InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Plastic Fantastic Lover ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.



This story takes place during the gap of time between manga chapters 494 and 496. I know I’ve used this manga placement before for other stories, but it’s a really fun gap! Chapter 495 is a Sesshoumaru-based chapter, and so there’s no specific mention of how much time passes after Kagome and Inuyasha’s almost-kiss of chap. 494, when she can’t go back with him the next day because she has school, and then suddenly cut to the whole gang racing towards Naraku’s scent in chap. 496 as the dark hanyou tries to get Kohaku’s jewel shard while Sesshoumaru is away confronting Totosai. That scene could be days, theoretically even weeks later, though I don’t need that much time. This story takes place the day after the almost-kiss of chap. 494, when Souta bursts into Kagome’s room at just the wrong moment. She did say she had school the next day…


~ Plastic Fantastic Lover ~

(If you get the title reference, good for you!)

Arriving through the well, Inuyasha took a deep breath, confirming for himself that Kagome wasn’t home yet. After last night he had decided to part ways with the miko, partially because it had been awkward being in her company after what’d happened, but mostly to avoid Souta’s never ending string of questions. The boy knew he’d interrupted something.

“Bah…” the hanyou grumbled as he carefully turned his ears this way and that, making sure there was absolutely no sound of visitors at the shrine before exiting the well-house and making his way up to the family home.

His cheeks and nose darkened a couple of shades as he recalled his conversation with Kagome from the night before. He had only meant to bring her the bow from Mt. Azusa, and to – reluctantly – voice his offer of allowing her to stay there, in her world, until after Naraku was defeated. Of course, a part of him had known that Kagome would insist on staying in the fight, as stubborn as she was, not that he could truly fault her sense of honor. He knew she’d made a promise to Kikyou to finish what she’d started, although that hadn’t been the reason Kagome had given in argument last night.

No…she’d said she’d always be with me

His heart warmed along with his face to remember those words, her reiteration of a promise originally made what seemed so long ago now, when he’d tried to get rid of her once before, again for her own good. Of course, if she wasn’t going to do what was best for her and stay the hell away, then he had no choice but to protect her from the harm she insisted on throwing herself into, not that he truly felt obligated or put out by such a notion. He had meant it with every fiber of his being when he’d vowed to protect her with his life, and looking back on it he didn’t regret it or feel embarrassed for having uttered those words. What had happened immediately afterwards, on the other hand…

“K-keh…silly wench.” he mumbled to himself with a half-smile, leaping up to the miko’s unlocked bedroom window and using it to access her family’s home.

She had been leaning in to kiss him; nobody would ever be able to convince him otherwise. He knew the look all too well, since once upon a time he had actually tried to kiss her, though that was ages ago now, before Kikyou’s resurrection. Things had become more complicated than he would have liked when the undead miko had been thrust back into his life, but he simply hadn’t been able to ignore his obligations to her, and so he’d done his best to be there for both of the women who were important to him. Of course, he knew he’d screwed up in that endeavor on several occasions, but he’d never claimed to be perfect. Somehow, through it all, Kagome had miraculously stuck by him, and now that Kikyou had finally been laid to rest, peacefully and as an ordinary woman, he was free to focus solely on only one woman. The woman he wanted.

Of course, that endeavor would probably be fairly slow going, if last night was any indication. Kagome had given him a look as he’d prepared to leave that had clearly stated she’d wanted him to stay so that they could talk about it, and he’d more or less bailed on her, but she was the one who’d shoved his face into the tatami when her brother had burst into the room. What the hell had that been about? He had a right to be irked, didn’t he? So okay yeah, it was embarrassing getting caught; he had just been sitting there, after all, waiting for her lips to make contact with his own. He’d had no desire or intention of stopping her, and they would have kissed had it not been for the horrible timing of her little brother, but it wasn’t as if he had been the instigator that she’d truly needed to shove away from herself in order to stop him. Sheesh. Couldn’t she have just jumped back and away from him? They were busted either way. Looking back on it, though, Inuyasha just wished that he wouldn’t have allowed himself to get so sucked up into the totality that was Kagome that he’d missed hearing Souta’s footsteps as he’d approached her doorway. It wasn’t like him to allow anybody to sneak up on him, and that was the real reason why it embarrassed him as badly as it did; it wasn’t that they’d gotten caught almost kissing, it was that he had been so into the idea of kissing Kagome that he’d allowed somebody to catch them. True, no real harm done in this instance, but he needed to learn from this mistake, even with as potentially humorous a situation as he could privately admit to himself that it was. The letch would have had a field day if he’d been the one to walk in on them. But getting serious for a moment, how good of a protector could he really be for her if even freakin’ Souta could sneak up on him in his state of distraction? He would indeed have to have a talk with Kagome about it. Her time was safe, and he knew that, so perhaps that was in part why he’d allowed himself to lower his guard last night, but he couldn’t take any chances when it came to her safety. In his time, where it was not safe, they would have to continue on as they had been. No distractions, no ands, ifs or buts. Not while Naraku was still out there, anyway.

