InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nature ❯ Nature ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Part three of my trilogy. from Night Romance to Back Again to now Nature. Inuyasha is the antagonist sorry fans. Sesshoumaru/kagome pairing. Rated Ais me Lilly Pateal writing my last fic. I hope u enjoy my fanfic.
I don't own any of the characters except Leafy n Talon. they r kagomes son n daughter. I have to admit it is strange but bear with me.

It has been a while since Sesshoumaru and Kagome battled Inuyasha. Now in the present now, Kagome was sitting on her favourite chair beside Sesshoumaru and talking with her two pups. Kagome haden't change since they battled Inuyasha. She is still the warrior as before. White hair tha reaches to her ankles, golden eyes and a long tail drapped over one shouder like Sesshoumaru. Kagome and Sesshoumaru pups, Leafy was a 17 year old girl with a fighting spirit like her dad, but with the attitude of her mom. She was a Inu Youkai just like her parents but she had these kind of strange powers. she can control the vegetations like trees,vines and all plant things. Sesshoumaru was proud on having a daughter like her. She had white hair with a dash of green on the bottom of her hair which reached down to her mid section. Green eyes and an athletic built body. Talon there other child was 19 years old. He is tall athletic, lean and muscular. Has the attitude and the markings of his father and he is a ruthlessly fighter. He dosen't believe in mercy. White hair that reaches his shoulder also handsome. and he has Blue eyes. Like Leafy Talon also posses a unique ability to control water. Sesshoumaru and kagome had to admit. Their pups were very unique and speacial that they love so much.
Over the last 20 years since there run on run with Inuyasha Kagome and Sesshoumaru had been in deep training. And when their pups had grown Sesshoumaru trained them as well. They are now so strong like their parents that Sesshoumaru was so proud. "Talon, Leafy you two make me proud." He smiled at them both earning a bright grinon both their faces.
"Thanks daddy" Leafy glowed with pride
"Yes father" Talon smirked.
That was their conversation yesterday. But today as Kagome was telling them a story about their previous pups she had a sad note in her voice. "kids, You must know that you guys had two siblings. Rin and Shippo. They both died 3 years ago when we were out searching for jewels shard. Naraku came and surprised us. He killed them both and wounded me and your father gravely. Kids please no that, I missed them so much." That was it she broke down into fits of sob. The two kids stared at their mother sadly. Talon came up to her and sooth her while Leafy gave he mother a big hug. "Thanks you guys" Kagome smiled weakly at them both.
"Are you alright?" came sesshoumarus voice. Kagome nodded. Sesshoumaru walked up to his mate and embraced her in his arms coaxing her back in a gentle motion. Kagome snuggled against his body and nuzzled his neck. Sesshoumaru felt his arousal came and growled. The two kids looked at their parents with two grin plastered across their face.
Leafy had accidentally came across their parents mating each other that Talon had laughed at her for weeks and weeks earning him a slap in the face making him sputter.But here they watch their parents in this position, they were trully happy for them."wow" the two kids said in unison. And they walked away to go to bed. Kagome had fallen asleep in Sesshoumarus embrace, and he was now carrying her to his bed where they both slept. Sesshoumaru snarled in his determination that he will kill that bastard off naraku for taking away his two pups. He layed kagome down in bed when he reached their bedroom, he went to check his pups, making sure they were sound asleep. He went to Leafys room first and smiled, Leafy was asleep with a green plant plush toy (I know Iknow. there is no such thing from back then. go with the flow) caressing under her chin. Sesshoumaru then went and checked Talon his older son. He was asleep with a blanket covering his legs while his arms were on his pellow.came back to his own room slipped in and fell gently to sleep near his mate.
"EEk" yelled a voice in the castle. which woke Sesshoumaru and kagome. The two adults ran full speed to the source of the shriek. It came from Leafys room. when they opened the door, Kagome gasped. There was Naraku holding her daughter in one of his tenticles.
"Kukukukukukuku, well well if it isn't sesshoumaru and kagome, how nice of you guys to drop in." Naraku drawled and smirked.
