InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Magic is Just Around the Corner ❯ In this Quiet Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-Yasha or Harry Potter. Nor do I own the song that starts this chapter, which belongs to Gundam Seed.
Summary: Harry Potter crossover: Harry and friends go to their sixth year at Hogwarts. Who's the new girl with the Japanese accent and why is she so sad? What does the dark lord want with her?
Magic is Just Around the Corner
Chapter One: In this Quiet Night
The winds carried a voice across the quite city. It sounded mournful and sad, yet it was sang with such beauty. It belonged to a young female; those who listened to the sad voice couldn't help but feel a tad depressed for the owner. She sang with her soul, it was easy to tell, but what hurt was the fact that such a voice belonged to a soul who was crying out in pain.
In this quiet night, I'm waiting for you
During that time, your smile has faded away
Now that a little time has passed,
Memories start to resurface.”
Golden eyes flashed in the recesses of the girls mind. Golden eyes, lovely beautiful golden eyes, but they where not looking at her, no, they were looking at someone who looked like her.
Slowly the eyes started to turn red; an evil snarl took the place of the warming smile. He turned towards the raven-haired girl hiding in the bush. A blinding yellow light in the shapes of claws then descended upon her petite form, slicing through her leg. She began to run in the woods, hoping to escape the monster with red eyes.
“At the place where stars fall,
I'm always wishing for your laughter.
Even though we're apart now
We can meet again, right?”
A giant boomerang whizzed out towards the figure with the blazing red eyes, missing it by mere inches. Another flash of yellow light in the shape of claw marks descended upon a man with short black hair in a small ponytail.
The cry of the man could be heard as well as the jingling of his staff landing on the ground with a small thump. A desperate cry of a female rang out towards the fallen figure,
“From when has my smile faded this much
Since it was shattered by one mistake
Change only the precious things into light and
Go beyond the sky with fortitude.”
A female with black hair tied up in a high ponytail with blazing brown eyes charged at the monster with red eyes. “Die!” the cry of the enraged woman rang out as another desperate cry from her friend called after her. However, all words that fell upon the enraged woman's ears were not heard.
Suddenly a blaze of blue flame shot out before the enraged woman, halting her in her tracks. Another flash of yellow light in the shapes of claws was seen, before the cry of a young boy rang out into the empty night. “Kagome!” he wailed, the woman's heart he called for tore at the sound of it as the small orange fuzz ball fell to the ground, red oozing out as he stared with glassy eyes.
“To the place where stars fall,
I want my thoughts to reach you.
I am always by your side
Since I will embrace that coldness.
Even though we're apart now,
We will definitely be back together.”
Again the woman with the high ponytail charged the monster with red eyes, but she was caught off guard by an arrow piercing her side. Another flash of yellow light in the shape of claws was seen, liquid red followed in its wake. “Sango!” the last female cried out for her comrade, as she ran to her side in an instant.
“Kagome, I will always be with you…” her dying words left an empty hole in the girls heart as the person who became her sister let out her last breath.
“Sango no!” the girl wailed, clutching tightly to the limp form cradled in her lap.
Another slash of yellow light in the shape of claws came out towards the mourning woman, catching her whole side.
“Inu-Yasha!” the betrayed hurt cry of the girl rang out through all the land before a blinding pink light lit up the darkness. Soon the light died, leaving in it nothing but the quite darkness.
“In the quiet night...”
A sixteen-year-old girl sang to the empty night, her raven tresses blowing slightly in the breeze as she stood out on her porch. Gazing into the starry night sky, her eyes began to water. `Inu-Yasha…' she thought sadly, cinnamon eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Her silky white night dress fluttered in the wind, her hands rested at her front in a pleading formation. The lights of the moon illuminated her porcelain skin; she was a beauty in the dark.
Every now and then the wind blew her raven hair high enough to reveal the scars that marred her skin. A constant reminder of her failure as a friend, as a family, and as a sister. Every night she stood out on the porch and gazed into the starry sky, she always thought of them, the ones she let down.
Her thoughts turned towards anger, how could she be so weak? How could she be thinking of him in such a manor? She should only shed her tears on those who deserved it, the ones who fought to protect her from the monster he turned into.