Making his way downstairs to alert Kagome’s mother and grandfather to his presence, since it had already been decided the night before that after this one day of school so she could collect some more make-up work Kagome would be going back with him again, Inuyasha was caught off guard by the sight of Mrs. Higurashi wearing her purse on her shoulder, heading towards the genkan with Jii-chan already standing inside and wearing his sandals, clearly ready to go somewhere.

“Oh! Hello, Inuyasha. Kagome’s not due back from school for another hour yet.” Mrs. Higurashi said in greeting as she spotted the silver-haired man heading towards them.

“Keh, yeah I got her schedule pretty much figured out these days.” Inuyasha stated casually. He had deliberately gotten there early so that he could catch Kagome before she had a chance to return through the well on her own, since there was a little matter of discussing certain things that he wanted to get taken care of before rejoining the others.

“We’re going to be gone for several hours.” Mrs. Higurashi added then, explaining, “Jii-chan has an appointment to appraise potential goods for resale here at the shrine, and it’s a two-hour drive one way, so since I didn’t want to hold you two up I arranged this morning for Souta to go home with a friend after school, so he wouldn’t be left by himself when Kagome leaves with you through the well. So no need to worry about Souta this afternoon, since he won’t be coming home. As soon as you and Kagome are ready to go you can go ahead and head out.”

Inuyasha nodded his understanding, secretly humbled that this woman was so understanding of her daughter’s mission in his world that she would go out of her way to schedule the rest of the family’s lives accordingly.

“If you’re bored, to pass the time until Kagome gets home you can watch some television.” she added then, heading over to where the remote was sitting and picking it up to hand to him. “You remember how the TV works, right dear?” she asked kindly and unassumingly.

“Keh…” he answered with a faint blush on his cheeks. He just wasn’t used to anyone being so nice to him, save for her daughter, and Kagome certainly never called him dear. “Yeah, I remember.” he elaborated, demonstrating as much by pushing the correct buttons on the remote to turn the television and satellite box on, which was presently tuned to a cooking channel.

“Kagome already knows we won’t be here when she gets home, but tell her I said good luck and be careful. You too, Inuyasha” Mrs. Higurashi said in farewell with a smile as she stepped into the genkan and slipped her shoes on before following after her father-in-law out the door.

“Yeah…” he answered lamely as the lock clicked, rubbing at the back of his head awkwardly with the plastic device in his hand. Shrugging after a moment, he figured it was as good a thing as any to pass the time with, and perhaps Kagome would appreciate the fact that he hadn’t spent the time tormenting the cat.

Heading over to the couch he pulled Tetsusaiga from his obi and sat it down on the floor in front of him before plopping down on the cushions, proceeding to watch the second half of Iron Chef. Even though some things confused him he could follow the basic premise well enough; it was a battle fought by cooking food, the winner deemed victorious by the tasters who would decide whose food was better. Though on the one hand it seemed as though such a thing should be boring, despite himself he actually found himself getting into it. The time limit imposed over the cooks took away the boring factor as both competitors scrambled to get their dishes finished on time, and he did have to admit, even in his own century, high-end exquisite cuisine was taken very seriously. He felt like he was witnessing something meant only for the nobles, watching people prepare foods he would probably never taste; to win this competition over the Iron Chef was clearly a great honor very few ever achieved.

Inuyasha vaguely knew what commercials were from a brief explanation of Kagome’s once upon a time, so when the show went off into some sort of advertisement he kept the moving picture box on the same channel, knowing his program would be back, and it was. Once that episode of Iron Chef was complete, however, instead of another episode of the same show, as he’d been hoping for, what came on instead was some gods awful boring cooking show that seemed aimed more towards teaching young housewives how to prepare dinner for their husbands. As soon as the woman on set reached for the curry powder she lost the last trace of his endurance and he immediately reached for the remote, studying it for a moment until remembering which button it was that changed the channel.

