InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Best Forgotten....Future Most Looked For ❯ Let the Magic Begin! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Past Best Forgotten….Future Most Looked For


Author's Note: Sorry I haven't written in a while guys. I wanted to thank Foxflame, Sesshousbabe13, Sakura Yamakawa, Sesshiestalker, Amibaby12 for the love and support! You are all my inspiration and the people who have helped me to decide to continue with this story. I hate to say but I may have to delete Fallen Angel and Celestial Chances and put them back when I am completely done with this fic. They haven't really caught on as this story has. Anyways on with the fic!

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Chapter 6: The Magic Begins

Kagome woke up to the sounds of the children laughing. She looked towards the end of the bed to see Caesarion and Shippo watching a small girl make faces. It was the little girl named Rin, who had followed Sesshomaru. Kagome could not believe how tall she had gotten.

Rin looked at Kagome with a big toothy grin. "Morning Lady Kagome", she giggled. She was still making faces as she greeted the young miko. The boys started laughing so hard that Shippo fell off of the bed. His mother was relieved to see that he wasn't hurt. Carefully lifting herself with her arms, Kagome crawled out of bed. Amazingly she felt hardly any pain, which was strange because it had not even been a week since she had a deep cut in her back from the dragon claws. She decided that she would grab some fresh clothes out of the closet and go bathe before Sesshomaru sent a servant to do it. Ever since she came to the castle he had not let her do anything alone. There was always a servant picking out her clothes and helping her bathe. It was beginning to annoy Kagome to no end. Not that she was ungrateful, but she was not hurt as badly as she was when she first came.

Walking over to the closet, she decided to wear something red. `Red was always Inuyasha's favorite color. Especially on you', chimed a voice at the back of her mind. She quickly shook the thoughts away and noticed a beautiful, elegant kimono dress. It was a beautiful ruby red with a black dragon holding a black rose in its mouth. The dragon's body was mostly on the right side but the tail twisted around towards the left.

"That one would look pretty on you, Momma", Caesarion said as he tugged at his mother's nightgown. "Yeah! You have always looked good in red!", Shippo added. Kagome smiled at the boys and decided she would wear it. She told them to tell the servants that they had not seen her since this morning. The last thing she needed was someone watching her bathe when she was trying to relax.

Kagome quietly walked down the hallway and turned left when she reached the corner. She was beginning to get use to finding her way around the massive mansion. She tiptoed past Sesshomaru's study so as not to disturb him or let him catch her wandering around alone. When Kagome finally reached the bathing room, she quickly undressed and slid into the water. It was like heaven just soaking there, and not having to hear a servant tell her she needed to get out before her skin began to prune.

~*~*~*~*~Sess in the Study~*~*~*~*~

Sesshomaru decided he needed to soak in the bathing room. The contracts and paper work he had been doing was beginning to cause a headache. Headaches usually made him very agitated and tense. He knew that was not the character he needed to show to Kagome.

~*~*~*~*~Back in the Bathing Room~*~*~*~*~

When the youkai lord walked into the room he saw a sight that had his heart racing, and another part aching. The more reserved side of himself was telling him to turn around and leave. Yet the animal within was telling him to stay and watch. It was very hard, but he eventually turned around and decided to act like nothing ever happened. He silently prayed to Kami that she did not sense him. As soon as he got to the door he heard a blood hurling scream, and then felt something hard hit him against his head. Instincts told him to turn around to see what the ningen had thrown at him, but the Lord knew it would only upset her more. He quickly dodged some other foreign object that Kagome had thrown at his head, and rushed back to his story.

Kagome was about to get out when she noticed the demon lord. She didn't know if he had watched her, but she would make sure he wouldn't do it again. She took the incense holder that had been at the edge of the tub and hurled it at his head. It was surprising that he had not turned around and killed her, but she knew that he would not of. It was a somewhat comforting feeling which helped her justify her reasons for throwing something at him. She was surprised to see Sesshomaru gracefully dodge the second object which was her sandal. Quietly she waited until she could sense him no more and smiled inwardly…hoping that what the lord saw wasn't a disappointment.