“Inu-Yasha?” the raven-haired girl asked hesitantly, slowly walking towards the man she loved. It was dark out, she couldn't see him, but she could sense him, he was in the forest.
“Kikyo…” she heard him speak, the very word made her heart clench. He spoke it with such undying love; it was true the undead woman was the only thing on his mind.
“Inu-Yasha, what are you doing?” the most hated voice she ever heard fluttered out into the wind, carrying the whispers over to her. She was sickened by the way it sounded, apparently the undead woman was bewildered by the dog hanyou's actions.
“Kikyo, you can't go on like this!” confusion now crossed her swirling emotions, the dog hanyou never spoke like this to his former love.
With baited breath, she waited. It was eerie, not a single sound could be heard in the quietness of the woods. It was like the quite before a disaster hit, the quite everyone feared to hear. She listened, her heart racing a thousand miles per hour.
“I love you…” the words she dreaded to hear spilled out and echoed in the winds of the night. Just like that, he had made his declaration of love to the undead woman for the thousandth time. `Why is it that it hurts more then it ever did?'
Silence, once again she was greeted with silence. How she hated it, it always greeted her with pain when it was broken. Silence was her worst enemy, especially in the feudal era, when there was silence there was trouble.
A sniffing sound reached her ears. `Oh no! He's caught onto my scent!” deciding to take a peek, she saw him, breaking out of his kiss with Kikyo. It was easy to tell that it was a passionate kiss.
He continued to sniff; he looked back to his love, then to the spot where she resided. His eyes bled crimson, his content smile took the place of an enraged snarl as he bared his fangs in her direction.
He took off into the air, his claws coming down in attack, “Iron Revere Soul Stealer!” yellow cutting power rained towards her, cutting through her leg. She made a mad dash to safety in the woods. She knew what he wanted, her soul, he wanted her soul so Kikyo could take it.
---End Flashback---
Sango had heard her screams of help, she knew that Kagome could never fight Inu-Yasha; despite the training she gave her. Being the friend that was more like a sister, she raced towards the scene, Miroku and Shippo following quickly behind.
“Hiraikotsu!” Her giant boomerang whizzed through the air towards the enraged hanyou, missing him by mere inches. This made him even madder, so he attacked again, “Iron Revere Soul Stealer!” The attack was meant to hit her, but Miroku jumped in-between the attack just before it could hit Sango, taking the blow.
He cried out in pain as the gashes hit fatal organs. His staff fell out of his hands and landed with a small thump on the ground.
Sango stood there in shock as she watched him collapse in a bloody heap on the floor before her. Reaching out with a shaky hand towards his limp form, she cried out with tears streaming down her face, “Miroku!”
Kagome could only watch in horror as the girl, no, woman, who became her sister charged down the hanyou, her Hiraikotsu poised in the air ready for attack as she cried out in rage.
“Sango!” Kagome yelled at her, she couldn't let another of her family die! She ran towards her sister in a desperate attempt to save her from the oncoming attack Inu-Yasha was releasing.
However, a blue flame whizzed in front of her, halting her in her tracks. Instead of Kagome arriving at Sango's side, it was her young adopted fox kit, Shippo. Once again, a blast was taken for Sango as Shippo cried out, “Kagome!” before falling in a bloody mess to the ground, glassy eyes of death staring at her in pain.
“Shippo!” Kagome wailed, falling to her knees when her legs would no longer support her. She could only watch in horror as Sango once again charged Inu-Yasha, only to be pierced in the side by an arrow delivered from Kikyo.
With her attention on her new wound, Inu-Yasha attacked, finishing her off with no mercy. Crying out, Sango fell to the ground, blood splaying everywhere.
Kagome couldn't take it anymore, she had to go to her sister, she would kill Inu-Yasha if she had to. The pain was too much, her heart to heavy with grief. He had taken everyone she loved, other then her biological family. The half demon, no, monster she loved betrayed her for a dead woman she was reincarnated from.
“Sango!” Kagome cried out as she rushed towards her fallen friend. She lay down on the ground beside her, putting her head into her lap as she gazed at the pain filled eyes of her sister. “Kagome, I will always be with you…” she spoke weakly, but with determination.
Her breath then flowed out of her, her soul leaving her to the other world. Sango lay dead on Kagome's lap with her adopted family surrounding her in a bloody heap.
