InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Hanyou ❯ Chapter 1

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My Guardian Hanyou
My dear Inuyasha. My one and only love. My protector. Gone. And because of me. We finished the Shikon Jewel and I had decided to stay in my time to get a full education and I couldn't stand to be away from my family for long. I told him to stay in the Feudal Era, that he could wait a few hundred years before he saw me again. But, my stubborn Inuyasha didn't want to be away from me. He said I wouldn't be safe without him. I honestly had him spoiled. He insisted on staying with me. That did make me feel better, though, knowing that I wouldn't have to be away from him. I also thought it would be safer for the both us here. Everything was going great for us. It all ended the night he proposed to me.
We'd had a wonderful dinner and spent all night in the park. It was very late when we left and it was raining lightly. Knowing I would lose, I challenged him to a race anyways. He was being a show-off, as usual, and ran ahead of me. I didn't let that stop me though. I ran as fast as my human legs would allow, but didn't realize until it was too late that I was being pulled off course. I was slammed into the alley wall and almost instantly lost consciousness. I was still awake, but I couldn't see. I felt a pair of hands going up and down my body, lingering on my sensitive spots. I screamed for Inuyasha. One hand covered my mouth while the other unbuttoned my blouse.
The warm hands left my body and I heard a crash a few feet away. I dropped to my knees and called Inuyasha because I still couldn't see. He told me to stay where I was, then I heard gunshots. I crawled towards the noise and heard footsteps run past me in the opposite direction. I crawled faster and felt something sticky and wet under my hands. I called Inuyasha's name repeatedly, but got no answer. I bumped into something solid and felt all over it until I recognized a pair of fuzzy triangles. The sun must have risen. I creamed until someone found me trembling and holding on to my dead fiancée.
That was a year ago. Inuyasha had died after multiple bullets to the head and I had been temporarily blind for months. I was glad I had been blind that night so that I didn't have to see his unmoving, bloodied body. I shook my head as I tried to forget the horrible memories. Tonight was not the night to think about that. I had finally graduated from high school and tonight was probably the last night I would get to spend time with all of my friends before I headed off to college. I should be celebrating, not sulking. I danced and talked with everyone, but left when I started to yawn in peoples' faces. The shrine was only a few minutes walk away, so I started walking.
I could see the shrine from where I was, a few blocks away, but I could also see a strange guy staring at me from a few yards ahead. I prayed to every God that was listening to keep me safe and make him go away. I opened my eyes and he was still there. I walked cautiously past him, trying to avoid eye contact, but I had to look. His black eyes were full of fear. What did he have to be afraid of? I made it home safely, but did not sleep well.
The next morning, there was a news report on an attack and murder near the Higurashi Shrine. I went to the police station and told them what I knew about the strange guy. A week later, they caught the guy while he was attacking a pregnant woman. I had to go back to the police station to confirm that this was the right person. I recognized him instantly. (He doesn't have a name so we'll just call him Bob.) Before I left, I asked and officer if I could ask Bob a quick question. He agreed and sent me in the room with two armed officers' right behind me.
“Hey,” I said to get his attention, “Why didn't you attack me that night I walked past you?”
“There was a silver-haired guy walking with you. I wasn't about to risk my neck on some guy's girlfriend. Especially since he looked like he could kill me with a flick of his wrist.” He answered as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
I left with a lot on my mind. Did he mean Inuyasha? But Inuyasha is dead, so he couldn't have been there. Or maybe it was true what people said about ghost and guardian angels. I smiled at that thought. My silver-haired, doggy eared, guardian hanyou. I felt a cold hand grab mine. I looked up and saw Inuyasha at my side. We walked home in peaceful silence.