InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Reader ❯ The Last Stand ( Chapter 36 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mind Reader
Chapter 33: The Last Stand
With a slow yet purposeful stride, Kagome made her way to the dangerous fight taking place in front of her. Her bow was grasped loosely in her left hand while her right dangled at her side. Her eyes full of fierce determination, Kagome stopped a few feet outside the danger zone.
As she stood there, Kouga took the full force of one of Akki's wind attacks. Blown completely off his feet, he slid to a halt besides Kagome. Looking at her with a bleary gaze, Kouga struggled back to his knees. Blood rained profusely from his hanging jaw and with a start Kagome realized it was broken.
Kagome, get out of here! Please, I can't protect you right now.
Moisture became very apparent in the young miko's eyes as she knelt beside the struggling wolf. Brushing a cool hand across Kouga's brow she smiled gently. “Stop Kouga. If you continue on like this you'll die. Let me do my part now.”
No! He'll…he'll…kill you. I won't let that happen!
“Trust me,” whispered Kagome. “I know what I'm doing.” Before Kouga could try and stop her she was back on her feet and walking closer to the demonic hell squirrel. Knowing she had no use for her bow she dropped it to the ground and shrugged out of her quiver.
You foolish girl! Get away!
Ignoring the rampantly cursing dog demon Kagome walked ever closer to the battle. She was close enough now to feel the tail ends of the ferocious wind attacks Akki continuously sent at Sesshoumaru. Surprisingly he was still able to dodge the majority of the attacks but he was wearing down fast.
Miko, I mean it. Get back NOW! As much as I loathe admitting, we lose you and it's all over.
Sesshoumaru chanced a glance at Kagome and sent her a look that would have made much stronger demons run for cover. Unfortunately it only made the young miko harder her gaze even further. Cursing her for all he was worth Sesshoumaru switched Tokijin to his less bloodied left hand and went bearing down on Akki once again.
Forcing his sword down on the squirrel's ever-present shield he dropped to one knee and slashed at the shield with his right claws. When he made contact with the shield he called forth his lethal poison and sent it in waves at the shield.
The shield wasn't able to withstand both Tokijin and the poison's power and flickered out, leaving Akki unprotected for once.
Sesshoumaru smirked and thrust down hard with Tokijin. Akki met Sesshoumaru's smirk with one of his own and with a burst of speed he closed the gap between them. Placing his small hands against the much bigger demon's chest, Akki pushed.
Kagome couldn't stop the cry from bursting out of her throat. How could anyone survive what Akki just did to Sesshoumaru? For the demonic didn't simply push against Sesshoumaru, no, he pushed through the demon lord. Dark, swirling, deadly energy pulsated around Akki's hands. That same energy could be seen exploding behind Sesshoumaru, literally traveling through the helpless demon.
Without really thinking Kagome located her bow and grabbed an arrow from the dropped quiver. With the fluidness of one well used to archery, Kagome fired the arrow at Akki.
Sesshoumaru gazed with unfocused eyes as Akki dropped him and turned to face his new foe. Upon seeing that his savior was none other than Kagome he struggled to regain his feet all the while ignoring the great spikes of pain rushing through his body. He was never more grateful to the fact that he was a taiyoukai from an extremely powerful bloodline. Any lesser demon would have been decimated from that attack. As it were, the attack was very likely lethal, Sesshoumaru could feel that. But the important thing was that he wasn't rendered useless.
Akki turned his head to eye the struggling demon. So tedious. The silly creature didn't know when to give up. They were all willing to die for his one weakness. He hated mortals. Always driven by their hearts. Being led by your heart caused you to die. He would be sure to teach them that lesson today.
Another arrow bouncing off his newly created shield caused Akki to change his center of attention once again.
“You will not touch him,” spat out Kagome, a fiery rage burning in the depths of her eyes. “Your fight is now with me,” she continued, being sure to keep her gaze averted to the side of Akki's head. It definitely wouldn't do to be fainting right now.
“You will die,” stated Akki in his eerily deep voice.
And with that Kagome called forth all of her remaining miko powers. With the air crackling around her she raised her head, a smirk plastered firmly on her face. Then while Sesshoumaru and Kouga stared on in horror, she met Akki's gaze.