~*~*~*~*~Back in Sess's Study~*~*~*~*~

Sesshomaru was silently brewing to himself about the episode in the bathing room. He had never seen Kagome so upset…she didn't even get that upset with Inuyasha when he would spy on her while she took baths in the springs, but then again he was not Inuyasha. It seemed to never escape him, no matter how hard he would try he could not get away from his brother. Even though the hanyou was dead and had been so for several years (5 to be exact) he was still haunting Sesshomaru. He also hated the fact that the hanyou still had an effect on Kagome. The young lord could smell the salty tears that she shed for her lost love.

It was then that Sesshomaru decided to take Kagome on a picnic and give her the grand tour of the palace grounds. Now if this had been a few years earlier he would never stoop so low as to even stay in the same mile radius as a ningen. Yet here he was wanting to impress and amaze one. Shaking his head of his old ways he called for Jaken.

"Y-Yes m'lord?", Jaken said shakingly. He thought he was getting in trouble for the way he treated Rin and the other children this morning when he chastised them for eating sweets before breakfast.

"I want you to tell Cook to prepare a meal for me and the lady. I will take her to the bluff overlooking the kingdom. I need you to watch the children for we will not return for a while. Also if the children want a sweet before any major dinner then they are allowed to have one. Just so long as they do not eat so much that they do not eat the meal prepared for them. Understood?", Sesshomaru commanded. He could see that the toad servant was a bit uneasy and he wanted to quickly put to rest his apprehensions.

~*~*~~~*~~*~Kagome's Room~%~%~%~%~%

Kagome was sitting in her room still a bit flushed about the lord's intrusion on her bath. Yet she truly was beginning to realize that it wasn't as bothersome as when it had actually happened. `What are you thinking!! How could you betray Inuyasha so easily and with his brother!!', screamed her mind. And in that instant she felt so guilty she began to cry. Quickly she ran to the bathroom when she sensed someone was coming to her chambers.

Sesshomaru could smell her tears before he even reached the door. Quietly he turned the door knob and walked in gracefully. He decided to sit on the bed and wait until Kagome got out of the bathroom. Respectfully he stood up when he saw her come out. He noticed that her eyes were red and the area around them were puffy and blotchy. She gave a weak smile and nodded to acknowledge his presence.

"What are you doing here? I usually don't see you around until dinner time", Kagome said with a cracked voice. She was desperately trying to hide the fact that she held in her cries.

"Must you know why I do everything? I thought I would take you out of the palace and let you see my kingdom. Yet I think you may not be up to it", Sesshomaru said beginning to walk to the door. He did not want to push her into something she was not ready for.

"NO!!….I mean no I don't have to know why you do what you do. I was just curious. I would LOVE to get out of here. Not that it is a bad place but I like the outdoors better. You know?", She said as she pulled him back from the door.

Sesshomaru was waiting outside while Kagome changed. He had Jaken bring Ah and Un out for them to ride on. They were the only means of transportation to where he was taking her. He was beginning to grow impatient and told another servant to go and check on the young miko, when she walked out. The breath was knocked from his lungs at the sight of her beauty. Never had he seen this particular kimono dress, one that belonged to his mother, look so spectacular on anyone else. It was a golden kimono that reached to her knees with cherry blossoms falling down the fabric. The buttons were made of amber which matched his eyes perfectly. Her hair was twisted up in a clip and some hung in front of her face. When she reached him, he gently took her hand and kissed it. Then he gently brushed the hair aside to look into her earth-brown eyes.

"You look very lovely, Lady Kagome", Sesshomaru whispered so that only she could hear.

"Thank you", Kagome blushed. She was lifted up ever so slightly so that her dress didn't ride up. Sitting in the front she began to feel uncomfortable with Sesshomaru sitting behind her. He could feel the tension and decided to switch places. Yet the thought became more entertaining when he felt her hold tightly to his waist as the two headed dragon began to take off.

"Where are we going?", the miko said as she closed her eyes and gripped the form in front of her. She could just feel the smile come off of his face when she asked the question.

"Somewhere that is very special to me", the Taiyoukai grinned. `Let the magic of wooing and loving begin!', chimed the voice in his head.

Author's Notes: Thank you all again for the reviews. I hope that I get more reviews and I think I may add a couple of more chapters to my other stories. Please read those too!!!! Anywho I have to go type those chapters and figure out some more for this story!!!

Next Chapter: Near misses and kisses