“Sango no!” Kagome yelled to her as if her mere voice could bring her back. It wasn't long before Inu-Yasha attacked. His claws descended upon her side and sliced through it, tearing the tender flesh and spilling her blood.
“Inu-Yasha!” Kagome cried out in hurt betrayal, much like Kikyo did before pinning him to the tree.
A sudden burst of power snapped inside of her. The area around her was instantly lit up in pink purifying power as her former love and the undead woman disincarnated on contact with the light.
It exploded out of her body everywhere, a surging power she never knew existed. It felt exhilarating, like a weight had been lifted and in its place, burning energy flowed. Kagome felt refreshed, alive once more instead of dead like her soul had been only moments before.
Just as quickly as it came, it left, leaving silent darkness in its wake.
---End of Flashback---
She had woken up hours later in a daze. She faintly remembered clamoring over to the well and falling in. The next thing she knew, she was awake in her bedroom three days later.
Two weeks had passed since then, to long painful weeks. Every night she stood out on the balcony and sang to the stars. She sang away all her pain and the ever-lasting anguish that swirled in the depths of her heart.
Tomorrow she would be going to a special school. She had received a note written in emerald green ink the day she arrived home, so her mother says, telling her of a school called Hogwarts in London. Since she had taken an English course and could speak the language fluently, they allowed her to come to the school.
The school was for witches and wizards in training. It mentioned that they, for some unknown reason, had a glitch when it came to finding out her powers. They were only just recently able to discover it. Ironic that it happened to come right on the final night in the feudal era.
She had been living peacefully there, for a year already. They had finally tracked down Naraku when she was fifteen and killed him. The jewel then re-entered her body, where it remained and purified. No wish was granted upon it, it was now her burden to protect as its guardian.
She could still remember all the teachings both Sango and Miroku gave in their spare time. They were concerned with the fact that Kagome held no fighting abilities and only the ability to shoot a bow and arrow. Should she run out of arrows or an enemy attack at close range, she would be helpless to defend herself.
So her adopted brother and sister took it upon themselves to train her in combat and weapons. They were surprised at how quick she picked them up in mastering the techniques; they told her she had a determined heart.
Sighing while shaking off the happy memories that only brought her pain, Kagome headed inside to rest. She had gotten all her `magical items' at a store in Tokyo, excluding a wand of course.
They said that she could not have a wand for she would purify it with her powers. So Kagome only needed to use her hands for the spells she was to learn at her new school. The only thing that bugged her was that she didn't understand what they meant when they said she would be sorted even though she was in sixth year.
They said she would be starting in the sixth year since her magic capabilities were high enough that she didn't need help catching up. The only thing she had to do that no other six year student had to was get sorted, whatever that meant.
Shrugging it off, she climbed into bed with Kilala jumping onto her stomach before curling into a ball and falling asleep. Apparently, when Kagome had stumbled down the well, Kilala had jumped in just in time before the time portal had closed. Now she lived with Kagome, the only one of her friends from that time left.
She was going to use Kilala as her pet to bring to Hogwarts; they didn't have to know that Kilala was a demon cat. To them, Kilala would remain a magic cat that could transform into a huge magic cat and fly. They would buy it right?
“Kagome! Time to wake up! Are guests from London will be here soon!” Kagome awoke to her mother's yelling.
Groaning, she hauled herself out of bed to do her morning rituals. She was used to getting up this early because of Inu-Yasha always made them get up at the first crack of dawn to go `shard hunting.' Even after they were all collected, he still woke at least herself up to make him his precious `ramen' for breakfast.
Sighing, Kagome got into her usual outfit; a black and pink fighting outfit like Sango's. Since demons constantly attacked her, she always had to be on guard and prepared to fight. Even though it had been only two weeks, in those two weeks at least one demon attacked her everyday.
After brushing her hair out, Kagome took a pink elastic and put her hair into a high ponytail. Sango was always a roll model to Kagome, so she did everything like her in a way to keep her spirit going. In a way, Sango was right when she said she would never leave her.
