InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Okaeri Nasai, Welcome Home ❯ Flames ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Once again, Akkiko has been the incredibly evil demon she is, and so, here is chapter 8 . . . now -BEEP- off.

Akkiko: That's not very nice.

Kat: It was not meant to be.

Okaeri Nasai

Chapter 8-Flames

Akkiko grumbled in her sleep as she heard her alarm go off. She yawned and stood up-in the tree. Luckily, there was a branch just below the one she had been sleeping on, so she didn't fall.

Of course, that only lasted until she took another step.

Bang! "Since when did my bed grow six feet?" Akkiko mumbled. "Ptoo-and why does my carpet taste so bad? It tastes like . . . grass."

"And how do you know what grass tastes like, Akkiko?" said a voice somewhere above her head. Akkiko looked up and saw Meg, who was bending over her friend, and Kat, who was shaking her head in the background.

::later, at school::

"So . . . how are you girls?" Kagome asked at break.

Kat shrugged. "Dain told us that Eri, Arimi and Yuka will be leaving today, and arriving tomorrow. I don't know what we're going to do."

"We're going to stay, of course," Meg said. "We have to. The oracle said that it's up to us to save the Feudal Era."

"Maybe," Kagome said. "But I have to go to the Feudal Era a whole lot more than you can. People will start getting suspicious if you skip too many days."

"We can always make arrangements to stay at your place, and then say we caught your illnesses," Kat said. "Although your grandpa will have to come up with better ones if they're to apply to us."

"No kidding," Kagome said, sighing. "But somehow I don't think that'll work. If you get sick, your parents may insist you be sent home."

"I have an idea," Akkiko said. "But it's going to be really tricky . . ."


"You want us to do THAT?!" Meg yelped.

Akkiko nodded. "The way I figure, it's the only way."

Kat nodded. "She has a point. If we're careful enough, we could pull it off."

Akkiko smirked at her. "You do know this means that you'll be missing a lot of school time."

Kat glared. "I have A's in all my classes, except Math, where I have a B+. If anyone needs to be worried about their grades, it's you two. Especially since some people we know haven't been doing their homework." She raised an eyebrow at Akkiko, who laughed nervously. "Besides, traipsing around ancient Japan sounds hell of a lot more interesting than staying in the modern time."

"Maybe, but if you guys get caught, you could be in big trouble," Kagome said worriedly.

"Relax," Meg said, stretching. "We're talking to the principal this afternoon, and we'll talk to our parents tonight. It'll all work out."


"So, ladies, you would prefer to return home?" the principal asked.

"Yeah, we figure it will be easier than staying at our foster-parent's houses," Meg said. "We don't want to impose, or force them to take care of another person when their daughters are coming home."

"Well, that is very responsible of you. I trust your parents will be sending you home tomorrow?"

"Yes, we will be leaving tomorrow morning." Kat nodded, pulling what looked to be a plane ticket out of her bag. "And we've arranged to stay with Kagome Higurashi tonight."

"Very good." The principal shuffled some papers on his desk. "I just wanted to make sure of what you'll be doing. You may go now."

Kat, Meg and Akkiko filed out of the office and looked at each other with triumphant expressions. "Phase one: complete," Akkiko said.

Meg smacked her shoulder. "Don't make this sound like a cheesy spy movie."

Akkiko grinned and ran off down the hall, humming the Mission Impossible theme.

::that night, at the Higurashi temple::

"But Mooooom," Akkiko said into the telephone. "I don't want to go home now! I want to stay here! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

"She sure is putting a lot into this," Kagome said, serving tea. "And you two have already called your parents?"

Meg and Kat nodded. "It wasn't too hard for me," Kat said, "they're glad I'm making friends."

"And you conveniently forgot that your `new friends' are actually from about four centuries ago," Meg said, stirring in some cream and sugar.

Akkiko hung up. "Finished!"

"So, now everyone you know in Japan thinks you're going home to Canada, and everyone in Canada thinks you're staying here in Japan?" Kagome asked.

"You got it," Kat said. "And we told our parents that we're staying here at the temple, so if anyone calls for us, your family just has to say we're at school, or the movies or something."

"I'll be sure to inform Grandpa not to say you have arthritis or whatever," Kagome laughed.

"Yes, that will be very useful," Meg said, reading a magazine.

"I'm bored," Akkiko said.

"Uh-oh," Kat and Meg said together. "Here it comes . . ."



::the next day::

"Hey, wenches! Wake up!"

