InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No more lil school girl ❯ Vulnerable ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


WOO I am on my 4th chapter!!! And I'm still going strong, wow that's pretty surprising when I'm the one writing…*sigh* I miss my boyfriend….*fake cries* ok well anyways I am going to write this one anyways, even though I am really sad/depressed about my boyfriend that I get to see once a week….*runs away to cry in a corner of the room*

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Talking- " "

Thinking- ' '

Actions- (very rarely I do this) * *

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Title: No more lil school girl

Chapter 4: Vulnerable

A quiet week had gone by without any pranks or upsets. There was one incident though of course, when Sango and Kagome posted their pictures of Inuyasha and Miroku covered in honey, feathers, and in Inuyasha's case-toothpaste. They had taken advantage of the campus bulletin board and posted hundreds of them in the little showcase for passing students. Inuyasha and Miroku had also awoken to many of them super glued to their door and walls.

It didn't bother them too much-due to the fact that they were in the process of pulling their own little prank on the girls. They used the long forgotten hole to their advantage and used it to video record them when they were wearing their pea green clay masks and bath robes. Inuyasha followed them around everywhere unnoticed every time they left their dorm, Inuyasha was way ahead of them and recording everything they say or do…they can't be perfect forever- they have to mess up sooner or later…big time. And Inuyasha would be there to catch it on film. The whole college would know of their secrets and other personal stuff in only a matter of minutes.

But what Inuyasha didn't know was that he was going to learn more then he bargained for- things that could make or break a person in seconds….but in this case, it was life or death.

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"Come on Kagome! We are going to be late for our history class!" Sango called to a half asleep Kagome.

Kagome twisted her covers around her body and stayed there for a couple of minutes before responding. "Okay, okay I am coming. Just give me a few minutes to dress. I will meet you down by the campus bulletin board." Kagome said very softly.

Sango only heard about half of it, but left anyways leaving Kagome to get ready. Kagome sat up and nearly fell out of bed instead of actually getting out of it/ 'Why did we have to have class TODAY?' she thought picking up a shirt she abandoned last night on the post of her bed. Kagome hustled at getting ready, and was about to leave the dorm only 5 minutes after Sango had left. 'Whoa…that's like a new record for me!' Kagome celebrated inside her head, but lost her thought when Sango's pink furry phone rang loudly across the dorm room. Kagome rushed to the phone and answered It as quickly as possible; fore she was late to a class.

"Whoever you are, you better make it fast" she nearly screamed into the phone. She calmed down and little and re-spoke. "Excuse me, hello?"

"…Kagome?" a dark voice spoke on the other end.

"Yes, that would be me. What do you need, and who is this?" she asked looking at her watch again, tapping her foot on the ground impatiently.

"You should already know who this is, Kagome. I'm an old childhood friend of yours." He replied.

"What do you want?" Kagome asked getting nervous. 'This better not be a prank phone call from Inuyasha…'

"What I want is you... Kaggie. " The line went silent. Kagome dropped the phone out of panic and ran out of the dorm room as fast as her legs could carry her. She wanted to run away, she didn't care where, just away from here-forever.

Tears steamed down her face violently as she made her way through the dorm and down the hall. 'He can't be back...he just can't!'

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Inuyasha stood up from the hole in the wall with his video camera in hand. He rushed out of the dorm room after Kagome. He had seen everything that happened by chance and was beyond worried. 'Whoever it was, scared the shit out of her'

Inuyasha sprinted out of the dorm building after her, she was far ahead of him and he wasn't sure if he could catch her before she went into any shops or down any alleys, and lose her for good. He ran faster then he ever had in his whole life yelling Kagome's name. She didn't once turn around to look or even care who was calling for her. 'What has gotten into her?'

Inuyasha was only a few feet from her when he decided to stop her dead in her tracks. He ran in front of her as she slammed right into him, stopping her where she was. Inuyasha took her by the shoulders and held her there. Kagome looked up at him tears streaming down her face even faster then before as he shook the life out of her.

"What is wrong, Kagome? What is going on?!" He questioned out of sheer concern.

Kagome looked down and didn't answer him. She just cried harder and harder.

"Kagome, tell me! I need to know what is going on with you!"

"Why do you care?!" she screamed at him choking on her sobs.

"I do care, I care about you. I would care about anyone who runs out of their dorm room sobbing because of a prank phone call." He assured her almost like he were about to hug her, but restrained himself from the temptation.

"It wasn't a prank though! You don't understand! Only one person in the whole world called me Kaggie...It was 'him' and he knows where I am! I am vulnerable to him now…I have to get away before he comes and gets me!" she yelled in his face, brining her knee up to his groin and getting rid of his grasp on her. She ran down the sidewalk crying uncontrollably bumping into people and knocking things over- she was losing her vision as her tears clouded them up.

Inuyasha lay on the sidewalk holding his groin while he watched her disappear into the crowd of people that swarmed the campus.


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Sango answered her cell phone in an instant hoping it was Kagome.

"Sango?" came an answer.

"Kagome?" Sango asked nervously.

"No, its Miroku. I just got a call from Inuyasha. He says that something has happened to Kagome. Have you seen her lately?" Miroku questioned her.

"No, not since this morning. She was supposed to meet me at the bulletin board but she never showed up. What could have happened to her? This just isn't like Kagome." She stated absolutely terrified for her best friend in the world.