Kagome even used Sango's weapon Hiraikotsu, though she used magic to keep it concealed in a special bracelet she made. The bracelet she made held all of her weapons; a sword, a bow with a quiver of arrows, Sango's boomerang, and Miroku's staff. Hidden daggers were placed everywhere on her fighting outfit along with poison in pouches.
If she wanted to call upon her weapons in her bracelet, all Kagome simply had to do was think it, and the weapon of choice would appear in her awaiting hands. It was a quick and easy system she developed with her newfound miko powers.
After deeming herself presentable, Kagome headed downstairs to eat. It wasn't long after breakfast that their guests from London arrived, in a strange manor I might add. They simply appeared in the room, like a youkai suddenly appeared before you when he was quite a distance away only a moment before.
Everyone in her family was startled and nearly had a heart attack, except for Kagome. She was used to this kind of thing now, practically living in the feudal era can do that to a person.
The two visitors was a woman with square shaped-glasses with her brown hair in a tight bun and an elderly man with a long white beard wearing moon-shaped glasses. They were dressed in the oddest of ways, but after seeing all the strange clothing in the feudal era, Kagome didn't pay much attention to what people wore anymore.
“You are Kagome I presume?” the elderly man spoke with a gentle voice towards her as he inspected her appearance though his half moon spectacles. The middle-aged woman simply looked her over with a disapproving frown.
“Yes, and I don't believe I know you. You are the people from London right?” Kagome had to ask just to be sure these weren't some type of demons after the jewel in her side.
The elderly man nodded to her, “Yes, I am professor Albus Dumbledore, the head of Hogwarts.” Kagome gave him a polite bow while waiting for him to continue, “This is professor Minerva McGonagall, deputy head mistress of Hogwarts.” Again, Kagome gave a polite bow in the direction of professor McGonagall.
“Nice to meet both of you, as I'm sure you know, I'm Kagome Higurashi, daughter of Lea Higurashi.” Dumbledore chuckled a bit at Kagome's small joke; apparently she thought them a bit of a brag.
“Well Kagome, have you got all your things packed and ready to go?” Dumbledore asked, still using that gentle voice of his.
With her nod he smiled. “Are you prepared to leave?” another nod, “Ok, then come over to me, I will take you to the platform.” Giving her mother, brother, and grandfather a hug goodbye, Kagome walked up to professor Dumbledore.
“Are we using the same type of transportation you used to get here?” Kagome asked, slight curiosity in her normally sad and depressed voice. With his nod, Kagome couldn't help but feel the small tug of excitement.
In mere moments she would be traveling through god knows what to a train that would take her to a school for wizards and witches! Any sane person would feel at least a tad bit of excitement fill him or her.
With a last wave to her crying family, Kagome, along with Kilala in her arms, disappeared in a poof of smoke. Her stomach felt like it was everywhere; her head was spinning like crazy. `Is this really space travel? If it is, I don't want to do it ever again!' to say it wasn't the most pleasant ride would be like saying Sesshomaru did the chicken dance.
Finally, with a small thud they landed in the middle of a busy train station. Kagome was just barely able to keep herself from falling down, she was sure Kilala wouldn't of like that. Taking a closer examination of her surroundings while mentally checking it for youkai, Kagome found that it was a regular train station in London. Or at least it would have been if it weren't for the slight hum of magic tugging on her senses.
“So the portal is over there, in between platforms nine and ten.” Kagome stated absently when she located the source of magic. The two professors gazed at her in slight amazement as they nodded their heads.
“Yes, that is correct Kagome. Might I ask how you knew?” Kagome looked over to professor Dumbledore, `did he not know about my miko powers?' she pondered slightly while staring at him quizzically.
“Don't you know about miko powers professor?” with the confused look from both teachers, Kagome took that as a no. Sighing, she began to explain about what miko powers were and how powerful she was. Of course, she said nothing of how she discovered them or anything about the jewel currently residing in her side.
After her explanation, the two teachers looked at one another before looking back at her, “Kagome, since you know where the barrier is and how to get through it we'll be leaving you. Thank-you for your explanation on `miko powers'.” In another puff of smoke, the two professors were gone.
Looking around, Kagome noticed that she was starting to attract attention from people passing by. `Well, with the fighting outfit I'm wearing I guess I would.' Kagome thought, not in the least bit annoyed. She didn't give a damn about what other people thought. For all she cared, they could all go to hell.