Meg groaned and rolled over in her sleeping bag. She, Kat and Akkiko were all on the floor of Kagome's room. Kagome herself had left for school two hours ago.


"WAKE. UP!!" All three girls screamed as something cold and wet was dumped on them.

Inu-yasha found himself staring down three very angry, sleepy-and, consequently, wet-teenage girls. He put down the bucket of what used to be filled with ice water; he had found it outside near the shrine.

"What. Do. You. Want?" Meg said through gritted teeth.

"And it had better be good," Kat snapped, wringing out her hair.

"I'm bored, and I'm hungry." Inu-yasha stepped into the room. "Feed me and amuse me. Where's Kagome?"

"She's at school," Akkiko said, who had lain back on her damp pillow, still half-asleep.

"Oh, that place. Hey, how come the kitsune is cracking her knuckles at me-AAAHH!!!"


Kat flopped down next to Akkiko. "Can you imagine this every morning?"

"Scarily enough; yes," Akkiko said into her pillow.

::ten minutes later::

"So, what do you want to eat?" Meg said grudgingly. All four of them were in the kitchen.

Inu-yasha was just about to answer when Akkiko started screaming.


Kat put down the spatula that had knocked Akkiko out.

"What was that about?" Inu-yasha said, slightly disturbed.

"Kat can't cook," Meg said, grinning.

"Shut up," the girl replied, sitting at the counter. "So, whaddaya want?"


Kat clapped her hands together. "Okay, now THAT I can cook!"

Akkiko groaned. "Kat, why do you have to hit so hard?"

"I'm sensitive," Kat replied hotly. "Especially when it comes to my cooking skills."

"What cooking skills?" Meg snickered. Kat answered her with a death-glare.

"Anyways, it's not like your any better, Akkiko. Remember the pudding incident?"

Another groan. "Why did you have to bring that up?"


Back at home in Canada, Meg and Kat were over at Akkiko's after a sleepover. Akkiko was at the stove, attempting to cook some pudding. Meg and Kat were at the table, reading.

Akkiko spoke. "Hey Meg . . . Kat? Is pudding supposed to . . . growl at you?"

Meg and Kat snapped their heads up. "What?! No!" They rushed over to look over her shoulder.

"Oh my God," Meg said. "I think it's blinking. And . . . is that a tentacle?"

"Akkiko, what the hell did you do?" Kat asked, poking the blob with a spoon. "I mean, you've done some crazy things, but this is-AAAAAAUUUUGH!! Ithasmyhandithasmyhandithasmyhand!!!!!"

"Oh shit!" Meg and Akkiko shrieked; Meg grabbed Kat around the waist while Akkiko grabbed the pot. They tugged until the pudding let go of Kat's hand; Meg and Kat flew back into the pantry. Akkiko held the pot away from her, wincing as she heard the beast within snarl and gurgle. She threw it in the garbage can beside the door and, after clamping the lid on, sat on it.

"Phew. That was-" the can shuddered and Akkiko gulped. "-close."


"Come to think of it, my mom was wondering where that pot got to," Akkiko said thoughtfully.

Inu-yasha was staring, slightly disturbed, and Kat and Meg were sighing.

"What did you do with that thing, anyway?" Kat asked.

"Well, I put it in a suitcase . . . and brought it along with me, but the airport said it had been put on the wrong flight." Akkiko quailed as both her friends loomed over her.

"Ready?" Meg said to Kat.

"Ready." Kat nodded at Meg.

They both took a breath.

"You-IDIOT!!!" Akkiko fell back, squiggles for eyes.

"Does this mean . . . that bringing it along was the wrong thing to do?"

Kat ran her hands through her hair. "We have no idea what the hell that thing could be doing to the ecosystem! . . . where-ever it is right now."

The three girls looked at each other.

::in their imagination::


"Oh my God! Run!" Hundreds of people ran from the airport in Sydney, screaming as something oozed from a suitcase. The blob . . . snarled.

At the local news station: "And today at Sydney airport, a gigantic monster, smelling of pudding, attacked several people. The monster is now making its way downtown, and-oh my lord, it's IN the news station! Augh!!!! And now, here's Mike with the weather."


"Uh-wenches? I'm not getting any fuller over here." Inu-yasha scowled and his stomach grumbled.

Meg and Kat glared at him. He backed down immediately (although it could have been the frying pan and the fan they were holding).

"Well, we might as well make this fun while we're at it," Meg said, getting out some packaged noodles. "How about Kat, Akkiko and I all make ramen and you tell us which one is the best."

