InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mai na Neka ❯ * Chapter 12 * (Everyone Should Get A Headache After This!) ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Chapter 12 *

(Everyone Should Get A Headache After This!)

* Three hours later *

"Ugh…my head. Where am I? What is that racket?"

"Inuyasha your chained to a wall along with us, Kagome, and your brother."


"What about what? That you are chained to a wall, or that Kagome is here, or could it be that your brother is here and neither of you can do anything?"

"Sango-sama, I don't think it's a good idea to tease him."

"Hai, Houshi-sama."

"Miroku, what is that racket?"

"Oh that? That's just your brother and Kagome fighting, they have been doing that for the past tree hours. You get used to it"

"NANI!?!?!" `My brother and Kagome are fighting? What did I miss?!?!' "WAIT! What kind of fighting?"

It suddenly got mysteriously silent, but know one noticed.

"Verbal, besides…there chained up like us."

"HA HA HA HA HA, my brother * wheeze * got himself * snort * captured? * HA HA HA HA! *

"Houshi-sama, did it get quiet in here again or is it just me?"

"Sango-sama, should we tell Inuyasha that his brother is glaring at him coldly?"

"No, if he gets hurt than he deserves it."

"INUYASHA, STOP THAT LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S CREEPING ME OUT!!!!!!!!!! I'LL SAY IT!!!!!!!!!"


"HA HA HA HA!!!!! Aw is my little bro, scared of a little girl?"

"What's that? B*stard she can say a word, and because of this d*mn rosary, I will go face first into the ground. It hurts, d*mnit!"


"Poor Sessy!"

"HA HA HA HA! Sessy! That's a good one Kagome!"


"Houshi-sama, those three are starting to scare me!"

"Sango-sama, doesn't seem like Kagome is now in the brotherly fight, between Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru?" `Those three are STILL arguing. Kami!'

"Ya it does, but whose side is she on?"

"I don't know Sango-sama."

* Sigh *

(End of chapter 12)

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