Flipping through the channels, Inuyasha was looking for something, anything, that he thought he might be able to make at least partial sense out of. Yes, cooking food was something that he understood, but if it wasn’t in a race against a competitor then it held no interest for him to watch other people do it, at least not when he wasn’t going to get to eat the food himself. Though as he continued to flip through the channels on the Higurashi’s satellite box nothing else at first glance made any sense to him at all. Everything appeared to either be some sort of theatre play involving actors portraying fake situations he had no interest in, or competitions that seemed to hold no honor for the contestants as they were forced to endure humiliating scenarios in the hopes of winning money, or it was a commercial of some sort that he didn’t have the patience to sit through to see what might possibly be airing on that channel before moving on to the next one. He was so absorbed in his quest to find something else worth watching that he completely lost track of time, not realizing how close it was getting to the time Kagome was due back from school. He could have gone outside to wait for her in the Goshinboku and enjoyed a few peaceful minutes of birdsong, but now he was a man on a mission, as he aimed the remote at the TV while more forcefully pushing the UP button as if his ire would command the remote to select a more desirable channel for him to watch. He had already breezed through over a hundred channels, and counting. He didn’t understand how the stations on the TV were separated into different types of categories based on channel number. He didn’t know he was rapidly nearing what Kagome referred to in her brother’s presence as the ‘forbidden zone’…channels that were not meant for underage viewers.

Of course, Inuyasha wasn’t underage, which was a good thing as he pressed the UP button one last time, only to suddenly freeze on the spot with his eyelids pealed as wide open as they could go.

If his higher brain functions had still been operational, he might have immediately scrambled with the remote in his hands to press the DOWN button in rapid succession, getting himself as far away from that channel as possible. He might have also taken a moment to reflect, and wonder in aghast curiosity how it was that in Kagome’s world such things were actually available for viewing on the moving picture box to begin with. It was also possible that his thoughts might have drifted into the direction of their friends back in his time, and how if a certain lecherous monk ever found out about such TV stations, he would probably find a way to suspend himself in time for five hundred years just so that he could live to witness the marvel for himself. Perhaps he would have even amused himself with the notion of getting smug with the houshi the next time Miroku started something by using this rare opportunity to tease the monk, boasting about how it was something that he could watch but Miroku could not.

Those were all possible outcomes had his higher brain functions still been operational.

As it was, though, Inuyasha’s brain was flat-lining, his eyes staring unblinkingly at the scene of debauchery presented before him. There was a woman, naked and glistening with sweat, lying flat on her back on a bed with her ass elevated on a pillow and legs held up in the air by the equally naked man who was kneeling over her, fucking her for lack of a better term, her breasts bouncing up and down with every swift thrust. She appeared to be enjoying his rough treatment of her, too, if the loud moans and gasps that kept escaping her lips were any indication. Kagome had explained to him repeatedly that most things on the television were not real, that there were some things that were real like news broadcasts that talked about real events, or contests like his cooking battle that were simply people engaged in a competition of some sort, but that by far most of the things on the moving picture box were called shows or movies, and that while they looked like you were somehow eavesdropping within a person’s life, the entire situation you were watching was fake, performed by actors. She had explained in great detail how it was like a stage performance, but that with the magic of the TV it was something that everyone could enjoy all over the world at the same time, the actors in a way going to you instead of you having to travel to where they were. Although he didn’t understand the technology behind the TV, he understood what actors were, and therefore the concept of movies hadn’t been too hard for him to grasp on the surface. But nowhere in any of Kagome’s explanations had any mention of this been brought up, and it most certainly didn’t looked fake

He would believe her insistence that with special makeup you could fake injury and death, that you could fake somebody getting stabbed or otherwise attacked, or that a supposed corpse was really a living person wearing makeup while pretending to be dead. That he would believe for the sake of not arguing with her over it, but he didn’t think there was any way to fake what he was currently seeing. Well sure, if the two people were underneath blankets and therefore you couldn’t really see anything, but that was most certainly not the case with these two people, and forcing his mind to think about it, it didn’t take him too long to figure it out. He knew there were a lot of perverts in the world back in his own time, and apparently, things weren’t quite so different in hers, after all. It would appear that there were ‘actors’ who just fucked each other while allowing the whole world to watch, presumably because there were people out there who wanted to watch other people fuck each other.

It was disgusting.

So why couldn’t he tear his eyes away?

Despite himself he found himself transfixed by the images on the screen. His blood was running hot, his mouth going dry as a blip down below had parts of his body tingling. He couldn’t help the nasty little part of his mind that started to imagine the woman as Kagome, and the tingles immediately got stronger. He had seen the miko naked on a few occasions, all by accident, of course, but that still gave his imagination ample inventory with which to create his fantasy in that moment. Of course, Kagome being with another man like that was out of the question, but if his imagination could replace one of the actors… As the camera shifted angles and granted him a close-up view of where the two porn stars were connected Inuyasha suddenly found himself feeling a little lightheaded, most of the blood in his body quickly racing south. If he hadn’t already been sitting on the couch he would have stumbled to take a seat in that moment, as he unconsciously stuck his tongue out to lick his suddenly very dry lips, the remote falling from loose fingers to thump forgotten onto the floor. Sure, he’d seen Kagome naked before, but never like that.

