InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I know this is a little late, Disclaimer- I PrincessAly do not own any of the following characters. NONE of the Inuyasha peeps are not mine, though all original characters are mine no stealing them if you want them ask me.


~~~~~~Konye POV~~~~~~

Just as I finished my explanation on whom and what I am, blinding silver light erupted from Inuyasha and Ari, blinding every one but me. I knew that it was the adoption formally taken place now all that is left was the transformation for Ari from pure human to a hanyou. When the light died down all that was there was a passed out hanyou and the newly transformed and trembling Ari. Compared to what she looked like when I saw her again a week ago her transformation made her even more drop dead gorgeous.

~~~~~~~Ari POV~~~~~~

During the transformation she could feel the changes Inuyasha’s blood provided me, my teeth now included fangs, my hands now had claws as fingernails, my hair grew to be almost at my knees and if it was even possible it lightened to silver with gold and pink streaks, and I grew taller I was at 5’6, now I stood approx the same height as Inuyasha. After that she felt tired and confused, along with the new looks she sported some weird magic to go along with it.

~~~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~~

Konye could sense this and made the announcement.

Konye: Ok enough talk for tonight I will talk to each one of you individually in the next tomorrow but for now let us turn in. Sesshoumaru will you help your brother to his quarters and Kagome would you help Ari to hers. Rin, will you go with Sango tonight she will keep you safe for the time being?

Konye decided to stay behind and bank the fires and clean up the mess the tea made. All the sudden there was flash of silver light came about revealing a beautiful woman with emerald eyes and Flame red hair. She is the Great Mother Goddess the mother of the mountains and mares, but in this era, she is known the Goddess.

Konye: My Lady to what do I owe this pleasure.

Goddess: I think it is wise that you told them about you. How you came to be? What you are? However, the Goddess you told them about is my twin sister and she has the elemental powers. I am the warrior, the fifth aspect of my sister, true enough that we both conferred that we should choose you and this ragtag bunch of demons This would be the only time we have agreed on anything in our long lives. I want you to talk to the new princess first and give her the powers over air and light and the power to govern her lands wisely. Also evoke her weapons souls (find a bow and ask its soul if it would like to be relocated).

Konye: Ok but I have a question though. What if they don't believe me that you exist? What if the others try to harm me?

Goddess: Then I will just have to come down here and kick some tail.

During that conversation, Konye and the Goddess had let down their guard and they never sensed the presence of another. Who was this presence it was Rin on her way to the kitchen for a glass of water,

Rin: Konye who is the pretty lady?

Konye: This is my friend she is the Goddess I was talking about earlier.

Rin: Can Rin see the pretty woman smile?

Goddess: Yes Rin can see the pretty lady smile: The Goddess smiled with the warmth and caring of a mother, for all that she is a mother.

Rin: Ok thank you pretty lady. Good night Konye.

Goddess: I guess I should be heading back too. I bid you good night and farewell and if you need me, you know how to reach me. She faded in to the mists, those last words sounded inside Konye’s head, sounding like a pack of wolfs calling the hunt and of a breeze a warm summer one.

Konye: *Damn why are meetings with that woman always so unsettling. Well I am now to wound up to sleep. I guess I can clean*

~~~~~~~Konye POV~~~~~~

I went in to my room and got my mp3 player and my portable visor. I had invented it shortly before my 18th birthday and had the kinks worked out so you did not have to be blind for it to work, unlike Jordi’s visor from Star Trek This one shows inferred and bacteria of any sort, before finding out I was a demon I had sent the invention to a patent office to get it regulated for chefs and restaurants. But the plan it I did not. So I kept it for myself and used it in my own restaurants. and the only time I break it out is when I have had a visit from her and the mp3 player hooks right up to a support module and plays one of my play lists stored in the visors main computer core.

~current play list~

Traveling soldier~ Dixie Chicks

Rhythm emotion ~ from Gundam Wing

Coming to your city~ Big and Rich

Redneck Woman~ Gretchen Wilson

Save a Horse Ride a cowboy~ Big and Rich

Hontou no Kotoba~ opening from Gokushn (Gangster school teacher)

Have you Forgotten~ Daryl Worley

White night: True light~ opening from D.N.Angel

Two Pina coladas~ Garth Brooks

Standing outside the fire~ Garth Brooks

When I think about angels~ Jamie O'Neil

Three wooden crosses~ Randy Travis

Dust on the Bottle~ Tim McGraw

With so much noise she was making it would be hard for anyone to get any sleep Little did she know the men had a connecting door to the ladies wing. Its not like she had time to go exploring, good thing that door is lockable from the ladies side only. Well my door was not locked now and with all the noise it woke Miroku up and he went to see what all that noise was. That is when he got the fright of his lecherous life. There was a beautiful lady in the kitchen dancing and singing to herself with a strange looking device over her eyes.

He gathered up his courage to stop her as she was at the dugout sink washing all the earthen ware dishes in the kitchen. How she got water in here with out going out to the well I will never know let alone get it hot to wash dishes in.

Miroku: Excuse me... Excuse me* he walked up behind her and tapped on her shoulder. But, that was the wrong thing to do because as soon as she turned around he was sent flying across the room to land in the banked fire pit. She had put a dampening field around her hand that extended to protect his flight. He got up shook out his sleeping hakama and addressed her again*

Excuse me my lady I would like to inquire what are you doing up at this ungodly hour?

Konye: I had a visit earlier tonight and I can’t sleep after those visits. Now, if you don't mind me asking who are you I know your face from earlier but I never got your name only your lecherous profession.

Miroku: The name is Miroku and I am a Monk, who happens to have a hole in his hand and a lecherous curse to go with it. Would it help if you talked about it maybe if you talk to me about the visit and who was the visitor maybe then maybe you could get some sleep?

Konye: I don't think you would believe me even if I told you. Well maybe you would, ok we will talk. But, NO wandering hands or I will chop them off. ^_^

Miroku: Ok I keep my hands to myself and you keep your blades to your self

Konye: Ok we had better sit down for this and let me warn you now. There will be no interrupting me. So save your questions until the end.

~~~~~~Konye Story~~~~~

It began when I had just turned nineteen. That was also the day I found out I was a demon. From believing I was fully human to learning about my new senses and magic where I could manipulate fire and water. I had often went camping in the woods behind the shrine in the modern time. One day I was setting up camp when a hooded stranger made itself at home by my fire. She said she knew of my destiny and that she was a goddess, even though I could tell by her unearthly beauty. She also told me that I would be the key to saving the world which you know as the warring states era. The darkness that attacked you at that village is called the Ing. She is also was sorry to say that Naraku was not dead. Just before he would have got sucked in to a cage in hell where he could do no more harm, the Ing captured him and took over his body. But don't tell any of your pack that just yet. The reason for her visit today was that I am supposed to gift each of you with a power that will weaken and eventually defeat the Ing. You each will receive two powers, one to destroy ing on contact and one to use together and I was supposed to gift Ari first. As her power is over light and air. Ok I am done now ask your questions.

Miroku: What is this Entities Name?

Konye: Oh, I forgot to mention that .Sorry, it depends on the religion. To me she is the Goddess.

Miroku: Did she say why she chose you to be her chosen?

Konye: Well it has to do with me being Midoriko’s Daughter and a Surpassable Warrior. Hey, thank you for listening. I feel like I will sleep like a rock now, good night Miroku.