InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Times ❯ In The End ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha don't belong to me. Too bad.........

Author's Notes: This is my first Inuyasha fanfic, so I hope I don't screw things up too much.
Kagome is 23 or so in this, and is about to get married, but not to Inuyasha. So, just what are
each other thinking on this day?

In The End

By: Jade Daniels

It wasn't supposed to end this way. No, not like this. In the end, he always thought...... Feh,
what did it matter what he thought? By the end of today, he will have lost her. It would be the
last time he would ever see her again. Deep within his heart, he always knew how he felt. The
thing was that he never showed it properly. Calling someone 'stupid' all the time wasn't exactly
an endearing quality. But it was the only way he knew how to show his emotions.

As he looked upon the temple below from atop a nearby tree, he pulled out a small sack from
within his red and pink robes. Inside the small sack was a shining crystal - the Jewel of Four
Souls. All the pieces had finally been gathered. A few months ago, the last demon in possession
of the last shard had fallen under his blade. On that last day, she just smiled as she handed over
the everything. With the last shard, the Jewel had magically been restored, and now was
completely whole. She had known what he had wanted, and willingly gave it to him. No
argument, no fighting, no matter that she was supposed to protect it with her life.

How he wished she would've protested. Even a 'sit' would have sufficed. But when she had
released him of the prayer beads, he'd known it to be a final goodbye. She was returning to her
time, her home, her reality, her life. It was a life that he had no part of anymore, no claim. He
wondered if she even knew that he never made the change. Hadn't want to make any change, not
without her. But she was gone now, to be taken away by a man who could never love her as he

And in the end, Kagome would never know that she would forever have a piece of him: his

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

It wasn't supposed to end this way. She never thought it would have come to this. In the back of
her mind, she always believed that the search would continue. Maybe not forever, but perhaps
long enough so that one day, he would look at her with something other than disdain.
Sometimes, she thought she saw signs of him actually liking her. But those thoughts were
usually swept away in another torrent of insults from his lips. In the end, she supposed that it
just wasn't meant to be.

She picked at the voluminous folds of her wedding kimono. It was absolutely gorgeous to look
at, as if something from a dream. It fit her perfectly, showing her body off in all the right places,
to show the groom a glimpse of what was yet to come. Her hair and makeup had already been
done, making her look like a princess. At least, that's what everyone kept telling her. As she
looked into the mirror, she realized that it was true.

But princesses didn't cry. And she wouldn't, couldn't cry for him.... not anymore. Her eyes
closed against the tears that threatened to spill over. She had made her choice. In the end,
which would have made her happier? Being with a man she loved more than life, but who didn't
love her. Or, being with a man who would never have her love, but at least did love her. All she
could ever be to him was a wooden puppet, not really feeling at all.

Because, in the end, her heart would always belong to the youkai known as Inuyasha.