So that’s what a woman looks like… he thought vaguely as the man on screen pulled himself all of the way out, backing away before reaching for the woman’s clit and rubbing it rapidly with his fingers. The camera panned back again after a moment to reveal how the woman was bucking up uncontrollably, her face scrunching up in unmistakable pleasure as her head thrashed frantically from side to side, and the bulge in Inuyasha’s pants swelled as he imagined Kagome reacting to his own touch in such a way. Her moans were getting louder, drown out only by the pounding of his own heart which he could hear hammering loudly in his ears as his blood pulsed thickly in his veins. His groin throbbed almost painfully, just begging to be touched.

He didn’t hear the soft unlocking of the front door or the gentle footfalls of a teenage girl stepping into the genkan.  


“Okay…*cough cough* …see you guys later *cough*.” Kagome said with a stressed wheeze in her voice as she parted ways with her friends at the base of the shrine steps.

Last night before Inuyasha had run off she’d agreed that given the direness of their current situation in the past she would go into school for only one day, to drop off her completed make-up work and pick up the next round, meaning she’d made sure to lay it on thick all throughout her classes today that she was still feeling under the weather. More than one of her teachers had admonished her for having come into school at all still feeling as sickly as she did, though they’d also commended her dedication and had readily given her the next two weeks’ worth of assignments for her to do at home while she finished recuperating. It was like she had unofficially signed up for home schooling, all of her teachers willing to forgive her excessive absences so long as she showed up for her tests. The miko knew that her mission in the past was more important than her schooling, of course stopping a man as evil as Naraku from murdering even more innocent people was more important than grades, but so long as she could still somehow miraculously juggle both of her lives she planned on doing so. She would have liked to have visited with her friends at WacDonald’s for an hour or two, but since she’d been pretending to be one foot away from the walking dead all day at school they were understandably keeping somewhat of a safe distance, for fear she might be contagious, though Yuka, Eri and Ayumi did prove to be genuine friends as they still insisted upon walking her home. Besides, it was just as well that she got home immediately from school, since she was sure that if Inuyasha wasn’t already waiting for her at the shrine he’d be arriving to drag her back through the well if she was even just a few minutes late. A promise was a promise, after all.

Sighing, Kagome really wished that he wouldn’t have run out on her the night before, though she could understand his embarrassment, all things considered. Souta hadn’t been able to let it go, for one thing, and she’d had just about as hard a time meeting Inuyasha’s eyes as he’d had looking back, though she had still wanted to talk to him about it. By that point in time Kagome figured that her feelings for him were obvious, and she knew he loved her too, but she did hope that she would have an opportunity to speak with him in private before immediately getting back out on the road with the others because she wanted to let him know that she would understand if he wasn’t really ready to take their relationship further. Everything was just so crazy right now, not to mention dangerous, and he had just gotten over Kikyou’s death and she was sure it must still bother him, so she definitely didn’t want him to feel pressured in any way. At the same time, though, she also knew she was sometimes just as bad as he was when it came to saying what she meant, and he was just as bad as she was when it came to misunderstanding, so she didn’t want to risk saying it the wrong way and end up having him think she was the one who wasn’t ready yet, if he was. She would definitely need to say it in a way that told him she was just going to let the speed of their relationship be up to him, that she wouldn’t force him but also that she was ready and willing whenever he was. Mind made up, Kagome nodded to herself in determination before reaching for the spare key she knew was hidden in the shrubbery.

The miko knew there shouldn’t be anybody at home, unless of course Inuyasha happened to already be around waiting for her somewhere, though if he were already there the two most likely places to find him would either be outside on the shrine grounds in or near the Goshinboku, or up in her room, possibly messing with Buyo. He wasn’t anywhere near the sacred tree that she’d seen, so that left her bedroom. He was generally good about being by himself and as far as she knew he didn’t snoop through her things when he was alone, so the idea of Inuyasha being at her house with her family gone didn’t faze her at all…until she stepped foot in the genkan and the unmistakable sound of synthesized base drums and moaning reached her ears.

“What the…?”

Rushing into the living room after quickly kicking off her shoes, Kagome stopped dead in her tracks at the sight before her, appalled and humiliated – and a little turned on, though she’d never admit that – by what she saw. Inuyasha was sitting transfixed on her family’s couch, watching porn. And was he fiddling with the tie of his pants?!

