled up off the side of the road in the slums part of the city, and to Sesshoumaru's surprise Kagome did not complain then or when he walked down a dirty alley way. When Sesshoumaru opened up a heavy steel door and when she went inside, Kagome was not surprised to find a rich and poor people eating in the place.
They found an empty table for two and looked at the menus and waited for the waiter or waitress to arrive to ask for their order.
And it did not take long. “Hello my name is Rei, and I will me your waitress for today. What would you two like to drink?” she asked them. (You have no clue how tempted I was to pt yall in there, but it would not go along good with the story, at least I don't think so.)
“I would like unsweetened Ice Tea,” Kagome said
“Ok, and you sir?” Rei asked turning towards Sesshoumaru.
“Just a glass of water, thanks,” Sesshoumaru replied.
“Ok then,” she said jotting down what they said on a piece of paper. “Would you two like to order now, or do you all need more time?” Rei asked.
“I will order now. I would like the spicy shrimp Ramon, with a side of sushi,” Kagome said handing Rei the menu.
“I would like Steak tar, tar, and a bowl of plain Ramon, “ Sesshoumaru said also handing Rei his menu.
“Ok your drinks will be out is a moment and your food will be out shortly, “ Rei said and went to the back.
“You are in danger,” Sesshoumaru said suddenly once the waitress was gone.
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked.
“Naraku,” Sesshoumaru said and let out a breath. “Will want to kill you, or harm you or your family,” Sesshoumaru explained.
“Why would he want to? I have no qualms with him, so he should have no reason to attack me or what is mine,” Kagome said.
“Because you were seen with me yesterday, he will assume we are lovers or even mates even though I have not announced it publicly yet, he will still assume it because we have been seen together often lately,” Sesshoumaru said.
“But why would he be after you?” Kagome asked.
“His company is going under and he wants to join with my company, so he can pay off his debts. And I refused him the other day and I know he saw me leaving, with you,” Sesshoumaru explained.
“So basically he is pissed that you did not want to join with him, and is going to go after me to get to you?” Kagome inquired.
With a sharp nod Kagome got her answer from Sesshoumaru.
“So what do you propose we do?” Kagome asked not liking the situation at all.