InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the Graves these Flowers Lie ❯ On the Graves These Flowers Lie ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
On the Graves These Flowers Lie

Written by Lovely Videl based on Rumiko Takahashi's extraordinary anime, "Inu Yasha".
Based on the feelings of Sango who lost so much.

On the graves these flowers lie,
Pretty yellow petals lined side by side.
As far as I can see, row by row,
Straight onward down, as far as they'll go.

Hundreds of breathless bodies below the ground,
Seen by piles of graves and sand, mound by mound,
And hidden here within the earth,
Lies my pain so deep one can't know the hurt.

My whole town and life lie beneath my feet,
Buried far from the reach of my grasp.
Each rested spirit meaning a thousand thoughts to me,
Each one having a tender memory to cast.

For you see that first grave lying way out there?
That was my first boyfriend so filled with care.
He was the one to give me my very first kiss;
My first and last touch of love that I'll come to miss.

The second lying down that very first row
Was my little baby cousin who had such a long life to go.
Sweet, twinkling eyes and chubby cheeks,
That I still remember kissing just last week.

Beside her still, lies my best friend Rondo,
Who was the happiest, wonderful little blunder.
My cheery friend, optimistic and full of smiles,
Now lies six feet under.

I grew up with the woman buried over there,
This boy here used to like me, not that I'm aware.
My elderly neighbour lies here in this place,
But I'm sorry, I can't see anymore - Not even a trace.

For my tears have claimed me as I glance on and on,
And see that they don't end, these graves I look upon.
Stretching on out to infinity's end,
Leaving me without one single friend.

Without my prideful father nor caring mother,
Without even the earnest smiles of my little brother.
Not a soul left here to see me cry,
Knowing that I'm alone no matter how hard I try.

"I miss you…"
I whisper as sorrow rages through,
And in the silence I wish that they only knew.

If only they knew my deepest desire,
The desire to defy
The limits of my earthly life,
And be with those who forever lie.

Be with those who stay row by row,
Onwards down as far as they'll go.
Be forever with those lined side by side,
Always there by the graves on which these flowers lie.

Author's Note:

My third Inu Yasha poem! ^__^ I don't mind it too much, personally I am more fond of "My Son and Me" but I just couldn't go without writing something on Sango. I am aware that Sango actually was not present in the time of the burial to know who was where, but I figured to put aside that fact when writing this. Anyway, I hope you liked it, thanks very much for reading! You guys are the greatest! ^__^

Inu Yasha anime fandom forever!

Lovely Videl