Holding Kilala tight in one arm, she used her other to push the cart. Some people might think it was extremely heavy for her, but after carrying her oversized and stuffed backpack, it was the lightest thing in the world. Plus the Hiraikotsu was heavy so that also helped with her strength along with all the training she had taken as well.
Passing through the barrier was an easy task. The people with the slightest bit of magic could break through its walls with minimal effort. It was nothing like the strong barriers she faced back in the feudal era, so it was a welcoming break.
The sight she was greeted with after passing through the barrier was another train station. A red steamer blew its warning whistle; letting passengers wanting to board know to hurry up.
Trudging along she got her suitcases onto the train. The man putting them away smiled at her, which she barely returned. He watched her go with a bit of a sadden look as he continued to put suitcases away.
Kagome walked onto the train with Kilala still tight in her left arm. The fire neko growled warningly at people, letting them know not to bug her mistress. Slowly, Kagome made her way down the hall looking for an empty compartment, all she really wanted to do was to be alone.
A boy with blond hair was walking down the hall as well, his lackeys following obediently behind him. He wasn't watching where he was going, and if it weren't for Kagome's fast reflexes and dodging skills, he would have run into her. Unfortunately, he managed to catch her foot with his, and he tripped.
“Hey! Watch where you going girl!” he seethed, venom leaking from every word. Kagome was so not in the mood to put up with punks like him, he picked the wrong day to mess with her.
“Excuse me! I'm not the one who wasn't watching where they were going!” the boy looked even angrier with her, which Kagome couldn't care less for.
“So, your Japanese? Translate this! En gozen ato baka!” Kagome had a hard time trying not to burst out laughing. The poor kid just said, “I am a stupid idiot!” in Japanese! `I guess he really is?' she thought amused.
“You're right, you are a stupid idiot.” The kid looked confused at her words, “That's what you said in Japanese, guess the statement is really true?” Kagome asked him in a mocking manor, the kid looked utterly shocked.
“At least I'm not a wench like you!” within an instant, the boy was up against a wall with a dagger to his throat. “Don't ever call me that again, got it?” Kagome pressed the dagger harder against his throat, making her message all the more clearer.
He nodded dumbly, still to scared and shocked to do anything else. His lackeys were at lack of what to do with the situation, never having encountered something like this before. “Good, because next time that nasty little tongue of yours will not be there to insult me.” Kagome whispered deadly into his ear, causing him to shutter in fright.
She released him, and he slid down the wall onto the ground. The stupid boy was still in shock of what she just did; perhaps he never had been threatened like that before? Hell, in the feudal era it was an everyday occurrence for her.
“Next time I find you saying nasty little things, I'll sick Kilala here on you.” With that, the demon neko jumped out of her arms and transformed into her larger form. “She doesn't like people who don't have respect for others. You see, someone already pissed her off and she isn't in the mood. Watch your step boy.” Again, the boy nodded dumbly as he stared terrified at the giant beast known as Kilala.
Satisfied with her work, Kagome started to head down the hallway again in search of a room. Kilala gave one last threatening growl to the blond haired boy, before transforming into her kitten form and hopping on Kagome's shoulder.
That stupid boy dared called her a wench! Just like that other asshole she used to call her love. The boy who betrayed her, Inu-Yasha; that was his favorite name for her. Kagome would no longer tolerate it; anyone who said anything he did to her would pay the consequences.
Finally she located an empty room. Sliding the wooden door open, she stepped inside with Kilala still on her shoulder. It was a relatively cozy room, a large glass window to the side and two sets of comfy chairs.
Sitting on the one by the window, Kagome began to sing her song again. It was after all, the only way she knew how to get rid of the overwhelming pain that ached inside her soul, her heart, and her very person.
When she finished, she came back down to reality. Whenever she sang, she felt as if she left to the very skies she sang to. It was when she came back to reality that she felt a lot of people with magic behind her.
Looking over her shoulder, she was greeted by a crowed of people gathered at her doorway. “That was so sad, but so beautiful!” one girl gushed, other's were wiping tears away from their eyes. `Great, just what I need, fans! I didn't want anyone to hear me sing!' Kagome then started to mentally berate herself for not thinking that others could hear her.