"Okay, well Inuyasha tells me that he chased her through the campus and she told him that someone was after her and that she had to get away. She kneed him and ran away so we are not sure where she could have gone."

"Oh no…" Sango hung up the phone and exited the food court in a hurry knocking over a pile of trays that was in her way.

'Not him…please don't let it be him…'

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Sango fumbled with her room keys and rushed inside. She picked up her phone and dialed *69 for the number of the last incoming call. The operator slowly told her the numbers as she wrote them down on a scrap piece of paper.

"4..6…1…-7..36..6" Sango said writing down the number.

Sango's eyes grew to the size of grapefruit at the discovery. '461-7366…that's Kagome's home phone number!!!'

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One day later

A day had slowly gone by full of frustration and hope. The search party Inuyasha had called together had found Kagome only a few hours after her disappearance. She was huddled up crying in the corner of an alley. She looked traumatized and almost thought Inuyasha was someone else- so she kicked him in the groin…again.

Kagome was brought back to her dorm- being carried by Inuyasha himself. He had been worried from the start, and Sango just knew that Inuyasha had a thing for Kagome since the beginning. It was obvious. And now there he was, holding Kagome as if she were a small newborn baby.

Inuyasha placed Kagome on her bed, and stayed by her side all night until he finally fell asleep right next to her. Of course it was a photo-op and Sango just HAD to get it, so she snapped a few pictures and let them sleep.

Sango strolled right into the next room and sat down on the green couch next to Miroku who was watching "I know what you did last summer" When movie was at one of Sango's favorite parts so she mouthed what they were saying word for word.

"You got a letter? I got run over; Helen gets her hair chopped off, Julie gets a dead body in her trunk, and you get a letter?

Oh, that's balanced."

Miroku laughed slightly and wrapped his arm around Sango's shoulders. She was about to backhand him to Timbuktu until he gave her a sweet warm smile and whispered "I love scary movies"

She just replied "Yea, me too." And snuggled up against him. 'Maybe just this once'

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Kagome woke up with a huge headache and a pair of warm arms around her waist. 'What the..' She sat up and noticed that those arms belonged to Inuyasha. 'What is he doing?' She pried his arms off of her and walked into the room over. Sango and Miroku were fast asleep on each other. 'They look so cute, they were meant for each other'

All of a sudden Kagome found herself in an embracive hug with Inuyasha. She was shocked. "What are you doing Inuyasha?!"

Inuyasha stopped hugging Kagome, and their eyes met. "I was scared I had lost you" he confessed.

"You never had me to lose in the first place, Inuyasha." She said harshly. (A/N- Ouch that really had to hurt)

Inuyasha's face went from a calm semblance to a sad puppy dog looking face. "Why are you like this, Kagome? Don't you want love in your life?" he said; his voice full of emotion.

Kagome gave Inuyasha a stern look. "Because I will not let myself become vulnerable. I did once, a long time ago. And look what it has done to me, I fear for my life everyday that he doesn't find me!" she explained only concerning Inuyasha more and more by the second instead of making him feel better.

"Who did this to you? Tell me, Kagome!" Inuyasha shook Kagome a little; scaring her-she started crying and hugged him tightly.

"I can't tell or it would put you in danger too. My family is already in enough danger as it is, and I am not going to put you in danger as well!" she had a hard time talking through her tears that didn't seem to want to stop.

"I don't care if I am put into danger too, Kagome. You must tell me so I can protect you, I really DO care about you. Don't get the idea that I don't!" Inuyasha looked just as sad as Kagome did now.

The tears stopped falling and Kagome looked deep into his eyes. "It's too bad I can't say the same to you." She struggled out of his grip and walked into her room; locking it behind her.

Inuyasha turned around sadly to face Sango. "What do you want, Sango?" he asked; his bangs covering his eyes.

"I saw the whole thing; maybe it is time you get some answers." Sango said gently taking him into a separate room away from everyone else.

She sat down on a chair and turned toward Inuyasha. "You see, it happened a long time ago when she was 13 years old…"

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*devil horns protrude from head* I know…A CLIFFY! lol, yea I AM evil….but oh well be happy I even wanted to type this up, it has a lot of drama in it, and I don't always like writing too much drama because it makes me sad…but anyways, I hope you like this chapter, I know there wasn't too much fluff, and I know that you all want some…well anyways, I am starting to give little previews of what MAY happen in the next chapter so everyone will be more happy!! ^^

Next chapter:

Chapter 5: Sango knows it all

"She never wants to love again because of him, and the only reason she went out with Hojo was because he was a friend on his and that she couldn't break up with him, only he could break it off. It was only so he could keep an eye on Kagome through Hojo, like some sort of puppet. Hojo broke up with her before we left for college as planned- for Kikyo, and now 'he' is back for Kagome. Just like he said he would be." Sango explained tears rolling off her cheeks.

"Why can't she love anyone else?" Inuyasha questioned.

"Because he would kill her"

Anyways…there's a little sneak preview to the next chapter for your pleasure! I haven't written it yet, and I kind of just pulled that out of nowhere…so I hope it works out to how I want it to!!!...oh, and don't worry this isn't the end of the prank war I promised, after all of this stuff there is a whole story left!
