InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New mysteries ❯ LOst ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I do not own Inuyasha and its characters anything,
NOTE: thoughts in Italics
Chapter 1: Lost
“Wake up Kagome, it's already 4:30” ”Mom, two more minutes please”,”Kagome you only asked for it, so there's no point in complaining”, “Ok,Ok I'm up”.
Kagome gets ready for her ninja training class and makes her way to the kitchen.
“Mom I'll be late today”,”Ok, now hurry up Kagome”.
I'll have to tell her about sensei sooner or later.Ok it's decided I'll tell her today after practice”.
Later in the afternoon……..
“SENSEI, what happened?”
“Kagome I don't have much timeI want...”
“I'll call for the ambulance”. (Kagome makes the call and returns to her sensei.)
“Kagome, Go to the basement and make your way through the junk. You'll find an emerald colored box , open it and take D--Da--Dachishi”.
“Sensei, Wake up, Wake up, Wake up “,
The ambulance arrives and takes him to the hospital, though he died a few minutes before.
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Kagome returns back to pick up her things and make her way to the basement.
She follows her sensei's orders and opens up the box only to find a sword with beautiful
Engravings and makes her way back home.
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When near her home she hears screams of her brother Souta and runs with all her might to answer his screams.
Next chapter: The Magical Way Through The Hidden Door and Old Freinds