InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pieces of my heart ❯ Light and Dark ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 1-Light and Dark

Yes, father Cortel I remember the inscription on the goddess Athena's tomb The one that explains
the connection between the light and dark. "Death and life" said Serena the daughter of the elder
of the town. With death comes life and with life comes death. Since the beginning the two have
intertwined in fate and destiny, until now that is. The threads of light and dark have unwoven, and
if they cannot be repaired I fear the darkness will overcome all of us. But not matter what don't
give up. The light shall shine the firefly will brighten the darkness once again. It means that no
matter how dark it may seem don't give up! But to protect the world, and the future. the darkness
must be overcome. The light must bust forth the answer is simple enough. But the question is who
is willing? That is were the tales of heros standing forth and banishing the darkness comes from.
But father when will our hero come? When will we be saved? Or are we meant to drown in the
darkness? Father why can't you answer me! Because I do not know only Athena herself knows.
We should get back to town now Serena he said now walking out into the fading sunlight.
Alright, Serena walked to join him. He was rabbling away but she had her mind on other things.
The stain glass window of Athena was memorizing it stood out like a rose in a desert. All right
she said, but a question kept popping into her head one that should have occurred to her earlier.
Father if every entity has a equal and every evil has a match why is evil taking over? What are you
taking about Serena he said as he raised a eyebrow. The old saying every evil has a equal and
every evil has a match. Because the evil can die but the good can too. What are you taking about
father? Everyone dies and is reborn so the evil is reborn and so is the good. It's like a pattern over
and over, but it seems good was lost around the way in this world. Don't say that, remember the
darkness will only overcome you if you let it Athena said it herself "don't give up!" Before we
knew it we were home in Burg. A brown haired boy came running up to them Serena your father
has been looking for you! Were is he Cloud, I hope I'm not in trouble. There's a town meeting
right now you should be able to find him there, good luck! She did not even hear him, she was
running so fast. I'm going to be in so much trouble. She burst into the meeting hall, as everyone
turned to look at her she turned bright red like a tomato. Uh, sorry I'm so dead. everyone finally
turned back to Serena's father, now what I was about to say was "we need to form an alliance
with the enemy the shifters before they attack us!" Everyone agreed but his mad me furious.
Father can you watch while a town is destroyed and people are killed? Because this is all you'll
see everywhere if you join them! I was almost screaming at him now, we need to fight against
them not help them! What would the goddess think of you? Serena you do not know what will
happen to us if we don't, we will be killed they all said at the same time. Well I would rather die
than help them! Fine you can leave when her father her own blood said this she broke down. I will
goodbye, by the time she was done talking she was crying uncontrollably. She ran to her home
and grabbed what she could money, clothes, and lots of food. One word whispered to her over
and over again as she ran out the house, salty liquid pouring from her eyes. Serena...Serena..look
deep in your heart you will find out were to go. But she didn't listen, she was to caught up in here
own sorrow, and misery. She didn't even notice not at all. All she could do was run, run away
from the pain.