InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Sonata ❯ New Start ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Naraku. Defeated he's been for two years now. However, the adventure for Kagome and her companions is far from over.
Kagome and Inuyasha had wished upon the jewel, their hands linked as they did so. Inuyasha had chosen Kagome. As he whispered his wish into the jewel, Kagome could see the cold hate that usually hung in his eyes slowly fade away, a certain light coming into his eyes.
He placed the jewel in her hands with such care, his fingers brushing her hand ever so lightly. Inuyasha heard Kagome's sweet voice tell him to turn around, her wish unheard to his ears as he did so.
He inhaled through his nose, noticing a sudden change in his dearest Kagome. Her scent…The scent of a hanyou. Inuyasha spun around just in time to see the light that possessed her fade away to reveal the most beautiful half demoness he'd ever laid eyes on.
Her hair was long , silky, and black as night. Pointed black ears popped out from the top of her head. Her skin was as pale as milk, but she seemed as delicate as a china doll. Her eyes were now a brilliant shade of blue, no longer the dark chocolate brown. She still had her luscious form, though Inuyasha felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment, noticing the increased size in her breasts.
Kagome reached out a delicate, claw-tipped hand and gently brushed his cheek. Inuyasha wrapped his fingers around her wrist and tugged her into a tight embrace, his mouth covering hers in the deepest of kisses.
Mirkou and Sango watched from a distance, an older Shippo watched silently. It had seemed Shippo had gained maturity early, and knew that this moment deserved some respect. Kirara sat silently beside Shippo, her tails curled around her.
Sango felt a hand wrap around her own, to her surprise her fingers wrapped around Miroku's hand. Sango slowly gazed upward only to find those deep blue eyes digging into her own.
That's when she felt a small pressure on her backside.
Sango's eyebrow twitched involuntarily, though this time, and this time only, she restrained the urge to slap him and reached behind her, plucking the wandering hand from her bottom. She heard Miroku let out a small chuckle and he squeezed her hand gently. Sango felt a blush cover her cheeks as she smiled slightly, hitting him in the side with her hip.
Kagome and Inuyasha came forward hand in hand, foolish grins on their faces. Shippo smiled and hugged Kagome, though he also received a small growl from Inuyasha.
“Oh hush, he's only a child.” Kagome said, though she smiled up at him with her pearly fangs revealed.
Sesshoumaru watched silently from the trees, a small breeze blowing strands of hair from his eyes.
“Half breed…hm..” Sesshoumaru said to himself as he turned and walked back to his domain
Inuyasha smiled softly and kissed her forhead, the group then headed for the village to tell Keade of their new beginning.