“Children, back to your rooms!” thankfully, a teacher came by to see what all the commotion was about. “What are you three doing, back to your rooms!” three students where left outside in the hallway now.
“But professor, we don't have any place to go! All of the rooms are full!” Kagome froze, there was precisely three seats left in her room. All she wanted was to be left alone in peace!
“Go to that one over there then.” Naturally, the teacher pointed to her room and the three students filed in.
One was a boy with orange hair and orange freckles wearing a hammy down school robe. He took a seat directly across from hers, a bright smile plastered on his face. He stuck out his hand towards her, “Ronald Weasley, nice to meet you…” Kagome didn't answer, she just stared at his hand like it was holding a bomb.
When Inu-Yasha betrayed her, she closed herself off from everyone except her family. Even then though, she didn't spend lots of time with them. The only person that still held her trust was the demon cat currently cradled in her arms. Shaking this Ron person's hand would be saying she trusted him to be her friend, something she was not ready to do yet.
“Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.” She then looked away from the hand, never shaking it. The boy looked a little hurt and confused.
The boy with untidy black hair and big round glasses was next to introduce himself. “Hi, I'm Harry, Harry Potter! Nice to meet you…erm…Kagome.” He then flashed her a wide smile, which she didn't return. “Nice to meet you Harry.” Was the only thing he got out of her.
Next was a brown bushy haired girl. She to introduced herself, her hand extended out in hopes of receiving hers. “Hi, I'm Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you Kagome Higurashi!” the girl chirped happily, trying to earn Kagome's trust. Again, Kagome's hand never reached out to shake the other girls.
“Nice to meet you Hermione.” Like the many times before, that was the only thing that any of them got out of her.
The room lapsed into silence. Kagome simply stared out the window while the three occupants stared curiously at her. She was still wearing her fighting outfit after all, which she didn't plan on changing out of, not if she wanted to live.
Kagome had heard of the Forbidden Woods and the creatures that roamed there. No doubt that those creatures would go after her when they sense the jewel in her body. She had to be on constant alert, the only thing that worried her was the fact that a demon hadn't tried to attack her yet. Normally there had been at least one attack made on her for the jewel.
“So Kagome…where are you from?” Hermione was trying to make conversation with her, but Kagome was determined for it not to last long. “Tokyo.” Was her short reply, as she continued to gaze out the window, it was raining out.
“Do you have lots of friends in Tokyo?” at this, Kagome tensed a little, painful memories resurfacing to the recesses of her mind.
She remained quite, not wanting to say the answer out loud. She hadn't said her friends had died, not once. Apparently she was still in denial of the fact, and she knew it. The thing was she didn't care; she wanted to believe that they were still out there, somewhere.
“Kagome?” the girl pushed further, but Kagome simply ignored her. She didn't have to answer anyone, not if she didn't want to.
“Did something happen to your friends?” the stubborn girl continued to prod about a subject she was not ready to talk about.
It had only been two weeks since the person she fell deeply in love with betrayed her. He tired to kill her for his resurrected love, the woman she was reincarnated after. He savagely murdered her friends and his, who so bravely protected her from him. The friends who were more like family than anything else to both of them.
He, who was mere seconds away from taking her life, the person he almost died for, was killed by a surge of power releasing itself from her body; killing both him and his undead love on contact.
She was simply not ready to talk about any of it. Naraku, the jewel, the adventures in the feudal era, she just wanted to forget. She didn't want to remember the pain, and the suffering they put into completing that mission. She didn't want to remember the betrayal by a dear close friend who had been with them all the way, her love, Inu-Yasha.
“Kagome? Are they hurt really badly?” again, Hermione continued to try and get her to talk about things she had no clue about.
Kagome turned to give one of the most deadly glares she had ever given at the offending girl, causing the girl to flinch away from her look. “Do not talk to me about things you don't understand.” Kagome spoke in that same deadly tone she used with the blonde haired kid. The girl simply nodded.
Again, Kagome's attention went to looking out the window. She was watching, waiting, and sensing for Youkai. She knew it would be soon, they couldn't resist the lull of the Shikon no tama for long.
The rain stopped pouring outside. It was dark, the only sounds was the train on the track. It was like the night it all ended, a quiet night…