“Inuyasha!” she screeched, jarring the hanyou out of his non-thoughts as he jumped ten feet in the air, spinning around to stare at Kagome agape with horror. Frantically, he tried to explain.

“I’m not… It isn’t-”

“Osuwari!” she interrupted, blushing horribly as she spun around to avoid having to see the TV screen as he crashed to the living room floor. She cringed at the loud thud, grateful that he hadn’t actually crashed through the living room floor. So maybe she had overreacted, but she hadn’t expected him to be watching that kind of-

“Ahhh! Yes! Yes!” came from the TV, bringing her thoughts to a screeching halt.

“Gah!” Kagome cried, quickly stomping over to the TV and, after what seemed like a thousand years of searching for the invisible remote, she finally remembered she could turn it off manually, which she did with an indignant huff, desperately trying to get her racing heartbeat back under control.

Closing her eyes and breathing slowly through her nose for a moment, Kagome tried to rein in her temper, knowing she didn’t really have a right to be that angry with him over this. After all, she was just as guilty as the next school girl when it came to reading naughty manga, and truth be told, the realization that Inuyasha had those kinds of thoughts was more…arousing…than upsetting. Or at least it was nowadays, now that she’d gotten to know and love him. If this had happened way earlier in their mission she would have been much more upset, and more disgusted with him than turned on by it, but that was back when she had been in denial of her attraction to him. Now she would openly admit to anyone who asked that she loved him, including Inuyasha himself, if he wanted to hear the words, and along with that emotion came certain other emotions that she’d been growing into in recent months. She could hardly claim to have never harbored those kinds of thoughts about Inuyasha before. Hell, she’d harbored them last night! For that one split second in time in between realizing they’d been alone and Souta bursting into her room, she had started to fantasize about how much more that kiss could have led to. Thank goodness Souta had interrupted them when he had, otherwise the boy would have walked in on a lot more. Provided Inuyasha had been willing to go along with it, of course, not that that little hitch had entered her mind in that fraction of a second. If she had been granted more time to think about it, perhaps, but she still would have gone for it.

No, Kagome was definitely no stranger to putting Inuyasha into sexual fantasies in her head, she had just never been sure, up until now at least, how he felt about such things. The way he usually acted around their friends, especially whenever Miroku turned up the letch-o-meter, usually made Inuyasha seem like the prudiest of the prudes. Either that or an oober shy virgin…or both. Having that sort of vision in mind had certainly made it an unexpected sight catching the hanyou watching dirty movies, and preparing to masturbate to them, no less. But how had he even come across that channel? Had Souta told him about it? Or had he stumbled upon it by accident?

Realizing she wouldn’t get any answers until she spoke with him about it, Kagome turned around in that moment only for her eyes to widen in surprise as she gazed down at the prone hanyou still lying on the floor. She also hadn’t been expecting the sight of Inuyasha curled in on himself, the power of the kotodama having released him by that point though he remained lying on his side, his hands both between his legs and cupping his groin.

Oh kami

Caught between feeling horrible for accidentally hurting him in such a way and even more turned on at the reminder of his own arousal, the fight immediately drained out of her as she asked him quietly, “Are you okay?”

Huffing indignantly, Inuyasha glared up at her, his own guilt over what she’d originally caught him doing overridden by his aggravation over her use of that cursed command.

“Damn it, Kagome, what the fuck was that for?” he grumbled, sitting up on the floor with a hiss as he visibly readjusted himself, the length of his gradually deflating erection momentarily revealed through his clothing as he palmed himself, adjusting his fundoshi.

Her cheeks flamed at the sight, though she hid her attraction well with a mask of anger of her own for his tone of voice. Besides, it wasn’t all a mask; a part of her was still angry with him, especially after seeing for herself what those ‘movies’ did for him. She wouldn’t so easily forget that he had been ogling somebody else’s naked body.

“What was that for?! What the hell do you think?!” she asked then, stomping her foot for emphasis. “You…you were looking at those…those women.”

He merely shook his head, snorting.

Keh, at least jealousy means she cares, right? he thought, amused despite himself. He quickly decided to have a little fun with her since they were alone.

“Calm down, wench. S’not like I knew that would be in the picture box. I should be mad at you. How do I know you don’t spend time lookin’ at those guys?”

Well damn, he had her there. Not that she ever had watched that channel before…but would he believe her?

“I…you…” One look at his shit eating grin and the miko realized he was only screwing with her. “Ooo!” she huffed out then with another stomp of her foot as he laughed. How had this gotten turned around on her? Flustered, Kagome turned and made to head upstairs, though as she spun around the flare of her skirt succeeded in wafting her excited scent to his nose, as he continued to sit on the floor, and Inuyasha wasn’t about to let Kagome walk away from him so easily after that.

