InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Mind, Present Body ❯ Perverseness Never Hurt Recovery ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 11: Perverseness Never Hurt Recovery
Yash awoke to the pain in his chest. It was dark in the room and he felt scared. What happened? Why was he in here? Why was he in so much pain? He couldn't even think straight it hurt so much.
Kagome came into his view and he groaned. “You're awake! How are you feeling?” Kagome asked.
“I…I'm fine…” Yash gasped out.
“Do you need anything? Can I get a nurse for you?” Kagome asked.
Yash shook his head and asked, “What happened?”
“You were hit by a truck. You're heart was crushed in the accident and you needed a heart transplant,” Kagome explained.
“Who did the transplant?” he asked.
“Inuyasha did. He wanted to do it after ruining our relationship, but there wasn't a heart that could have replaced his so he's…he's dead,” she said.
“He gave his life for mine. I thought he loved you,” he said.
“He did and that's why he did it. I'm just glad you're okay,” she said, running a hand through his hair.
“I'm sorry, Kagome. I'm really sorry,” Yash whispered.
“What are you sorry for?” Kagome asked confused.
“The night that ruined everything between us, Kiki called and went over to her place later that night. I don't know what I was thinking, I just had to get you off of my mind or something,” he said.
“I know. I heard Kiki's voice when I called you the next morning. I don't care Yash. It's alright, you have nothing to be sorry for,” she smiled sweetly.
“Can we go back to the way things were? Before everything happened?” Yash asked.
“Of course, once you get better things will go back to normal. I promise you that,” Kagome said grabbing his hand gently.
“Thank you Kagome,” he said smiling weakly before he began to push the morphine button to kill the pain he was feeling.
It had been a week since the accident and Yash was able to move and eat whole foods. He was still weak and the farthest he could go was to use the restroom, but he was progressing at the normal rate.
Kagome entered the room and smiled at Yash. “How are you feeling today?” she asked.
“A lot better now that you're here,” Yash smirked. Even when hurt he still had enough strength to use those cheesy pick-up lines.
“How sweet, I see you're feeling back to your normal self,” Kagome said.
“I thought you liked my normal self,” he said.
“No, I love your normal self. That's why I want to get you out of here so I can show you off to everyone,” she smiled winking at him.
“And you say you aren't a tease,” he mumbled to himself.
Kagome went over and kissed him on the cheek and said, “Of course I'm not a tease, babe.”
What Yash wouldn't give just to grab her and kiss her senseless, but, as fate would have it he was tied to the bed with heart monitors and I.V.s.
Kagome smiled innocently before sitting on the chair next to his bed. They began to talk about the outside world, since Yash had no idea what had been going on lately.
They talked and laughed for hours, just trying to make his recovery go faster.
Another week went by and Yash was released from the hospital. His stitches were still in, but his chest had healed pretty nicely. Another week and the stitches would be ready to come out.
Kagome made Yash move into her apartment so she could take care of him, so this is where Yash was at the moment. He was sitting on the balcony watching the sunset, feeling content with life. He had Kagome with him again. He had a working and beating heart, thanks to Inuyasha. Everything seemed to be all right with his life at the moment.
“Yash! What are you doing out there?” Kagome asked. Even though Kagome was always making him lie down and relax, he knew that she was only worried about him.
“Watching the sunset. Come watch it with me,” Yash stated.
“You shouldn't be up though. What if you rip a stitch?” Kagome asked walking over to him.
“They can be fixed. Don't worry about me,” Yash sighed. Kagome was really too caring for her own good.
Kagome handed him a letter and said, “This came in the mail for you. Its from your boss Sesshomaru.”
Yash opened it and looked at what was inside. Yash wasn't worried at all about the medical bills because the insurance he got from work covered it. What if this was a letter saying that he wasn't covered and he had to pay for every cent?
Yash pulled out the piece of paper and it read, `We, at Taisho Inc. hope you a healthy and speedy recovery. As our gift to you, for all your hard work you will get a two-week paid vacation to anywhere you would like to go over a spring vacation. This trip will only be for two so choose whom you want to spend it with and book a flight. Get well soon.'
This was too good to be true! First he had tons of really bad luck and now he got a free vacation, for two fucking weeks? This was just way too good to be happening.
“What does it say Yash?” Kagome asked.
“Where was the one place you've always wanted to go to on vacation?” Yash asked.
“That's what it says? Well that's retarded,” Kagome said.