"I can do that." Inu-yasha replied eagerly.

::twenty minutes later::

Inu-yasha finished slurping down Akkiko's ramen. Two empty dishes already sat near him. He burped and set down the third dish.

"So?" Meg said. She was holding the frying pan.

"I'm not saying anything until you get that thing out of your hand," Inu-yasha said stolidly. Kat calmly pried it out of Meg's grip.

"Now then," the hanyou cleared his throat. "Yours-" he pointed at Meg. "-Had too many veggies in it, and not enough meat. Yours-" he pointed at Kat. "-was too spicy, and had too much meat. And yours-" he pointed at Akkiko. "Yours was . . ." he grumbled something.

"What was that?" Meg said, leaning closer. "We didn't hear you."

Inu-yasha growled. "It was the best."

"Okay . . ." Akkiko blinked. "Score!" She served herself up some noodles and happily slurped down the soup. "Yummy!"

Inu-yasha blinked a couple of times at her. She looked up at him. "What?"

"I want some more," he said, holding the bowl out to her. He blushed. "And . . . you have noodle in your hair." He reached out and plucked it.

Akkiko blinked. "O . . . kay," she said, and took his bowl.

Meg and Kat glanced at each other. "You don't think . . ."

"A way to a man's heart is through his stomach," Meg said philosophically.

Kat looked at the clock; quarter to eleven. "I'm getting bored just sitting around here; why don't we leave a note for Kagome and go to the Feudal Era?"

"After I'm done eating," Inu-yasha said around a mouthful.

Akkiko giggled as some noodles spilled out of Inu-yasha's mouth; he blushed and flicked some soup at her, grumbling.

Meg and Kat raised their eyebrows, both thinking the same thing. Inu-yasha's got a crush . . .


::In the Feudal Era::

"Oh, Meg!" Shippo ran and jumped into his big sister's arms as she climbed out of the well. "I was just coming to look for Inu-yasha!"

"I'm right here, twerp," the hanyou said, and reached back to help Kat out.

"Thank-you," she said. "I'm never going to get used to this."

"Kat, you are so pathetic sometimes," Akkiko laughed.

Inu-yasha suddenly stopped and looked at the three girls.


"When did you three change?"

Meg, Kat and Akkiko looked down at themselves. Sure enough, they looked like their demon-selves.

"Must have happened when we were in the well," Kat said, shrugging. "You know, when the walls go all sparkly and we hover in Zero-Space for a few seconds?"

Inu-yasha shook his head. "Weird." He took a step and stopped. "Get out your weapons."

"Why?" Akkiko asked.

"Something doesn't smell right," Meg said, serious. She set Shippo down on the edge of the well and held out her hands. Her bow and arrows sprung into her hands.

Akkiko summoned her swords, and Kat her spear and scrolls. "What's up?"

"There's something in the forest," Inu-yasha said, unsheathing Tetsusaiga.

"I smell it now, too," Kat said. "It smells like . . ."

"Smoke!" Akkiko yelped, pointing. "The forest is on fire!"

"That's no natural fire," Meg said. "It also reeks of youkai."

The minutes ticked by, and the five stood near the well, staring at the stream of smoke that kept coming closer and closer.

"Shippo," Inu-yasha hissed. "Get back to the village and find Miroku and Sango."

"No need." Akkiko turned to him coolly. "Think of this as practice for us."

"Yeah, run along, Inu-yasha," Meg said. "We can handle this."

Inu-yasha stared, then chuckled. "If you think I'm just going to turn around like a coward, you've got another thing coming."

"You okay, Kat?" Akkiko asked.

"Yep," Kat said. "I just keep thinking about this like it's a video game, like Final Fantasy X-2."

"And you died . . . how many times the last time we played that?" Meg said airily.

"Meg! You're not helping!" Akkiko snapped, smacking Meg upside the head.

"Girls! Heads up!" Inu-yasha yelled.

The four of them readied their weapons (Shippo had gone back to the village by this point) just as three fireballs came rolling out of the forest at high speed. When they were ten feet away, they popped open to reveal three girls.

The three were tall, willowy, and would have seemed completely normal except for the fact that their clothes, hair and weapons seemed to be made entirely of flame.

"Greetings, young women from another time," said the girl in the middle. "And greetings to you, Inu-yasha; we come from Lord Naraku."

"And just who the hell are you?" Inu-yasha asked.

"We are the Fire Sisters," said the girl on the left.

