InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Be Not Forgotten ❯ Past Be Not Forgotten ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"I want to fly."

He looked at her form; arms spread wide above the railing, the setting sun highlighting her small form. It was almost romantic. "Buy and airline ticket."

She ignored his snide comment, instead leaning heavily upon the railing " They did not grace me with wings." Her aqua gaze drifted to the innocent pedestrians below; wistful. "Just as They did not grace everyone with sight."

"But everyone has eyes."

"But they do not see." She mocked his nonchalant tone, dropping her hands to grip the rail tightly.

Silence raged between the two. Finally, he spoke his mind; "They were raised in ignorance and live in fear. They do not want to believe in what has only become legend.

Her smile was nasty when she faced him. "Lucky them."

He studied her a moment more. "Envy will do nothing for you."

"Just like denial does nothing for them?" She flung her arms expansively, her head bowed in mock reverence. She glared at his stoic expression. When no answer was forthcoming, she sneered hatefully. "No more wise words from the Great God of Stony Expressions?" She was being a right smarmy bitch, but she didn't care.

"We all have things we regret."

She laughed condescendingly, "You think this is about regret do you?" She didn't wait for his answer. "The only regret I have was leaving when I did." Her voice was softer when she spoke. "And like I did."

"I've had more years to think on this than perhaps any before me." His form was bathed in moonlight and she was reminded why she came to him; the past.

"Do you regret anything?"

His palm burned her shoulder where he laid it. "My life."

Kagome smiled gently in nostalgia. "I didn't make it any easier back then, ne?" He was quiet and she knew what he was remembering. "You couldn't have known."

His voice was no different from normal, to anyone else, but she had always had a knack for reading people. "I should have."

"I lay no blame on your shoulders and neither should anyone else."

They stood in moonlit silence; reminiscing. After a moment of debating he asked the question that had burned him all day: "How is he?"

"Coping." She grabbed his hand when he tried to withdraw it. "I just told him recently Sesshoumaru." He pulled her into an awkward one-armed embrace. "He didn't know what to think, but I'm pretty sure he accepted it."

The demon cleared his throat uncharacteristically, "So he's not going to kidnap you and run away?" He was only half joking.

"Do you believe in soul mates?"

A chuckle. "It depends." She quirked an eyebrow. "Do you ever shut up?"

"When there's need to."

"I believe there is a force to balance it's opposite. Life and death, good and evil, light and dark or chaos and serenity."

"So you're a ying-yang kinda guy?"

He didn't dignify that with an answer.

"Sometimes I wish I could be rid of this repetitive cycle."

"How so?"

"You remember I went to the past to finish what Kikyo could not?" He nodded. "I fought him then, and his reincarnation came back. I was able to purge him. Pure luck really." She sniffed in disdain as memories of several different lives flashed before her eyes. "Reincarnation is a tricky thing, especially if you steal a part of your incarnates soul to live."

"But you received your soul back."

"Right you are, but with the price of her memories and emotions becoming mine. Being around certain people would drive me crazy for months until I could control it. Seems that Kikyo had the same problem as me: she couldn't stay in her rightful timeline. Unlike me, she went to the future, far into the future. All the way to my reincarnation."

"She meddled too much in the past to alter the future."

Kagome giggled at his wording. "I knew there was a reason I liked you, so perceptive." She smiled sardonically, "The future wasn't perfect so she fucked with the Shikon no Tama to try and change it. Her only miscalculation: ignoring her instincts."

"That explains a lot."

"Like how I'm a direct descendant when everyone was sure she and Kaede bore no offspring? Or that Naraku was created at all? Maybe that part of Onigumo still living instead of being eaten for his information?"


"On how to get to Kikyo of course. Our darling priestess was not as innocent as everyone liked to believe."

They both were growing weary of the topic at hand. Neither spoke.

"When will I see him?"

She fingered her locket, looking at the stars. She didn't answer for a full minute that seemed to stretch for eternity. "Tomorrow. Noon."

"So soon?"

"He wasn't angry when he found out, but relieved. He wants to see you Sesshoumaru."

The man in question heaved a resigned sigh, full of hidden regret, sorrow and a tiny bit of happiness.

"The years have done you good Sesshoumaru." She continued soon after. "You would have ordered me to bring him as soon as you found us." She put a finger to her lip in contemplation. "And you talk a lot more."

"This Sesshoumaru will not tolerate insubordination of his authority, wench, bring him to me at eleven thirty."

She laughed lightly, the years of stress pressuring her melting away. "Kenji."

She shifted under his piercing stare. "You.. our son. His name is Kenji."

"Thank you."

Drawing him into a hug she whispered, "He can't live forever without a father."

"I do."

She looked at him inquiringly.

"In soul mates. I believe."

"Me too. We just met before our time."


Yeah fluffy one-shot.I don't intend for anything else to happen, but if people like it, then whatever. Please leave me comments on things I could improvise.

Standard disclaimer applies.