“Hey…” he said softly, suddenly standing directly in her path.

“H-hey…” she repeated, more than a little shaken up, and he wanted to kick himself for not noticing her state of excitement earlier. He had figure she’d been all flustered out of embarrassment, not arousal. But had it just been that man in the picture box that had turned her on?

Blinking in surprise at his sudden lack of teasing, the look in his eyes not unlike the look he’d given her during their conversation the night before, her lingering anger quickly fizzled out as she gazed back up at him sincerely.

“I’m sorry I used the rosary…” she apologized again. “You didn’t deserve it for something like that.” she admitted.

She’d been doing really well as far as not abusing the kotodama in recent months, he knew, and admitting to himself that what he’d been doing had to have been a shock to Kagome as she’d walked in the door, he supposed it was understandable if she’d subdued him this time from an old knee-jerk reaction. Thinking about how Sango would clobber Miroku one for just touching her backside inappropriately, he didn’t even want to think about what the slayer would do if she caught her fiancé watching such a show. Honestly, he knew he was lucky that Kagome had only said the command once; she’d probably stopped herself for fear of ruining the floor. He appreciated that she’d apologized, twice even, but looking back on some of the things she used to subdue him for that he felt he hadn’t deserved, this one wouldn’t be making the list. Reluctantly, he knew he’d deserved it.

But it’d still hurt, damn it!

As if sensing his thoughts, Kagome’s eyes drifted noticeably lower, the tangy spice of her scent increasing as she remembered she hadn’t gotten an answer to that question yet. “Are you…” She gestured to his groin with a nod before looking back up to meet his eyes again, “…okay?”

“Wha…?” Now it was his turn for his cheeks to turn beat red, as he realized that Kagome knew why that particular ‘osuwari’ had hurt more than usual. “Uh-umm…” he started lamely, clearing his throat, “I’m fine.”


Swallowing thickly, he could literally taste the pheromones in the air, Kagome’s scent starting to make him feel dizzy all over again as his shriveling excitement immediately swelled with blood a second time. He was aroused, and she knew it, and he knew she knew it, too. He also knew that she was aroused though he didn’t know if she knew he knew it.

That line of thinking was making him dizzy for an entirely different reason.

Glancing over her shoulder towards the couch, Inuyasha’s eyes focused on where Tetsusaiga was lying at first, as if he could mentally wrap his hand around the sword’s hilt for stability, but then his eyes caught sight of the bottom half of the remote as it stuck out from underneath the couch, and he quickly remembered how Kagome had merely powered off the TV from the base.

“Shouldn’t we uh…shouldn’t we change channel? So that nobody else sees…?” He let his words trail off as his eyes languidly followed the movements of Kagome’s throat muscles tightening and relaxing, as she gulped nervously at his words. Granted, he didn’t know much about how the TV worked, but it was easy to guess that it would stay on the last channel viewed, and if Kagome’s initial reaction was any indication, then that was not considered normal programming, and therefore, something he definitely didn’t want the rest of her family knowing he’d been watching.

Nodding silently, Kagome turned and headed back into the living room with Inuyasha following closely behind until he passed her up on his way to the couch, her heart pounding a few extra beats as her eyes drifted to his ass when he bent down to pick up the remote. He smirked to himself as he stood back up, having done that on purpose since his ears had been trained back on the miko, hoping to decipher her reaction to him. So the dirty movie had gotten her as hot as it’d gotten him, but it looked like she had more than nameless actors on the mind, interesting.

Turning and handing the device to Kagome, his hand lingered on hers for several moments longer than necessary, his own heart trying to make a break for it at her reaction to his touch. Her pulse jumped, her temperature rose; there was no doubt about it, she wanted him, and it was making him want her just as badly, if not more so. He almost made a move, but at the last second he managed to remind himself that in the human world things worked differently than merely following instincts, and that just because her body was ready to mate it didn’t mean he could start humping her like a dog. The human body and mind didn’t always agree…Kagome had to say she wanted him.

And then I’ll hump her like a dog… he mentally snickered, using humor to anchor himself.

Unaware of how ardent Inuyasha’s arousal truly was, Kagome was distracted from noticing his impassioned gaze by desperately trying to get her own wayward hormones back under control. She did an admirable job, in her own opinion, of ignoring the desire coursing through her veins as she gripped the remote in her hand more firmly, turning to face the television. Reluctantly pushing the power button, the TV roared back to life on a scene of the woman now on her knees on the floor, giving the man a blowjob as he sat on the edge of the bed, and with shaking fingers, Kagome was just about to turn the satellite back to her mother’s cooking network when the remote was unexpectedly snatched from her hands.

