InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nonexistent Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fairy Tale

Chapter 22

I would love to thank those of who reviewed!! I am very pleased with your responses!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Oh! And please check out my new story, Do I Loathe Thee?. Thank you!!

Kagome lay on her bed reading all of her get well cards and putting them in her memories box. She was flattered at how many had missed her while she was out. She had never known she meant so much too so many. She had finally been allowed to leave that god-forsaken place and come home. She shuddered; how she hated hospitals. They were full of medicine that was all smelly and old people too! Old people have that smell…They smell old…Well some smell nice, but not the ones in hospitals, they smell funny.

Kiei rubbed against her leg and mewed at her. “Oh! Kiei I missed you while I was gone. Did you miss me? Were you taken care of? Oh, you poor little thing! Don’t worry, I promise never to leave you again!” She pulled the kitten to her chest and hugged it tightly; but not tight enough to kill it, though. So she continued going through things as she played with her kitten.

While in another part of town, a hanyou was playing catch with his human niece.

“Ready Rin?” He called out to the young girl. She nodded at him and prepared herself for the ball. He threw the thing lightly towards her and she shrieked with fright as it neared her.

“Ahh!!! Uncle Inu, nooooo!!” Fat tears leaked down her face as she held her arms over her head. He sighed and ran to catch the ball. He caught it with much ease before it even reached her.

“See Rin?” He held it up for her to see. “There’s nothing terrifying about a little ball. It would never hurt you.”

“I don’t care its scary!” She ran inside and slammed the door behind her. The hanyou she left behind sighed and shook his head. ‘How could a little girl who isn’t afraid of snakes be afraid of a little ball? Oh well, nothing can be done about it I suppose.’ He sighed and walked in the door the little girl had previously gone through. He made his way to the kitchen and picked a bottle of water out of the fridge. He was halfway through chugging the bottle when his eyes hit the calendar and he realized what day it was.

He spit the water that was in his mouth out on some poor unsuspecting chef and jumped around like a little kid. “Kagome’s home today!” He threw the bottle of water, hitting the chef he had formerly gotten wet. She mumbled incoherently about how she hated the hanyou as he raced out of the kitchen, grabbing his keys on the way.

On the way to Kagome and Miroku’s he couldn’t stop thinking about how happy he was about getting to see his best friend and how angry he was at Kouga for ruining his moment.

‘Kouga’s just some asshole who gets everything he wants. Right now, he wants Kagome. Pretty soon he will tire of her and break her heart. I will make sure he never breaks her heart!’

Kagome’s mother was sitting in her father’s living room.

“Dad…Do you think the kids are all right?” She looked uneasily at the man to whom she was speaking. He sighed and set his newspaper down.

“I’m sure their fine dear. You know, I was reading this article about…” She put her hand up to silence the old coot and picked up the phone. She dialed the number she knew to be Sango’s and prepared to speak to her youngest child.

“Hello? Yes, this is Mrs. Higurashi. Hello Kohaku. May I please speak to Souta? Thank you. Souta?” She prayed that he was all right. She had had this very uneasy feeling the past few days; fore you see no one had told her about Kagome, and no one was going to either. The poor woman would probably have a heart attack. But no one had told Souta not to tell her…

“How are you? Good, and your sister?” She nodded and her face fell. “She what!? Oh my god! I’m coming to see her right away!” She slammed the phone down and explained everything to her father. He grabbed the car keys and threw them to her. She got in the car with her father beside her.

She was speeding down the highway so deep in worry about her daughter that she let her mind drift. She thought only the worst. She hoped her daughter was all right. I mean she didn’t quite listen to all Souta had to say and didn’t really know what was going on. All she knew was that Kagome had been shot. She was biting her nails nervously and wasn’t quite paying attention to the road in front of her. She didn’t realize what was happening until she heard her father scream out in surprise. She looked to him and then to where his widened eyes were looking.

No more than two feet in front of them was a black car. Before anything had time to register, it hit.

The man wearing a baboon mask smirked seeing that his deed was done, and backed up, speeding away from the woman and man. No one would ever know he had done it. It wasn’t even his car he hit them with, if they did find the car that had hit the Higurashi’s.

‘Kagome will be devastated…’ He laughed manically at how he would finally get the jewel he so desired.

Inuyasha arrived at Kagome’s house and was greeted by Miroku who was leaving to go on a date with Sango. He was surprised at how the pervert had settled down to a girlfriend. Sure, he hadn’t known him long, but he never thought a pervert could stick to one girl. He smiled and shook his head, making his way to Kagome’s room.

The sinking feeling that Kagome had felt was only getting worse. She had called Souta to make sure he was okay. Once she found out he was, she pushed the feeling away and told herself it was only her paranoia. She was brought out of her scolding of herself by knocking on her door. ‘Who could that be?’ “Come in!” She called, secretly hoping it was a friend.

When the door swung open and Inuyasha was standing there smiling widely at her she squealed like a little kid and ran up to hug him. Consequently, she ended up knocking him over.

