InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nine Lives For Two ❯ Gekido ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“What happened, Kagome?!” exclaimed her worried family, bursting into the bathroom.
Kagome quickly hid something behind her back.
“Er…nothing! It's nothing!” she said sweetly.
“Okaay, if you say so” Sota shrugged and her family left.
“Whoo, that was close!” Kagome whispered nervously. She took another good look at the object she'd hidden from her family and sighed.
“Ohh maan!” she groaned, “what am I gonna tell him?”
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That night, in a dream…
“Good to see you again, Kagome!” Yuugure bowed. Then she noticed Kagome's expectant look. “I know, I know, but be patient, Inuyasha will arrive in a moment. Oh! One more thing before he shows up; don't tell him yet”
“Huh?” said Kagome. Yuugure winked.
“He's not ready to know yet, he'll just freak out” Yuugure said.
Both girls had a fit of The Giggles.
“Ok, I think we've excluded your doggie for long enough” Yuugure flapped her wings and Inuyasha appeared in front of Kagome.
There you are” he said cheerfully.
Yuugure cleared her throat.
“Perhaps I should give you lovebirds some time to each other, hm?” the white youkai turned around and took a few steps forward, disappearing in the ever-present mist.
“So…how's everything over there?” Inuyasha asked Kagome, referring to her era in time. She shrugged.
“It's fine, kind of boring though” she admitted. Inuyasha chuckled a bit.
“How're things for you? Anything interesting happen?” Kagome asked him.
He sighed.
“You know, the usual. A demon here, one over there. Nothing big” he paused for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to tell her something. “Koga came looking for you yesterday” he said.
“Oh. And what did you tell him?” Kagome asked.
“I told him you weren't around” Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her. “…In a…rude…sort…of…way”
Kagome laughed. “You'll never change.”
The pair giggled for a while. Inuyasha still had his arms around her. He hoisted her up playfully, making her squeak and break down laughing. She leaned over and kissed him.
Yuugure raced towards them out of the mist, panting heavily as if running for her life.
“Yuugure! What's wrong?!” Kagome ran over to the white personage, who had fallen to the ground on her knees out of exhaustion.
“I……” she swallowed and panted a little. “I did some research……t-to see……which of m-my brothers will attack you next. It's Gekido, and he will strike tomorrow!” she gasped. Yuugure inhaled sharply several times. She stood up and straightened out her kimono, taking a deep breath afterwards. She looked at Inuyasha squarely in the eye.
“I hope you have experience in fighting fleet-footed enemies on your own.” She said.
“Keh, `course I do!” scoffed Inuyasha. Then he blinked with confusion. “Hey, waddya mean `on your own'? Kagome can fight too!”
Kagome laughed nervously beside him.
“Uh, Yuugure? Why can't I fight?” Kagome whispered in her friend's ear.
“Well, you can be there, but you must not use your spiritual powers, at all, for the next few months!” Yuugure stared Kagome in the face, emphasizing the seriousness and urgency in her words.
“Er, can you please explain why?” Kagome said edgily.
Yuugure's face softened. “Of course.” She said, grinning. “You see, you mustn't fight, because that means you'd have to use your miko powers. Doing that would mean that......uh” Yuugure turned away from their private conversation to look at Inuyasha, who was discreetly eavesdropping.
Taking notice that he'd been spotted, the hanyou tried to be inconspicuous.
“D-don't look at me, why are you looking at me anyway? I wasn't eavesdropping on no conversation I wasn't s'posed to hear about something that is none of my business, honest! Eheh” he pulled an `I-don't-know-what-you're-talking-about' type face and laughed. Opening an eye just a crack, Inuyasha could tell that the girls weren't falling for it. They didn't think it was funny either.
“I'll finish this conversation when there aren't any sneaky puppies around” Yuugure huffed.
“I agree. Let's go Yuugure. Oh, and feel free to completely exclude him from our conversation” Kagome nudged Yuugure along and winked.
“Oh, I get it” Yuugure returned the gesture and closed her eyes. After what seemed like an eternity of concentration, her eyes snapped open and she flapped her wings gently, swirling the mist.
Inuyasha woke up and swore out loud.
“Now that he's gone, using my miko powers would mean that…”
Yuugure sighed wearily.
“At the moment, your body is focusing its energy on the little one, namely the child growing inside you.” She explained. Kagome nodded. “Using sacred powers requires a lot of energy,” Yuugure went on, “and if you do any fighting now, in your current condition, your body will extract energy from your life force, and that will most likely kill you. That is why it is essential that you avoid entering combat at all costs!” she sighed again. “Motherhood will be a wonderful experience for you, and that dog will make a good father. I would hate to see anything bad happen to all of you, your snippy mate included.” Yuugure lightened up and smiled. “Tell him about your pregnancy whenever you want, just make sure that you do tell him. Remember that he's partly responsible.” She beamed even more. “Oh, and I would advise you do so before it starts to show, know what I mean?” Yuugure said with a happy wink.