But unlike the previous times when she would freeze and then immediately faint, Kagome remained standing, defiantly narrowing her eyes while her smirk shifted into a thin line of fierce determination.
And then to the complete shock of everyone present on the battlefield, Akki squeaked. And then Inuyasha cursed.
Sesshoumaru looked and saw that with Inuyasha's attention being on Akki, Naraku had used it to his advantage to plunge a tentacle through Inuyasha's stomach.
Without removing her gaze, Kagome shouted out orders. “Go! Fight Naraku. I can keep Akki occupied for a little bit. Kill him, please, save Inuyasha. Kill Naraku.”
Hang on Kagome. I do not know what you are doing. But do not lose. I'll be back.
Sesshoumaru glanced one last time at the internally struggling Akki before going to his brother's aid. He was surprised to see the bloodied and broken wolf prince struggling to his feet as well. What came as an even bigger shock was Sango leaning on the fallen monk's staff while she limped her way to join them. She dragged her heavy boomerang behind her with her free hand.
“…Finish…quickly,” groaned Kouga through his broken jaw. One hand was clamped tightly over a wound on his chest but he still looked willing to fight and destroy Naraku.
Sango made to reply when the injured hanyou slid to a halt at their feet. She watched as her friend painfully made his way back to his feet to join his other three hurt friends.
“Where's Kagome?” asked Inuyasha the moment regained his footing.
Sesshoumaru sighed before responding. “She's fighting Akki,” he stated calmly. “We must finish Naraku quickly before she loses.”
“She's WHAT?!” exploded Inuyasha, his eyes flashing in anger. How could they? How could they leave Kagome by herself with Akki? Didn't they realize she could die?
“There is nothing you can do Inuyasha,” said Sesshoumaru. “It appears their minds are locked. We can do nothing until one triumphs.”
“Kill Akki now,” seethed Inuyasha. “That bastard is preoccupied so kill him!”
“And leave Kagome with very probably brain damage?” retorted Sesshoumaru. “Think for once Inuyasha. Their minds are locked. To kill one is to seriously harm the other. No, the foolish girl is on her own right now.”
“She's keeping Akki occupied so we can concentrate on Naraku,” interjected Sango. “So rather than arguing while Kagome weakens let's just kill him.”
“Coming,” Kouga managed to say while he eyed the beast before him with clear distaste. He let his grasp on the bloodied sheath of his sword loosen until the weapon fell to the ground. He preferred his fists. Bloodied and broken he was, beaten he was not.
Inuyasha glanced at his three friends. In all likelihood they were about to go their deaths. Exhausted, injured, worried about Kagome, this was no way to enter the final battle against Naraku. And if by chance they were fortunate enough to kill the evil hanyou it was still very likely at least one of them would fall with him. Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders. If he was to go out now so be it. Kagome knew he loved her.
“Fight with everything you have left,” said Sesshoumaru.
A writhing mass of tentacles approached them. A head grinning in the anticipation of an easy victory sat atop them.
“This is your final chance to make your revenge against Naraku.”
Sango lowered her body and prepared hiraikotsu for one final flight. She wished Miroku was with her but he was incapacitated with the wasps' venom.
“Kagome has given us this last opportunity to fight. Do not let her down.”
Kouga wiped the blood from his eyes and sat on the balls of his feet. He was ready for one last charge for the woman he would always love.
“Are you ready little brother?” asked Sesshoumaru softly.
“Let's beat the shit out of him,” answered Inuyasha gruffly. Inuyasha once again brandished tetsusaiga. “Naraku! You have lived for far too long. You're finished today.”
“Now, GO!” yelled Sesshoumaru ferociously.
And with that shout Sango let hiraikotsu fly. Without waiting for it to return to her she followed her friends in the charge against Naraku.
Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru pursued the giant boomerang. Both were breathing much heavier than was safe for the upcoming fight. Yet the nearly identical bloodthirsty smirks could be found on both their faces. Oh yes, the dog demon brothers were perilously close to death. But this would not stop them from enjoying the prospect of murdering the foul hanyou before them. Even if they had to do it together.
