InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Personal Vendettas ❯ Making friends? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: INUYASHA SHALL BE MINE!!! -laughin manically while running away from other crazed fans and lawyers- You shall never catch me!

Making Friends?

A soft groaning pulled her from her little reverie. She looked to see that Kagome was shifting uncomforably, as if she was in some sort of nightmare. Getting up to check on her newfound companion, she found that she had a fever, that didn't seem to be breaking anytime soon. She let out a sigh as she went about to help bring down the fever, all thoughts of her dream drifting from her mind.

"Ahh, I see you're awake now. Did you sleep well?" asked the miko as she walked in with a fresh batch of herbs and other such things.

"Hai, arigato, for your hospitality. Is there anything I can help you with to repay my debt to you?" Mitsuki formally said, bowing with respect.

Get up, child. You have no need to feel in debt for it is what I am here for."

"Arigato, miko-sama."

"You are very respectful for a child."

"Hai, it was how I was raised."

"You must have kind parents. Tell me, where are you from?"


"East? That is so far! Why do you stray so far from home? Your parents must be worried."

"Hai, they must be. Excuse me, miko-sama, for I need some air." With another bow, Mitsuki walked out of the hut.


She opened her eyes, blinking repeatedly to rid the fading darkness from her vision. Instead of seeing the damp stone wall of the dungeon, she saw the dark polished oak wall of an unfamiliar hut. Curious, she turned her head to see a woman, a bit older than herself and dressed in the standard red and white miko garb, sitrring a pot of what smelled like stew. The woman noticed that her patient awoke and turned in her direction.

"It is good to see you awake. We thought your fever would never break. Are you feeling any better?"

"Hai, arigato. How long have I been asleep?" Kagome asked, gradually getting into a sittin position.

"About two days. Your friend has been very worried about you." After the woman said that, Mitsuki walked into the hut, a bucket of fresh water in her hands.

"Oh, Kagoma-sama, you're awake. For a while, we thought you would sleep for a week. Good to know you are doing much better." Mitsuki said happily, setting down the bucket near the door.

"Yes, thank you. You helped me out a lot. If it wasn't for you....I don't even want to think of what would have happened."

My, my. Seems you two had quite an adventure. Take as much time as you need to rest. Now, if you please excuse me, I need to make my daily rounds. the stew is finished, so help yourselves." With that said, the woman walked out, not to be seen until later on that day.

An akward silence engulfes the room, makin its two occupants shift uncomfortably. As the silence stretched on, Kagome noticed that she knew almost nothing about her new companion, which sparked an uncontrolable curiousity to bubble deep within her. Before she could stop herself, she blurted out her question.

"Mitsuki-san, what connects you to Naraku?" Mitsuki, who had seated herself on her futon she had been using, was caught offguard by the question. She looked at Kagome, who had averted her gaze out of embarassment, and could not form an answer. "Gomen, I did not mean to pry into your personal matters."

"It's ok. I tend to make others curious." Mitsuki chuckled, planning on avoiding the question.

"You and me both, Mitsuki-san." Kagome gestured toward her uniform folded in a pile to her right; she was currently wearing a kimono provided for her.

"I was wondering why you wear such....I don't even have a word for it."

"Well, it's quite a long story. I'm not sure you would like to listen."

"I have nothing else to do. If you are willing to share, then I am willing to listen."

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOAfter Kagome's storyoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo

"Hontou? You are from the future?" Mitsuki stared at the girl before her as if she had grew another head, disbelieving what she had just been told.

"Hai, but could you not talk so loud. I do not wish to have others know."

"Ah, gomen, gomen. But this would explain your clothing and the way that you speak." Kagome let out a nervous chuckled as she nodded her head.

"Mitsuki-san, I was curious as to where you yourself was from. You are not like the average village woman." Kagome inquired after a long pause. Mitsuki's head turned to the door as a loud rumble followed by a inhuman shreik was heard. She looked back at Kagome, who had looked at the door in surprise.

"We shall save that for another time." Kagome nodded, about to get up, reaching for a bow and quiver that laid discarded by the wall. "No, you're hurt. I shall go help out. We do owe them for their hospitality and you are not up to be moving about so soon." Mitsuki grabbed the bow and quiver that Kagome had been reaching for and darted out the door, leaving a disappointed yet understanding Kagome in her wake.


The sight that greeted her was a terrible one indeed. The local villagemen were fighting off a grotesque (sp?) looking rat demon. It had beedy red eyes and a thick, matty-looking black fur that covered its hideous body. Mitsuki cringed at the sight of blood and grime on the already disgusting demon. Forcing down her disgust, she ran the rest of the way, an arrow already botched in her bow.

"I smell the shikon jewl shards! Give them to me or die!" it yelled, its screeching voice hurting the ears of those around.

