InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Not Without You ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Speaking” /thoughts/
One day in the late afternoon in the Feudal era an angry hanyou was pacing back and forth in front of the bone eaters well. /She should have been here by now it's been over a week. All she said was that she was tired and needed some rest well she's had plenty of it/. “I'm going,” said the hanyou as he jumped into the well to travel to the future and find the young miko.
When he landed on the other side he jumped out of the well and came out of the well house after making sure it was safe. While he was walking to the Mikos house he took a sniff to confirm were she was. The hanyou slowly opened the door and was suddenly hit with the smell of tears and depression from the Mikos mother. “Oi what's all the crying about?” He asked rather rudely as the mother jumped at the sound of his voice. The mother looked up at the young boy before her and then stood shakily.
“It's. ……It's Kagome she's…” Before the woman could finish the hanyou raced up the stairs to Kagomes room and opened the door. “Inuy…”Kagome said weakly when she heard the door open. Inuyasha was at her side in an instant when she said his name.
“Inuyasha …Gome ne” Kagome said when Inuyasha looked her over to make sure she wasn't hurt. He didn't smell any blood and that he was glad of but he did smell her pain, exhaustion and the sweat on her that worried him.
“Oi what's wrong with Kagome?” yelled Inuyasha as Kagomes mother came in the room.
Kagome cringed at the loudness of his voice and moved in pain. Inuyasha saw the movement and kept quite as he looked upon Kagomes face.
“Inuyasha come let me tell you,” the mother whispered softly knowing the hanyou would hear her.
“No I'll stay here … tell me” Inuyasha said more quietly.
“Well when she came home from your time about two weeks ago she was really pail and said she was tired. We took her to the hospital the next day to see if she would get better over night. She didn't and the doctors tested her, they said she had some kind of new disease that could…could end her life if they don't find a vaccine for this disease. They said it would be better to keep her at home to see what happens. She's has been here ever since.” The mother explained as more tears came into her eye and then she left the two alone.
Inuyasha sat there shocked at what Kagomes mother had just told him. After awhile he came back to reality and looked over at Kagome as she just lay there starring at the ceiling with tears coming down from the corner of her eyes.
“Inuyasha I… I don't want to leave. I'm scared Inuyasha” Kagome said as she turned her head towards him.
AN) Ok I know story stinks right o well just tell me what you think ok thanks and I want at least 5 reviews before I update ok