"Let her go" Kagome yelled making Naraku sneer.
"Now why would I do that miko?"
"becuase if you don't then you would fine yourself dead" came sesshoumarus icily responce. As he slashed at naraku who managed to dodged it, but also dropping Leafy in the process. Leafy scrambled to her mother.
"What the?" came the sound of Talon as he stared at the battle before him. He saw kagome motion him to get over to her. He obeyed and walked over to her.
"Kids help your father out. He is getting tired." Kagome asked her kids. They nodded their consent. They took their fighting stance in front of their mother and then they charged at Naraku who looked dunbfounded.
"Rosealia thorns!!!" Leafy screeched as 6 thorns came from her nails and shot straight at Naraku colliding him in the face. He screamed in agony as he fell to his knees trying to clean his bloody face.
"Aquaric duster" Talon roared, as a giant water tornado shot out of Talons body and went straight to Naraku colliding with him. Naraku got all mangled that he fell to the ground.
"How dare you two pest." He snarled. He didn't see the toujikin slashed down until it was to late. There stood Sesshoumaru with bloody red eyes and blood pertrubing out of whats left of Naraku.Kagome and the kids walked over to him. Kagome gave sesshoumaru and he complied by kissing her. They saw the shikon jewel fell out of the dead Narakus babbon pelt. Talon picked it up and handed it to kagome who purified it.
"We did it, we killed Naraku" Leafy was jumping up and down from her excitement.. Talon grinned and hugged her sis and they both danced like 6 years old.
1 month after the attack. They were all seated in Sesshoumarus study room discussing about what they should do with the shikon jewel. "I think we should just wish for nothing." Talon gruff voice laced with loathing towards the jewel said.
"I guess" and with that the jewel from kagomes hand flew up and went in to kagome. They all had moved to Sesshoumarus other castle since the other held a certain hanyou in front of sesshoumarus gateway. But that is when kagome felt her heart race. So did every one. They all looked stricken at sesshoumaru. He was in his stoic mask. But when he talked his voice was laced with hatred.
"He is back." sesshoumaru growled.
"How?" kagome asked? she froze inuyasha with crystals that can't break. Sesshoumaru hated to admit it, but he also didn't know. They all tore outside and sped off to their previous home. The all nature that surrounds them engolf them with sudden quietness and eerie silent. No animals were making a sound.
"freaky" Kagome heard her daughter said. They arrived and they stood there shocked. There was INuyasha with his tetsaiga held drown poised in front of them with a manically smirk.
"Hello kagome, Half-brother been a long time" with that he charged at the four. They all fought back. leafy and talon using their element attacks at him. But in the end only Kagome was left standing. Sesshoumaru was on the ground bleeding badly with a enormous gash slashed across his muscular body. Both Talon and Leafy were unconscience due to Inuyashas' blow. "How weak" Inuyasha sneered. "you guys got soften" he laughed which made kagomes hair stand."you wonder how I got out, easy, Naraku came and defrosted your crystal with this potion. I agreed to kill you guys" with that said he charged at kagome. Kagome raised her hand and blasted inuyasha back with her miko powers.
"Inuyasha you used to be so nice. but your jealous and lunatic state is making you a horrible person." Kagome said. Inuyasha sneered and charged again."I guess i have to kill you". She summoned up all of her miko power and blasted Inuyasha in the body purifying him and killing him in the process. "Good day to you Inuyasha". She bowed at the dead Hanyou and walked over to her family. She healed sesshoumarus injuries and her kids awoken.
"That was great". sesshoumaru said to her with pride etched across his face. Her two kids nodded and grinned at her. Kagome smiled weakly at having to destroy her once a friend. She sighed and they all headed back to their home on Sesshoumarus fluffy cloud.

YAYY!!! I have finally completed my third trilogy. I hoped you guys enjoyed it. Love to say again "Hi Zuray, Nelle, InuGirl13 and Dj hudson. Ihope you guys are proud of me. and please let your love shine like a beakon^_^" good day.