"We were sent by Lord Naraku," began the sister on the right.

"To destroy you," finished the one in the middle.

"Hey, think they practiced this before coming?" Akkiko hissed at Meg.

"Who knows," Meg hissed back.

"My name is La-La," said the middle sister.

Meg, Kat and Akkiko all fell over. "Why am I reminded of Gourry in Slayers?" Akkiko said, gritting her teeth.

"My name is Li-Li," said the sister on the left.

"And my name is Lu-Lu," said the sister on the right.

"And I suppose it's just a coincidence there are three of them," Kat said. "Perfect for us to practice on."

"Shall we begin?" La-La said, and spun a fireball in her hands. It formed into a wicked-looking katana.

Li-Li and Lu-Lu did the same thing; in seconds they both held spears. "Go!"

Akkiko leapt back as Li-Li tried to thrust her spear into her face. "Ugh, these girls aren't newbies."

"No shit, Sherlock!" Meg called as she moved away from La-La and attempted to run backwards and fire an arrow. She bought herself some time by throwing some fast-growing mushrooms in the Fire Sister's face.

"Ugh!" La-La screamed, knocking the crying mushrooms away. "What is this filth?"

"Kitsune bi!" La-La yelped as green fire wrapped itself around her, electrifying her body.

"Little witch of a demon!" she snarled. "Your fire is nothing compared to mine! I have already wiped out three villages with my fire."

"All by yourself. Gee, what an accomplishment," Meg said, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she knocked an arrow.

Meanwhile, Kat and Lu-Lu were in a stare-down. "Guess what?" Kat said cheerfully.

"Wh-what?" Lu-Lu said, caught slightly off-guard.

"I have fire, too!" Kat gracefully threw a handful of ofuda that spiralled. "Ofuda Fireball!"

Lu-Lu shrieked and conjured a wall of fire herself. Then she moved through the wall of fire.

"Oh, shit!" Kat yelped, and used her spear to block Lu-Lu's attack.

Inu-yasha perched on the edge of the well, eyebrows raised. "Hmm . . . maybe they can handle themselves."

"Of course we can!" Meg said, running up and ducking behind him. "It just takes us a while to do. DUCK!!" Inu-yasha jumped into the well as a fireball passed through the spot he had just been. La-La flew past on a cloud of fire, while Meg flew off on the kumo.

"Damn wench," Inu-yasha growled.

Akkiko gracefully twirled her blades, hypnotizing Li-Li and ended up cutting off one arm. The fire-demon shrieked and came back to herself, holding up her spear one-handed.

"You're going to pay for that, hanyou," she growled.

"Try me," Akkiko challenged.

Kat was in trouble. Lu-Lu had captured her in a ring of fire, and unlike her opponent, Kat couldn't move through that fire without being burned.

"Not good," she muttered. Suddenly Lu-Lu appeared and swung at her legs. Kat jumped back and almost fell in the flames. Lu-Lu disappeared again, smirking.

"Kat!" The girl heard her name being called, and better yet, she recognized the voice.

"Sango!" she called back, and could barely make out her sister's form through the flame.

Lu-Lu leapt at out at her again, and Kat twisted away, going on her hands. Something fluttered out of her chest pocket. It was the black feather that Kameko Haru had given her.


"The feather will activate when you say a single word," Kameko continued. "And I believe you'll like the results."

"What's the word?" Kat asked.

"You will know," the oracle assured. "Just know to use it when there is no way out but up."


Kat looked around at the fiery walls, and then looked up. "That's it!" she breathed, and got to her feet. Holding her spear in one hand and the feather in the other, she held it to her heart for a moment.

And then she knew the word.


Lu-Lu hacked at the place where the hanyou had been moments before. Now all that was there were a few black feathers. She looked up and her jaw dropped.

Kat pumped her black feathery wings and landed beside a surprised-looking Sango.

"So; this is the final gift the oracle gave to you," Sango said, in awe.

Kat nodded. "She was right; I do like the results."

Sango smiled and put a hand on Kat's shoulder. "Do you need any help?"

"No thanks. I can do this." Kat turned away and began furiously scribbling on her ofuda.

Lu-Lu came out of the fire ring, extinguishing it as she moved away. She was met with the sight of the newly-winged hanyou holding a single ofuda and grinning.

"Guess what? I have a new spell to try. And you're the guinea pig." The ofuda left her hand, spiralling towards the fire-demon, who immediately summoned a fireball.