“Hey!” she shouted, embarrassment and desire both temporarily overridden by anger once more, at least until she caught sight of her companion’s expression.

He was staring at the TV, yes, but not necessarily in a perverted sort of way, as though it was solely for satisfaction that he wanted to watch such depravity. Instead, despite the unquestionably adult nature of the programming, Inuyasha was staring at the TV with an almost innocent sort of wonder. The look in his eyes was so sincere that Kagome quickly started second guessing all the conclusions she’d begun jumping to upon first catching him watching that channel. It was true, after all, that he didn’t know anything about their TV programming. If Souta hadn’t told him then he must have stumbled upon that channel on accident, and despite everything else he was a warm-blooded male. Did she honestly except him to look away when faced with such an opportunity? Just because he’d gotten aroused watching naked women on the TV didn’t mean she had anything to feel threatened by, like he wasn’t attracted to her. Well okay sure, he always used to say that she wasn’t attractive, but that was forever ago, back when he’d been in denial over his own feelings. Kagome didn’t take any of his old insults to heart any longer, and she wouldn’t take it as a personal offense that he’d gotten hot watching porno. It didn’t make him a pervert; it made him normal. It was just normal porn, after all…at least nobody was strapped up in leather bonds getting whipped or peed on. Glancing back at the screen herself in that moment, Kagome felt her cheeks growing warm once more, her heart threatening to fly right out of her chest as it screamed at her that she was watching porn with Inuyasha…as if she actually needed the reminder.

“Inuyasha…?” she voiced hesitantly after a moment.

Shaking his head, the hanyou came back to himself in that moment with a fierce blush staining his cheeks. Despite the burning desire pulsing heavily between his legs, he had been caught completely be surprise by the scene of the woman kneeling before the man. He had heard of such things, sure, but it wasn’t as if he’d ever actually witnessed the act before. He wasn’t a depraved voyeur who went sneaking around those types of places in the middle of the night, so to actually see such a thing for himself had been…entrancing.

Temporarily ignoring both the remote in his hand and the activity on the television, Inuyasha finally met Kagome’s eyes with the embarrassed explanation of, “I…I’d heard stories about…but I’d never really imagined…that is…well never mind.”

Handing Kagome the remote he made to leave the living room himself that time, desperate to get away from her before he did something he’d regret, until Kagome was that time the one to call out, “Hey!”

Against his better judgment, he paused before turning back to look her way once more. “Yeah?” he asked quietly.

Pushing ‘mute’ on the remote so that she could at least concentrate on her thoughts without the very distracting sound effects that accompanied pornographic television, Kagome met Inuyasha’s eyes with a look of pure understanding he’d never seen before.

Of course… she realized. It stands to reason that he would have very little actual knowledge on the subject.

It wasn’t like they had Sex-Ed in the Sengoku jidai, after all, and being half youkai and an outcast as he was, whatever education there was to be had in the era, on any subject, was for the most part forbidden to him, anyway. Something like sex was explained to young people by their parents, so where did that leave Inuyasha? And while most men of that era ‘learned by doing’ in brothels or teahouses, even though that was a lifestyle she didn’t really approve of, Inuyasha didn’t even really have that option available to him, either, looking the way that he did. Most girls would probably run screaming, and while that realization pained her heart, Kagome knew she couldn’t truly blame the women of his time for fearing youkai on sight, considering that most youkai needed to be feared on sight. And those who didn’t fear him were disgusted by his youkai blood, as if it somehow made him filthy and impure.

What a load of crap

Inuyasha was the most pure, kind-hearted man she knew, now that she’d truly gotten to know him. His rough, violent façade was just that, a mask he wore to protect himself from the harshness of the world. He reminded her of a stray dog, growling and snapping at anyone who got too close, all the while deep down secretly craving companionship more than anything. Though he might scoff at the analogy, she’d sort of tamed him like a stray dog, too, slowly getting him to trust her, winning him over with the bribe of food…she wanted to giggle at the random thought though the situation at hand wouldn’t let her mind wander too far off base.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she spoke up then, “For wanting to see such things for yourself.”

He couldn’t believe his ears, amazed she wasn’t angry with him all over again, though he was grateful she hadn’t smashed his erection into the floor a second time with another subduing command, especially considering he was even harder now than he’d been the first time.

“Feh…” he grumbled with a faint dusting of pink still on his cheeks, turning his head away as he folded his arms. “If it weren’t no big deal then you wouldn’t’ve slammed me into the ground for it.”

She cringed at the harshness of his tone.

“I said I was sorry…” she murmured softly.