“Oops.” She giggled. “Sorry…” She blushed from embarrassment, got off him, and helped him up.

“Feh.” He replied crossing his arms over his chest. His expressions softened and he closed the door and sat on the foot of her bed.

“Kagome. I’m glad you’re okay…But remember I was trying to tell you something at the hospital?” He hesitated and looked up at her. She thought a moment before nodding.

“Yeah…Right before Kouga came…right?” He nodded.

“Well…What I had wanted to say was that…Kagome…I…” The phone ringing cut him off once more.

“Hold that thought!” She ran to answer the cordless that had been left in the room.

“Hello? Yes, this is she. Wha…” Tears welled up in her eyes. “When did this happen!? Are they okay? Can I see them?” Her face fell. “Why not?” Tears fell down her face as she listened to what the other person had to say. Inuyasha stared helplessly at her, not knowing what was wrong. “Oh…Can I come by tomorrow during visiting hours then? Okay, thank you. Let me know if anything changes…Thank you…” She clicked the off button on the phone before dropping onto the bed. She stared forward, the phone rolling out of her hand and onto the floor.

The hanyou pulled her into his arms and ran his fingers through her hair. She turned her face to his chest and sobbed into his shirt.

“Oh Inuyasha! Mama and Jii-chan were in a car accident!” He murmured that he was sorry. “The hospital called…They said…” She hesitated, “They said they probably won’t make it a few more hours…That if they did…I could see them tomorrow…Inuyasha…” She didn’t finish her thought before falling into sobs again.

“Shh…Kagome…It’s okay…I’m here for you…” He knew how it was to lose your parents. He had done so when he was but a young boy. His heart leapt out to his friend. He loved her and felt horrible that something else terrible had happened to her. She didn’t deserve all of this pain. She deserved her own fairy tale.

“Inuyasha…” She wiped her tears away. “Everyone else I love has left me…Please don’t you leave me too…” She looked up into his deep golden eyes. His eyes widened and he hugged her closer.

“Kagome…I love you. I would never leave you…” In his mind, he prayed she didn’t read into what he had said…But someone up there was obviously not on his side today.

She pushed away from him and widened her eyes in shock. “You…Do you really mean that?” The look of shock didn’t leave her face.

He didn’t hesitate to answer. He looked right back into her brown orbs and repeated himself.

“Yes. Kagome…I love you. I would never leave you…” His heart hoped she would respond… ‘Why is she being so quiet? Oh please don’t let her reject me…Please!’

‘Oh my god…He did just say what I thought he said…Inuyasha, my best friend in the whole world, just told me that he loved me. How do I feel about him? Do I love him? What about Kouga? I do have a boyfriend…It’s not as if I’m single or anything…It’s not like this is some fairy tale…I mean my mother and grandfather did just get in a car accident…They could be dying at this very second…And here I am thinking about if I love my best friend or not…What is wrong with this picture?’
She mentally sighed and prepared herself to say what she needed.

“Inuyasha…You know I’m going out with Kouga, right?” He bowed his head from shame and nodded.

“Yeah…” His throat when dry and he licked his lips.

“Well…I don’t know if I should be saying this considering that…And the circumstances…But…” She placed her hand under his chin and lifted his head up. He looked at her sadly with his ears pressed down on his head. She laughed at him. “You have to look at me when I say this.” She left her hand where it was and he wondered why.

“Inuyasha…You’re my best friend…And I love ya for that…” If it was possible, his ears pressed even closer to his head.

‘She only loves me as a friend…’

She frowned at him. “Now don’t look at me like that! I’m not done yet! Now, as I said I have a boyfriend and don’t think I should be saying this…But…Inuyasha…I love you too…” A slight blush crossed her features. His eyes widened and his ears perked up.

“You…You do!?” A pink tint started forming on his cheeks. Her blush deepened and she nodded her head.

“I think I always have actually…You’re my best friend, true…But I think I’ve always known deep down…Deep down that I love you…” She pulled his face towards her own and kissed him lightly. He responded by putting his arms around her neck and pushing her lightly down on the bed and kissing her back.

She was caught up in the moment before finally pushing him away.

“Inuyasha…No…I still have a boyfriend.” He bowed his head in shame and refused to meet her eyes. “Inuyasha…No…I’m sorry…But I don’t want to cheat on Kouga he’s a good guy!” He put his hand up to stop her.

“No Kagome.” He shook his head. “I don’t think I can be around you until you guys are over…Unless you really need me…I’m always here for you…Bye.” He kissed the top of her head and left.

“Inuyasha! No! Please don’t leave!”

“Bye Kagome…” He shut the door behind him, breaking his heart as he left the girl he loved behind, in tears.

So they finally admitted their feelings…Although reluctantly. I think this is my second longest chapter. I’m forced to sit outside while my dad is workin’ in the garden, in case he needs help, so I decided to write the entire time. Well how did you like the chapter? Did you like it? Hate it?

Always out of reach; your fairy tale.