“'Kay” said Kagome. “Um, hey, if I can't fight, then why do I have to be there when your brothers attack?”
“Well, now that you and Inuyasha are, erm, an official couple, you might say, his desire to protect you blazes stronger than ever. He will fight his hardest when a threat arises. He needs to. Kageyuurei will not go down easily. Just please make sure you don't get caught in the cross fire.” Yuugure explained sadly.
Kagome gasped.
“Ka-Kageyuurei? We won't run into him again, will we?” she shuddered.
“I'm afraid so” Yuugure replied grimly, nodding.
“Eek!” Kagome squeaked.
Yuugure glanced around and bowed.
“I have to go now. I wish you luck” she said, flapping her wings, stirring up the mist once more.
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Waiting for her on the other side of the well, Kagome found Inuyasha patiently sitting there.
“So. Are you gonna tell me what that was all about or what?” he asked expectantly.
“Not now, I'm sorry” she winced.
“'S ok. But you will tell me eventually, right?”
Kagome smiled. “Yeah” she said.
“Okay then. I can wait” Inuyasha grinned and started to walk off.
“Hey, wait for me!” Kagome called after him.
The pair walked off together, holding hands.
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Inuyasha and Kagome sat on a large rock in the center of a forest clearing. A strange (but not unexpected) youkai sped into the clearing. The demon had bright yellow hair streaked with black. His clothing was a white haori and red hakama coupled with a black sash. He had a long thick tail tipped with a very large tuft matching his hair. Instead of human feet, he had the lower part of a cat's hind legs. His feet were long and obviously adapted for running. The youkai glared at the couple with blazing orange eyes.
“So. You're Gekido, right?” Inuyasha drew Tetsusaiga and pointed it at the demon.
“And you're the hanyou scum who killed my brother” snarled Gekido, revealing a jagged double-fang. The fire demon drew a straight line in the air before him with his talons. That line seemed to catch fire instantaneously. Reaching into the fire, Gekido withdrew a spear-like weapon, leaf-shaped blades at both ends. It looked more like a halberd than a spear. White bandaging wound around it as makeshift padding for a hilt. The wrapping ended at two jewel-encrusted rings of gold, one at each end. At the base of the blades there were similar rings, except they were black in color and bristled with spikes. The blades themselves blazed with fire and glowed red-hot.
“Shall we, then?” smirked Gekido, taking a step forward and brandishing his weapon.
“Yeah, lets!” Inuyasha charged at the demon.
Gekido vanished in a flash.
“You were expecting me then?” growled a voice behind the hanyou. Gekido swiped a speedy paw at Inuyasha's feet, tripping him. The half-demon landed harshly in the dirt.
“That's right, grovel like the filth you are! Now, who tipped you off?! Who told you it would be me who attacked?!” Gekido roared.
“Feh! Why do you care?!” Inuyasha leapt to his feet and swung at the lion.
Gekido parried the blow, growling, enveloping himself and his foe in raging fire.
On the sidelines, Kagome gasped.
Gekido's pointed ears pricked to that sound. Turning slowly in the direction of the gasp, he turned to stare directly at Kagome. Narrowing his eyes, Gekido flashed her a wry grin, baring his odd teeth.
Inuyasha noticed this. Leaping backwards, he swung Tetsusaiga hard.
Gekido dashed aside, completely avoiding the blast. Raising his halberd, Gekido began to spin it quickly.
“JIGOKU NO MOERU!!” he yelled, swinging his weapon and unleashing a barrage of flames.
Inuyasha managed to dodge the attack.
“Tired yet, hanyou cur?” Gekido taunted. Taking a step back, the fire demon gave Inuyasha a wide, sneering grin. As the smile grew wider, his teeth grew darker, and bigger. Tawny fur rippled in waves over his body. The black streaks in Gekido's hair and tail tip lightened to a bright shade of orange. As his hands molded into large paws, bright yellow fur streaked with orange sprouted from his wrists. On his hind legs, on the underside, between the actual paw and the heel, the same fur stuck out in a bristly tuff.
Gekido roared defiance in the half-demon's face, showing a set of large black teeth. Drawing his head back, the huge lion spewed another torrent of searing fire.
Inuyasha dodged upwards to evade the blaze. Tetsusaiga glistened as its surface became encrusted with diamond.
Gekido cringed and turned tail, racing off into the forest. Glancing over his shoulder, the youkai loosed an enormous fireball from its mouth. Inuyasha dodged that too.