Kouga and Sango flanked the two brothers. Neither could take the brunt of Naraku's attack yet they knew if Naraku was distracted enough they could land a blow that could help turn the fight in their favor.
Hiraikotsu reached Naraku first. The boomerang was easily knocked back but as soon as it was the snarling faces of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru greeted Naraku. The brothers began hacking off tentacles with their weapons but the moment one would fall off another would grow to take its place. Soon the brothers were back-to-back fighting with everything they had to simply stay alive.
Sango and Kouga began methodically cutting off tentacles surrounding their friends. Yet neither could make progress in the direction of the brothers.
They were losing. No matter how hard they fought the tentacles kept coming. Something drastic had to be done or soon one of them fall. And once one fell the fight would be over. Evil would triumph. The world would plunge into darkness simply because one of the four remaining fighters had fallen.
The wolf demon chanced a glance at the miko. Seeing his dear friend brought to her knees as she still continued the internal struggle against Akki, he made up his mind. In war sacrifices had to be made.
Kouga lasted out and with a quick succession of punches and claws he cleared the surrounding area of tentacles. Then without giving them time to grow back he ran for Inuyasha. He frantically dodged the writhing mass of tentacles. Many still found their mark on Kouga's body, one even managing to pierce through his shoulder. But through it all Kouga did not ease off on his speed even by a fraction.
Upon reaching Inuyasha Kouga slowed enough to grab the hanyou by the upper arm yielding tetsusaiga. Without paying any heed to the surprised yell Inuyasha gave, Kouga pushed himself harder than he had in his entire life to literally climb over the tentacles while bringing a confused hanyou with him. Kouga's muscles were screaming out in pain and agony yet the wolf prince continued his mad dash, all the while using his body to shield Inuyasha from the brunt of the attack.
Digging his free hand into a tentacle, Kouga braced his feet against the same tentacle and with a tightening of his muscles launched himself straight into the air, his free arm outstretched to block as many blows as possible.
When the wolf prince and hanyou cleared the mass below them Kouga grabbed Inuyasha with both his hands. Then quickly locating Naraku's head Kouga spent the last of his energy to throw Inuyasha at the evil hanyou. As soon as Inuyasha left his grasp Kouga closed his eyes and fell with a sickening crash to the ground.
Finally realizing what Kouga had in mind, Inuyasha straightened his body, and keeping tetsusaiga pointed in front of him, he made a clear path to Naraku's head.
One tentacle reached out to block him but Inuyasha promptly removed it. However, this pushed him slightly off course and rather than hitting Naraku in the head tetsusaiga stabbed him through the chest.
With a piercing cry Naraku gathered all his tentacles and used them to push tetsusaiga and Inuyasha away from him.
Inuyasha crashed into the ground but came to a grinding halt when he ran into his brother's legs. Breathing harshly, he gladly took the offered hand and was brought back to his feet. Leaning heavily on tetsusaiga Inuyasha watched the screaming hanyou through tired eyes. He just wanted it to end.
Naraku reverted back to his original form where everyone could plainly see the gashing wound in his chest. No one was prepared for what happened next.
“Akki!” yelled Naraku, his eyes brimming with hatred, “You foul squirrel! Can you not handle even a simple human girl? Is the devil's underling so pathetic? Finish her off and help me!”
Inuyasha and Sango couldn't stop their cries when Akki's eyes darkened considerably and then with a slight whimper Kagome closed her eyes and collapsed. Before Inuyasha could rush to her side Akki had appeared beside Naraku.
Sesshoumaru quietly unclenched his fist, which had been his only reaction to Kagome falling. This was not good.
Sango joined the two brothers to await the death that was sure to be dealt. They had given it a good run but it appeared their luck had officially run out.
Inuyasha gripped tetsusaiga almost as if he were trying to meld his hand with the hilt. He could feel his internal demon lusting to be set free. That squirrel had hurt his Kagome. How dare he!
“Ah, I see you aren't as weak as you made yourself out to be,” sneered Naraku. “Now that you've finally rid us of that pestering miko see if you can't extinguish the rest of them.”
“I achieved my revenge,” said Akki in his gravelly voice. “I care not about the others.”