"I didn't know you could hurt people with pieces of scrap paper, girl," Lu-Lu taunted as she let the fireball loose.

"Ofuda Water-blast!" Kat yelled; the ofuda twisted and suddenly water appeared out of nowhere; an entire river now spiralled towards the youngest Fire Sister. It put out the measly fireball and carried on to the stunned demon, who screamed as she, herself, was extinguished.

La-La stopped on her cloud of fire; Meg took advantage of this by loosing three arrows into the cloud, which were immediately consumed. The Fire Sister scowled and continued her race with the kitsune, steadily gaining.

"Meg!" Kat called up to her friend. "Wind only fans the flames; you're making her stronger by flying around up there! Earth heaped onto a fire can put it out! Get her on the ground!"

"On the ground?" Meg let go of her bow and arrows, and made a sharp turn, reaching into her pocket. She sped straight at La-La, and at the last possible moment she arched up. Once she was over the fire-demon, she let loose her top, which grew and landed right on top of La-La.

La-La screamed as the top forced her down. It began drilling a hole in her body, and her fire would not burn it. It took her straight to earth, where it continued to hold her down.

"Kat!" Meg called. Kat gave her a thumbs-up sign.

She held up another ofuda, and threw it at the steadily growing crater; the top bounced back up safely to Meg.

"Ofuda Earthquake!" Kat yelled, and the ground shook, covering La-La. A few moments later steam rose from the earth were she had been.

"We did it!" Meg said, landing and high-fiving Kat. She turned and saw Miroku clapping from the sidelines.

"Good job, both of you," he said. Meg flushed. "But where's my sister?"

"Right here!" Akkiko walked away from another smoking patch of land. Her swords were no where in sight, but she was holding her slingshot and pouch of stones. "And once again; I like these rocks."

"Well," said a voice from the well. "Good job, you three." It was Inu-yasha. "Looks like you're well on you way to joining us." He rose and hopped off the well; just then he felt something hot sear past his skin.

"What the f-" he swore and leapt away. He looked up. On another cloud of flame stood a girl. "Who are you?"

"I am the final Fire Sister. My name is Le-Le." She conjured a fireball in each of her hands. "Lord Naraku has charged me with the death of those my sisters could not defeat."

"Screw off." These words did not come from Inu-yasha. Instead, they came from Akkiko, who had her slingshot ready. Meg and Kat followed suite with an arrow and an ofuda.

From the village, Kaede saw another miniature explosion and wondered what on earth those youngsters were up to.

After the smoke cleared, all Akkiko could see was the scowling face of Inu-yasha.

"You know, I could have taken her myself," he snapped.

"Don't fool yourself," Akkiko snapped back. "You didn't even have your sword drawn. It's lucky you have us looking out for you."

"Yeah, well . . ." Inu-yasha looked away, flushing. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," Meg called from a few feet away. "Actually, that chick was pretty easy to beat."

"She was probably the weakest," Kat said, "and that's why Naraku saved her as a last resort."

"So . . . what exactly happened to get four fire-youkai to attack you?" Miroku said.

"That's what I would like to know," Sango said. "Kat, you have burns on your arm, and so do you, Meg."

"Huh, funny, I don't have any," Akkiko said wickedly.

"Shut up."

"Hey Meg? Spider."


"Akkiko, that's not nice."

"When am I nice?"

"On occasion, you can be nice."

"I find that hard to believe."

"Shut up, Miroku."

# # #

Firstly, special thanx going out to Akkiko for giving me the idea for the Fire Sisters-I was having a little trouble coming up with something to pop out and attack us ^^;;


Naraku: I thought I was going to get a part in this chapter.

Ahem-SECONDLY, I was hoping to add another scene this chapter, but since I'm already at fifteen pages, I think I should stop. As for Naraku-

Naraku: I THOUGHT I was going to get a part this chapter.

As for Naraku (who is being beaten over the head by yours truly-Naraku: Ow! OW!!) he won't make an appearance for at least another two chapters.

Akkiko: Who cares? He's just the bad guy.

Meg: So, Kat, when do we see your bishie?

Kat: He's coming right after Naraku.

Naraku: (nursing several head injuries) Ow . . .

Kat: Make-up!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha. Neither does Akkiko, or Meg, or any other person I know. Hopefully one day I will get to meet Rumiko Takahashi (who does own Inu-yasha), but I highly doubt she will sign over the rights to a struggling 15-year-old (soon to be 16).

PS-Don't forget to review, please! (I love getting feed back on what you think of this!!)