'Jewel shards?' It registered in her ming, recalling Kagome's story. 'Kagome has them with her now. I have to draw it away from her and the village. Need to get its attention first.' Aiming carefully, she fired her arrow, hitting the rat above its left eye. The massive creature let out a roar of pain, deafening the villagers once more.

"Cursed wench!" he cried, his eyes traing on her small form, furiy coming off of him in waves. "You shall be the first to die!" Mitsuki let another arrow fly, this time clipping his right ear. Infuriated, he flung his paw towards the offender, narrowly missing her.

'Too close.' Firing at the retracting paw and missing, Mitsuki ran towars the village gate (imagine a fence around the village some-what like Sango's village), with a furious demon hot on her tail. 'Almost there. The pounding of her heart roared in her ear, almost drowning out the pounding of the demon's paws behind her.

"You shall not get away without punishment! Die!" it cried once more, swiping at her once again. He caught her leg as she tried to leap away, sending her tumbling into the wall of the gate. Clutching her let, she propped her back against the wall and took aim once more, aiming lower this time.

'I know that this won't stop him, but I'm hoping it will give me the time I need to flee into the woods, drawing it away from the village. Now where do i go from there? Should have planned further.' She let the arrow fly, weeing the faint swirling of white light around the shaft as it sped towards its target: the rat's heart. She let a small smile show as it hit home. The very faint white light spread through its body, making the beast scream in pain as he fell to the ground, paralized. Though the arrow hit its target, Mitsuki did not appear as pleased as one thought.

'So I can still tap into it. So it seems that it is weakening, at least a bit. Interesting.' The village men surrounded it as the miko walked in on the scene. 'Where has she been? She should have been here ages ago.'

"Miko-sama, would you be able to pruify the demon?" Mitsuki asked, slightly out of breath.

"Hai, I can." She walked up to the demon and purified it upon contact, the body becoming nothing more than vapor. "Where have you learned to evade like that? I ahve not known anyone who could manuveur on such a way. Are you a demon slayer?"

"No, I am not. I was raised this way for the area where I lived in was dangerous. It was customary for children learn to fight."

"I see. Well, go to my hut. I shall join you soon to see to your wound. Kyo, please assist her."

"Hai, miko-sama." With a bow to both woman, Kyo guided Mitsuki towards the designated hut.


Mitsu ki walked into the hut, thanking Ko as she excused himself. She sat down on her futon, realizing that her leg hurt more than she thought it would. Rolling up her pant leg, for she was uncomfortabale with the standard kimono, she found a four-inch cut on her leg. Around it, a discolored bruise was already forming. She let out a sigh, knowing thay she won't be able to walk right for a while. Knowing from her companions behavior towards others, she would not be allowed to even if she could. 'Speaking of who...'

She looked up when she felt hands gently proding her wound. Without her knowing, Kagome sain in front of her, examining the wound wiht a look of concentration on her face. She let go of the leg only to pick up a cloth to dip into the nucket of water used for cleaning Kaogmes own wound. Workin with practiced eas, Kagome cleaned the cut carefully and thoroughly/ Setting the cloth down, she grabbed a roll of bandage and slowly wrapped the leg.

"I guess from your travels, you have become quite skilled in tending to the wounded, ne? Falling into that miko catagory more than you thought." Mitsuki said when Kagome had finished.

"Hai. It has become something so frequent that it is like second nature to me." same the reply as Kagome snapped from her concentration. She moved back to her own futon as she awaited Mitsuki's reply.

"Looks like I will not be needed." came an aged voice from the door. The two looked to see the miko.

"Hai, miko-sama. It seems that way." Mitsuki said, giving a nervous laugh. "Gomen."

"It is quite alright, but may i speak with you outside?"

"Hai." Mitsuki got up and walked with a slight limp out the door. Walking a ways from the hut, the stopped in the area where the demon's body lay not long ago.

"Now, how were you able to paralize such a large demon?" the older of the two asked.

"I this all you wished to speak to me about? Now is hardly the time for this."

"Howso? Everything is under control now and you have been treated. Why not now? Or maybe you it is something that you are hiding?"

"Do not assume things before you have you facts. I have nothing to hide, for my business stays my business. Whether I choose to disclose that information is of my choosing."

"I have no facts to base this on. You come here with an injured companion. You then paralize a large demon with a mere arrow that had a white glow to it. You have shackals on your wrists that I can feel magic eminating from. There is something you are hiding and I intend to find out, by any means necessary."

"I have nothing to hide, so do as you wish." By the end of the 'conversation, both women were face to face, talking in a deathly calm voice. With one final look at the so-called miko of the village, Mitsuki walked back to the hut that they were currently residing in.