“No, I'm the one who's asking you this, not the letter,” Yash said laughing a bit.
“Oh well, I don't know. I guess somewhere with a beach and lots of swimming, like Hawaii or someplace like that,” Kagome said.
“Would you like to go to Hawaii for two weeks over spring break? It's completely free, courtesy of Taisho Inc.,” Yash smirked.
“Are you serious? That's what the letter said? Oh my god! You're inviting me to go with you? Are you sure you can handle it?” Kagome asked in a frenzy, getting a little too excited.
“Yes, yes, yes, and yes,” Yash laughed.
Kagome hugged him and said, “I would love to go on vacation with you.”
“Great then it's settled. I'll book a flight to Hawaii in the morning,” he said hugging Kagome back.
Kagome smiled and leaned up to kiss him on the lips. Yash deepened the kiss considerably and tangled a hand in her hair. Kagome moaned as his tongue wrestled with hers.
She pulled back, knowing that it would go further than that. Yash leaned down and placed small kisses all over her neck and chin.
“Yash…Stop. You're still hurt and it might strain your body,” Kagome moaned out.
“Stop thinking with your head for once and go on instincts,” Yash whispered against her throat. He continued down and began to unbutton her shirt. The moment he got her outer shirt off he latched on to her collarbone, sucking and biting on it. She still wore an undershirt, but that wouldn't last long if she let this go any further.
“Stop Yash. We can't do this now,” Kagome managed to say as shocks went down her spine. Damn him and that mouth of his.
Yash straightened up and kissed her on the lips one last time before backing away. “I'm sorry, Kagome. I don't know what came over me. I usually have more self control than that,” he whispered before going back into the apartment.
Kagome felt a cold breeze run across her skin and blushed. “Oh god, that was hot,” she murmured to herself before grabbing her discarded shirt. She put it on and buttoned it up before entering her apartment herself.
She could hear the shower running and smiled. Her very hot boyfriend was using her shower. How exciting was that? And after that ordeal, oh man, if he weren't recovering Kagome would have him naked and on the bed right now.
If the truth was told, she was tired of being the only college girl who was still a virgin. She knew that Yash loved her and she loved him, so who better to do it with than the man she loved?
Yash was also very experienced. That only added to the fuel. She didn't like the fact that he slept with other woman, but the thought of him knowing what to do and exactly how to do it made her excited just thinking about it.
She heard the shower turn off and she blushed even more. The image of Yash, soaking wet popped into her head. Water dripped down from his hair, down his sculpted chest and flawless abs…
Kagome stopped herself there and began to clean her room of all the clothes that was thrown on the floor. She hadn't taken care of her room lately. With being at the hospital and between classes all she had time for was taking a quick shower and changing clothes. She would just throw the dirty clothes wherever they landed.
Yash walked out of the bathroom with nothing, but a towel on. He saw Kagome picking up all the clothes that was laid out on the floor and smirked. He found a pair of panties just lying at his feet. He picked them up and said, “Oh, Kagome.”
Kagome turned around and saw Yash waving a pair of her underwear in front of her.
“I wonder who these belong to,” Yash smirked taunting Kagome. Kagome went up and snatched the panties out of his hand.
“What did I say about my underwear?” Kagome asked pulling on Yash's ear.
“Ow! Okay, I won't touch them anymore. I was just trying to help you pick up your clothes,” Yash said giving a fake whimper.
Kagome let go of him and smiled, “Good puppy. Now go finish what you were doing.” Kagome then noticed that Yash was completely naked except for the towel that hung around his waist. Kagome's eyes fell on the stitches going down his chest diagonally. She had caused his pain. She was the one who almost killed him.
Tears filled her eyes as she gently traced her fingers around the stitches, not wanting to hurt him. “I'm so sorry Yash. If I hadn't been so stupid and ran out into traffic like I did, none of this would've ever happened,” Kagome said as tears ran down her cheeks.
Yash smiled comfortingly at her and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. “It's not your fault. I was the one who jumped out and protected you. Don't ask me why because I don't know why. I just felt my heart twist until I finally ran out there and pushed you out of the way. I love you Kagome and when I love someone I protect them with my life,” he quietly said to her to calm her guilt.
Kagome dried her tears and gave him a peck on the lips. “Thank you Yash. Thank you for loving me,” she smiled.
`No, thank you for loving me…Thank you for saving me…' Yash thought as he held Kagome close to his new beating heart.