Running up beside him, Gekido latched his strange teeth onto his prey. Swinging his huge tawny head, Gekido threw the hanyou.
Recovering from his tumbling fall, Inuyasha got up and swing Tetsusaiga forcefully.
“KONGOUSOUHA!!” he yelled.
Gekido roared and became surrounded in a swirling twister of flames. The diamond spears got caught in the vortex.
Inuyasha laughed. “And how are you gonna get outta that?!” he said.
The lion growled, taking a step into the diamond-filled fires. Its paw was consequentially mangled by the diamond shards in the swirling flames. Gekido roared in frustration.
Inuyasha saw his chance and swung Tetsusaiga. A fierce yellow blast rushed forward and merged with the fire tornado.
Gekido stared as the flames surrounding him turned yellowish and contracted the space inside the twister. The big cat's tail tip was shredded by the walls of the prison. A bloody gash appeared below his eye. Past the point of frustration, Gekido growled and leapt at the deadly walls, attempting to escape. He landed hard, half shredded and barely alive.
Half-dead and bleeding, Gekido looked feebly up and saw Inuyasha about to kill him. Behind that, the fire youkai glimpsed his sister, Yuugure, smiling at him and sticking her tongue out. He growled at her, and then he died.
“Feh, that was easy!” Inuyasha scoffed, sheathing Tetsusaiga.
Kagome poked her head out from behind her hiding place, a large rock. “Um……Inuyasha?” she said.
“Kagome, you ok?” he turned and asked.
“Yeah, I'm-I'm fine” she stammered.
The two of them walked off, holding hands.
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Kageyuurei slashed a tree in half.
How did they know which of us would strike?! How?!” he roared at Yuugure. She didn't even flinch, in fact, she smirked. Kageyuurei snapped his huge jaws inches from her face. Yuugure yawned noisily.
“Brother, you should know by know that I don't fear you, after all, hurt me and you damage yourself” she said.
Kageyuurei growled. “By helping them, you are killing off your own family!!” he snarled.
Yuugure scoffed.
“Keh, I have no family. My family would never take an innocent life. I don't consider you, Wanaki, Yure or all the rest my family!” she said bitterly.
“You'll die for that, fool!!” Kageyuurei growled, his fur bristling.
“No, you're the fool! What notion in Heaven, Earth or Hell made you think I ever had any will to live, surrounded by monsters like you?!!” Yuugure spat, her tail fur standing on end. Whirling around, the white demon casually walked away, leaving her brother roaring in fury.
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That night, in a dream…
Inuyasha and Kagome stood in a misty area with Yuugure.
“Both of you must be careful; Kageyuurei knows it's me helping you” whispered Yuugure.
“And he hasn't tried to kill you?” Kagome asked, puzzled.
“He can't even harm me.” Yuugure replied. “If he does, I will simply use a portion of his soul to heal myself. Through repetition of this action, my wretched brother would weaken until he dies”
Inuyasha tucked his hands into his sleeves across his chest thoughtfully.
“Do you happen to know which of your brothers we'll bump into next” he asked.
“No. normally my water brother, Uzumaki, would go, but Kageyuurei has scrambled the order to avoid my…” Yuugure cleared her throat. “Nosiness.” she paused. “Have minor demons attacked you lately?”
“No, and that's the weird thing. I haven't seen any run-of-the-mill youkai at all in a long time” Kagome said, confused.
“There have been a few, but not as many as there used to be. Why?” Inuyasha asked.
Yuugure closed her eyes for a moment.
“I thought so. Oh my, it seems frustration has gotten to by brother's head” she laughed.
“What?” Kagome and Inuyasha said in unison.
Yuugure sighed. “Yes, you see, my brother appears to be exterminating all the minor demons in the area because he doesn't want any of them to get to you before he does.”
“Feh! As if!”
Yuugure shot a glance at the hanyou.
“I know. He's going mad. Quite pathetic, actually.” Yuugure said in a hushed tone. She smiled warmly at the couple. “Well, I think you deserve a break. What kind of dream would you like?—oh! I can weave dreams you know, but I don't do perverted, just for your information.” She smiled again.
Inuyasha and Kagome exchanged looks, and then glanced around at the mist around them.
“A waterfall would be nice” Kagome thought aloud.
“Yeah. And some trees…” Inuyasha said distractedly.
“Ooh, a background! Ok!” Yuugure said happily. She flapped her wings softly and a lovely nature scene spread out from her feet, brushing away the mist.
“There you go. Anything else?” Yuugure said, beaming.
“Nah, that's good” Inuyasha waved a hand dismissively.
“Ok, I'll leave you two together then, shall I?” Yuugure flitted off over a large clump of enormous bamboo shoots.
“Now that she's gone,…”
The pair spent the rest of the night in the surreal landscape, kissing.