InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One of the Boys ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Chapter 4: Revelations

Beep Beep Beep ….Crash

*The idiot who put the alarm clock on is going to die. * Kagome thought as she pulled her pillow over her aching head. Two seconds later she heard some shuffling and decided to take a peek and see who was going to be at the receiving end of her wrath and long hours of torture.

It was Inuyasha.

*Well, it isn't so bad to be woken up at six o'clock on a Saturday morning for no apparent reason. I guess I'll let it go. Again. *

Realizing that she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, Kagome decided to get prepared to go home and walked into the bathroom. Inuyasha was already in there taking a shower. Of course that didn't bother Kagome anymore, being in the presence of a gorgeous naked guy with only a five by six piece of waterproof material separating them, heck, it didn't even faze her anymore…what a lie, it was killing her to be friends with a bunch of gorgeous guys and being considered by all of them nothing more than one of the boys.

She started to brush her teeth determined that as soon as she got home she would feel better. And, the sooner she got home the sooner she'd be able to be herself again. Kagome decided to bathe at home where it was safest, finished her toilet in a record time.

"Bye Inu, I'll see you on Monday." Kagome took her leave before Inuyasha could answer.

Looking up form the pile of clothes he was looking through, Inuyasha smirked. *Guess he forgot we're supposed to go out today. *


"Mom, Souta, grandpa, I'm home," Kagome called out as soon as she got there.

"Welcome home darling," her mother greeted. "Your grandfather and brother aren't home, they left for the weekend to go fishing."

Absorbing the information, Kagome nodded, and announced, "Mom, I'm going to get a bath and I'll come down to help you make lunch."

"Okay, take your time," Mrs. Higurashi answered from the kitchen she had just returned to.

After a relaxing bath, Kagome skipped down the stairs wearing one of her favorite dresses, a sky blue spaghetti strapped dress that billowed out from the waist down, makeup, and barrettes. (I'll draw you guys pictures of Kagome as a guy and as a girl later.) Feeling like herself again, she walked towards the kitchen ready to tackle the task of making lunch.

"Mom, what do you need help with?" Kagome asked as she entered the kitchen still trying to clasp on of her charm bracelets on.

When Kagome got no answer, she looked up from her bracelet to find Rei, Miroku, Kohaku, and a girl she didn't know sitting at the dinning table, staring at her with wide opened mouths. Her mother just smiled at her from her position at the head of the table, oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation.


Many people don't know what I'm about to tell you. It's not a secret or anything it's just that people don't think about it. Thus, they overlook this trivial fact: silence is a sound. It's an unbearable sound that deafens its listeners until one of them has enough courage to break it. Well in this situation, seeing that her guest weren't about to come out of their state of shock anytime soon, Kagome was the courageous soul who broke the silence.

"Hey, guys I wasn't expecting to…uh…receive any visitors, today." She nervously said.

Silence and staring.

"So, what brings you here?"

More silence and staring.

Unable to bear it any longer Kagome blurted out the truth. "Okay, I'm a girl, not a boy, not a crossdresser, a girl."

They stared a little more before Miroku was able to speak coherently. "A girl?"


Miroku looked thoughtful for a moment before he continued. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

"Yeah, I know," Kagome said finally sitting down at the table.


Kagome explained to them that she was in the witness protection program and that the agent who was taking care of her family's case had put her in an all-boys school, thinking that it would be safer for her.

"I see," Miroku said after hearing her out. "Man I can't believe I've been rooming with a girl all this time…think of all the thing we could have done." At that last comment the he received a slap from the girl who was sitting next to him.


"Oh Sango, I completely forgot you were there, Kagome this is my girlfriend Sango."

Sango smiled, reached across the table and offered her hand to Kagome who took it gladly.

"I'm sorry we met this way," Kagome said smiling apologetically.

"Ah, no worries, I'm just glad I finally got to meet Miroku's and Inuyasha's roommate."

Kagome smiled at Sango again before turning to Kohaku and Rei. "Are you guys okay with this?"

Kohaku was the first to speak up. "Actually I'm kind of relieved, I thought you were gay. N-not that it would matter to me, of course." He added glancing at Rei.

"I have no problem with this, I just wish you'd been truthful about this earlier."

"Sorry," Kagome said softly.

"Don't worry, we all forgive you. But I'm curious what did you see that was so important that you had to be put under this sort of protection."

"Yeah, I was wondering that too," Kohaku chipped in.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you that."

Sango, noticing how uncomfortable Kagome was, decided to change the subject, but before she could Kagome's mother cheerfully clapped her hands together. "Who was to eat lunch?"

They all feel out of their seats. (What a way to break the tension.)


After they'd eaten lunch they all went outside in the garden.

"Are you going to tell Inuyasha?" Rei always the conscientious one asked Kagome.

"No, the fewer the people who know, the better. Guys I have a favor to ask."

"Go on," Kohaku said.

"Could you not tell anyone about this. And I mean anyone, not even Kouga, Inuyasha, and Shippo. I'll tell them when the time is right. Until then could you keep this to yourselves?" Kagome asked.

All of them nodded, to Kagome's great relief. But their peaceful moment was soon interrupted by Miroku's cell phone ringing.

"Where the hell are you guys? We were supposed to meet an hour ago!" Inuyasha yelled into his phone.

A/N: Review.