InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Once in love and Twice to die ❯ The Figure in shadow and the mysterious little girl. Friends? Or Foes? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3Figure in shadow and the mysterious little girl. Friends? Or Foes?
"It is just how I remember it" Inuyasha said looking around the lake, he turned around and walked up to a tree. "Our names are still carved in the tree" He traced the mark with his clawed hand.
"Who's there?! Show your self NO ONE is suppose to be here! He yelled. Inuyasha looked into the woods and sniffed, but could not smell anything.
"Remember some of you opponents are not going to have scents so don't rely on your noise all the time."looked more closely and saw a Shadow figure, walking toward him.
"DAMNIT answer me NOW!!"mysterious person walked right up to him, and stood face to face, the figure was wearing a hood so Inuyasha could not see it's face.
"How in seven hells did you get here?" He barked still trying to get answers, "Answer me, how the FUCK did y-" He was cut off when a hand was placed in front of his face, then it started glowing. "What th-"
"Shh" was all he heard before he passed the hut
"Where is Inuyasha, it's dinner time?" Serenity said.then Kirlala started growling,
"What is it Kirlala?" Sango asked.all got up and went outside, to see Inuyasha unconscious being carried by someone or something.
"INUYASHA!!" they all yelled running up to him,
"What happened is he alright?!" Kagome asked, all they got was a nod.put Inuyasha down, and waved a hand over Inuyasha's body, and he started to wake up.
"Wha... what happened?" he said in a groggy voice, looking around.
"Your Back at the village...Are you okay?" Kagome said.
"Of course, you stupid wench!" he snapped getting up,
"OW!" Inuyasha felt a hand on his back.looked and saw the mysterious figure over Inuyasha's body, then it started growling at her.
"Umm..." It snapped it's fingers and Kagome slammed into the ground.
"Ow" She whined.
"Umm. I think it just sat you Kagome,"
"muph."got up and saw Kagome on the ground, then saw...
"Inuyasha you should be thanking him he brought you back"
"Thanking I don't think so, he is the one who knocked me out in the first place!" He yelled.
"Yes but if his intentions was to harm you then why did he bring you back?"
"..."walked up to the figure, "why did you?"said nothing. "Hello?"soon found him self being picked up and petted, on the head, after, he got a small giggle, then a kiss on the head. "Don't tell" was all he got then he was put back on the ground.then a huge spider Youkai, came out of know where and destroyed Serenity's hut.spider went up to the Mysterious figure and said, "I have found you at last, Master Naraku wants you, and if you do not, I have the pleaser of destroying your little friends... so what will it be mistress?"
"You're a girl?!"nodded, she started walking toward him when Inuyasha jump in front of her.
"Didn't your parents ever teach you not to pester ladies? She is not going with you so go or die" Inuyasha drew out Tetseiga, and charged at the youkai, but missed. "DAMNIT." It headed for the girl, but Sango go tin the way and she flew into a tree, after taking the hit.
"Sango!?" Kagome and Miroku ran to her side.charged at the youkai again, Kagome and Miroku were about to help when the girl blocked their way.
"Don't you will get in the way"
"You talked"said nothing but they understood. So they agreed.
"DAMNIT!" Inuyasha cursed the spider had Inuyasha, in his hand squeezing him. They wee going to help but the figure ran and cut off the youkai's hands. Inuyasha feel to the ground, and held his sides, it had managed to bit him, making him temporally paralized.saw the girl standing there; just then he heard something,
"Inuyasha are you alright?" That voice was so familiar to him, it was soft.
"Who are you?" Inuyasha questioned.
"Are you all right?!"
"Yes, but answer my question!"little girl was silent for a minute then she burst out crying, she hugged him.
"I'm so sorry, I should have protected you" she stopped crying, "I promised to protect you, but I failed, and it's not too late!" Before Inuyasha could do anything, she was already againced the spider, fighting with the mysterious figure.saw, the spider charging at him, he prepared himself, but then a protective shield arose, he looked and found the little girl standing there holding the shield to protect him and the group.