Sesshoumaru spread his arms across Inuyasha and Sango. He was sure they wouldn't try to start a fight, but one could never be too cautious with his hardheaded brother. He was slightly taken aback when Sango took advantage of his newly opened side to lean against him. But upon feeling her quivering body and how she looked ready to drop from exhaustion he allowed her to remain.
His brother wasn't faring much better. As the seconds passed Inuyasha leaned more and more on tetsusaiga, which he had put back on the ground, when Akki began talking. One eye was almost completely shut because of a wicked gash over it and the other he had given up on wiping the blood that continuously dripped into it from a deep cut on his forehead. And then there was the hole in his stomach. Yes, Inuyasha looked close to collapse as well.
And Sesshoumaru knew he wasn't any better. In fact, if he were tempted to push Sango away it would be because he could barely stand up himself and not because he did not wish to help her. His clothes were in tatters, his armor was beat to shreds and barely remaining on, and his once pristine white hair looked more like it belonged on a stray mutt than a great taiyoukai. Twigs, leaves, dirt, and even blood was spread haphazardly through it. To take on both Naraku and Akki would be deadly for all.
Naraku turned, his eyes full of rage, to Akki. “Do you think I care that you `care not about the others'? Of course I don't! Now kill the rest!”
Sango was quite unnerved by the eerie grin that suddenly appeared on Akki's face. She had seen it before. Yet this time it wasn't directed at her and her friends.
Without warning the demonic squirrel brought his shield back up to full strength. Then while still facing Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, and Sango, he spoke.
“I do not work for you Naraku. How dare you try to order me around as if I were naught but a servant. I long ago removed myself from servitude. You would do well to remember that.”
“How DARE you speak to me like that you ungrateful rodent! I saved you from an earlier death and this is how you repay me? Do not forget that I am Naraku. Most of the shikon jewel is in my possession. You would do well not to anger me.”
This time Akki turned to face the hanyou. His eyes went from the dark and dangerous red from before to a surprisingly gentle shade of red.
Sango instinctually drew back when she caught sight of Akki's eyes. In a being this evil it was bound to be dangerous for him to look so cheerful. Oh yes, blood would be spilled. It was just a matter of whose blood it would be.
“Do not trifle with the devil's own handiwork,” said Akki, “For he does not take kindly to insults.”
“Oh shit,” breathed Inuyasha quietly. Sesshoumaru silently agreed to that awe-inspiring opinion of the situation.
“You fool!” spat Naraku. “Kill them. You think they will let you walk away after killing that girl? They will hunt you down. Now, I command you to kill them!”
And with that one command Akki lunged.
Sesshoumaru drew in a sharp breath.
Sango closed her eyes.
Inuyasha bit his lip so hard he drew blood.
And Naraku screamed. One had never heard Naraku scream so loud. And one had definitely witnessed the powerful hanyou beg for mercy. For in between his bloodcurdling screams one could just barely make out the tiny sobs of `please' and `stop' and `no more'. And if one squinted tears could have been said to be streaming down Naraku's face.
There were but five witnesses to this great event. Three of them, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Sango, would not even be able to lend a guess at just what Akki did to Naraku. They could say the squirrel had landed on Naraku's chest and after gripping the hanyou by his neck the screams had begun. But they could see nothing else. No blood, no cuts, not even any limbs being hacked off to warrant such screams could be seen. It was utterly baffling.
Akki was yet another witness. And if you wished to find him and interview the demonic squirrel then no one would stop you. But it would not be strongly encouraged to seek this squirrel out. For one so easily provoked to deliver such raw pain to an individual would not respond kindly to unwanted questions. And his methods of torturing Naraku would be unwanted, that you can almost be sure of. For he would relish in letting you experience exactly what Naraku went through.
And of course there was one last witness.
Akki deftly jumped off of Naraku and landed behind the hanyou. Without a backwards glance he left the battle site.
For yes, Naraku was your last witness. After all, who better to describe the pain Akki can bring upon a person than a victim of such pain? But you could question all you wanted and never receive a single answer from the mute hanyou.
Naraku collapsed to the ground.
For you see, Naraku was dead.