InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nonexistent Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nonexistent Fairy Tale

Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

Kagome lay on her bed, staring at her ceiling intently. An orange ball of fluff came out of seemingly nowhere and landed on her stomach. The miko was by now used to such behavior from her little kitsune and smiled down warmly at him. He threw his tiny arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.

“Good night Kagome-chan!” He chirped cheerfully. She ruffled his hair and returned the embrace.

“G’night Shippou-chan.” She kissed the top of his head and rose out of bed. She gathered him in her arms and made her way around the bed next to her’s to reach the small child’s bed. She gently laid the boy down and pulled the covers over him. She kissed the top of his head once more; he sighed contently and closed his eyes. She tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind her. Upon closing the door, she ran into someone.

“Excuse me Kagome.” The someone muttered. She looked at her feet.

“No, I’m sorry Miroku. Where were you headed?” The girl looked up at the boy in question to see his bright violet eyes staring at her. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Well…actually I was coming to see you…I got a date…” She squealed softly and jumped delightedly.


“Don’t laugh…its Sango…” Her jumping ceased and her brown eyes widened.

“Sango!? Aww, Miroku! I’m so proud of you!” She pulled the poor boy into an embrace. He awkwardly returned the gesture and stepped away quickly.

“Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.” With that, he stepped past her and walked into the room she previously came out. Good nights were said as Kagome walked towards the den to check her email and such before bed.

For Kagome the week flew by. She hung out with her friends every afternoon, mostly at Inuyasha’s. He decided it would be better if he didn’t have Kikyou over at these times, fore else, Kagome wouldn’t come. He couldn’t bear to think of Kagome not coming over for something so petty, but he didn’t risk it.

It was Friday before any of them knew it. Yes, Sango and Miroku were still going to go on a date, as Kagome and Hojo were. Miroku and Kagome were presently in their room preparing.

“Kagome, do I look okay?” He inquired nervously. She looked him over. He was wearing a black long sleeved button up shirt with blue jeans. Nothing too fancy, but just perfect for him.

“Of course you do, Miroku! Now what about me?” She spun in a slow circle, allowing him to look her over. She was wearing a maroon top that tied around her neck with black pinstriped pants. Her hair was partly up and she had her bangs pinned to the top of her head. She was wearing maroon high-heels that matched perfectly with her top. She wore hardly any make-up, just simple liner.

“You look beautiful, dear sister.” He smiled cheerfully at her.

“Thank you, brother of mine.” She took one final look in the mirror, making a mental note to visit Souta sometime soon, before grabbing a purse and heading out the door. Miroku followed shortly after.

Miroku had decided to take Sango out to eat. He had never been on a serious date before and was very nervous. Sango as well had never been on a serious date, but she covered up her nervousness well.

all in all they did have a good time, but the date ended early, around seven, fore Sango had to get home to make sure the boys didn’t destroy her apartment and Miroku had plans with Inuyasha and Kouga.

They said their good byes once Miroku had stopped outside of Sango’s apartment. As she was about to get out of the vehicle he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. He quickly kissed her on the lips, letting go of her wrist. She sat there for a few minutes before finally getting out of the vehicle, looking dazed. Miroku smiled faintly at the effect his small kiss had on the girl. ‘Maybe she’d go out with me again…?’

Hojo had picked Kagome up at promptly five, shortly after Miroku had left. They had gone to the movies and watched some movie Kagome was bored through again. ‘Why do I always get stuck going to see movie that I hate?’ She questioned crossly.

They were currently taking a walk through the park. Said boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously and grabbed the girl’s arm. She turned to see what the matter was, confusion evident in her brown orbs. “Did you have a good time?”

“Yes, of course I did, Hojo.” She smiled warmly, receiving a shy smile in return.

“I’m glad to hear that…But Kagome, I have something I want to tell you.” He paused to look into her eyes once more before going on. “Kagome, I think I love you.” Her eyes widened in astonishment.

“Oh Hojo, I don’t like you like that, I love-” The end of her comment was cut off by three male voices loudly calling her name. She spun around towards the direction of the noise. Her features screamed anger as she waited for the boys to reach her.

“Kagome!” Kouga breathlessly panted.

“Hey, could you answer something for us?” Inuyasha inquired, breathing heavily. Miroku, not a demon like the other two, only had just arrived. There seemed to be something green and brown in his hands. The girl tried to get a better look, but realization got the better of her.

“You just ruined it!” She screamed furiously at the ignorant men. They all looked at each other in confusion. Everyone except for Hojo, that is. “I was about to confess my undying love for one of you! The moment is lost, now you’ll never know!” She crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from them all. “Humph.” The trio of boys, not seeing where she was going with that, started talking again.

“Kagome, could you tell us why this frog is wearing a robe and has a staff in its dead palm?” Miroku inquired, finally letting the girl see what he was holding. Indeed, it was a dead frog wearing a brown robe with a strange staff in its ‘hand’. Kagome stared in horror at it.

“Miroku!” She squeaked, her voice high. He laughed nervously.

“Well, you see its dead because it…-cough- was in my pocket…” Tears welled up in the girls eyes. All three of the men instantly regretted their plan of action. They hadn’t accounted for the fact that she would cry.

“How could you kill a frog!?” She sniffed causing the boys to sweat drop. Their big bad Kagome could watch the goriest movies ever, but couldn’t stand to see an ugly frog dead? I mean, no seriously, that frog was hideous! Its eyes were bulging out and there were strange bumps all over it.

“Well it was alive when we found it!” Inuyasha stated, instantly regretting it as tears leaked from her eyes. During this time, Hojo was slowly inching away, before he jumped and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. “Kagome I’m sor-”

“No!” She cut him off, “It’s okay, you’re guys, and you do weird things like that.” She waved it off, now smiling happily. The boys sweat dropped once more and stared at the girl like she was crazy. “Now, I feel like baking cookies.” With that, she skipped off in the direction of her home, leaving three very confused boys behind her.

“So…yeah…” Kouga shuffled his feet, uncertain on what to do.

“Do you think frogs have ears?” The other two boys looked over at Miroku who was staring intently at the frog.

“I don’t know…” Kouga took the frog from the boy’s hands to have a better look.

“That’s a serious question man.” Inuyasha agreed, peering down at it.

Yes, Hojo got dissed! *jumps for joy* I hate that irksome boy. : ) The little funny bit is about the frog, yes. I thank Maryssah and Alyssa for helping me think of that one. Review please!!!!???

Does your fairy tale exist?,