“Bah…” he waved off. “S’okay, I ain’t really mad.” he assured her, offering her a hesitantly playful smile. “Besides,” he added bravely, silently bracing for impact as he figured this next statement would do it for sure, “It wouldn’t be fair to punish me for gettin’ all stirred up with you smellin’ the way you do.”

There, he’d said it. Now she knew he knew. Her eyes widened comically large at his words, and Inuyasha’s ears lowered to his head, his entire posture stiffening as hard as the rod in his pants as he clearly expected her to subdue him again in her embarrassment. But even though she was caught somewhere between mortification and bewilderment that he had actually openly taunted her about such a thing, the fact remained that it was true. She was turned on, and there was apparently no point in denying it. So Kagome decided to surprise Inuyasha in that moment by not using the subjugation beads in retaliation for his words, instead deciding to fight fire with fire as she upped the ante of embarrassing commentary.

“Now, I don’t think that’s fair.” she replied then, her own voice becoming playful. “I can hardly be blamed for my body’s reaction, considering what I almost walked in on.” she hinted strongly, lamenting overdramatically, “If only I’d been a few minutes later…” as she allowed her eyes to drift lower once more.

It was then Inuyasha’s eyes that widened in shock, as he followed her gaze downward to finally notice the way the knot on his hakama tie was a little looser than normal, as he belatedly remembered the way he had half-subconsciously been about to unfasten his pants when Kagome had walked in on him. But even though it was obvious she was just teasing him back as payback, to get back at him for what he’d just said to her, he didn’t miss the meaning of her words; her arousal was because of him, personally. He’d thought at first that her reaction had more simply been from seeing what was on the TV, just as he had originally become aroused by the sight of the two people…though of course his own arousal had grown much stronger after imaging himself and Kagome in place of the actors, and apparently the same was true for the miko as well. There had been no denying the way her scent and heartbeat had both spiked as a result of him, directly, once he’d started testing her, and so he knew that it was very likely that her own mind had concocted thoughts of the two of them together from watching the strangers on TV, just as he had done. He suddenly found himself wondering what would have happened had she been just a few minutes later… He smirked.

“There’s no shame in wanting to see such things for yourself.” he repeated teasingly, casually resting his hand on the knot of his pants for emphasis. His head spun as Kagome’s scent instantly spiked at his words, her eyes drifting lower once more.

“I…you…” Unable to form a coherent sentence as the shock set in, of what Inuyasha’s words really meant and how he was teasing her for wanting to see what he had to offer within his hakama, Kagome suddenly decided to do the next best thing after talking, launching herself into his embrace. Eyes widening in surprise, he reached out to catch her on instinct, and once in his arms she grabbed his sidelocks and pulled his head down into a kiss before Inuyasha even had time to realize what was happening.

And here he had been worried about losing control.

It didn’t take him long at all to respond, taking the kiss to a whole new level as he lowered his hands from where he’d gripped Kagome’s sides to instead cup her ass, grinding his pelvis against her as he pulled her flush against his body. The miko eeped in surprise, or at least tried to, the sound swallowed by Inuyasha’s mouth as he hungrily devoured every inch of her. It wasn’t the kind of kiss they would have shared last night had Souta not interrupted them, it was the kind of kiss that plagued his dreams, the kind of kiss that led to more than just kissing; dreams that had him waking in the middle of the night panting and sweaty. That was what her scent did to him, his youkai half, his canine instincts that were demanding he respond to her body basically begging him to fuck her. But he wasn’t a dog, despite his inner joke about humping her; he was a man and he would show her what it meant to be his woman. If that was what she wanted, of course.

Forcefully pulling himself away, Inuyasha rested his forehead against Kagome’s, panting heavily. The miko was just as out of breath as he was, thankfully; he had been half afraid of releasing her from the kiss for fear that she’d osuwari him again for his audacity, in taking things further than she’d intended on going.

“I’ve wanted to do that for so long now…” he murmured low after a moment, wishing to let her know that it hadn’t just been in the heat of the moment that he’d made such a rash decision. Besides…she had kissed him, all he’d done was kick it up a notch. That was a good thing, wasn’t it? It let her know that he wasn’t rejecting her, at least.

Feeling Kagome struggle weakly for freedom he pulled back from their embrace, grinning lopsidedly at the sultry expression she bestowed upon him once their eyes met.

“And I’ve wanted to do this…” Kagome replied before stepping into his embrace once more, wrapping her arms up and around his neck as she rose up to kiss him again.

This time he let her lead the kiss, and he was glad for that decision almost immediately. It wasn’t timid by any means, though there wasn’t quite as much fire as their first kiss. Instead of the blazing, all-consuming hunger he had responded with the first time, showing her the passion of his demonic side, Inuyasha allowed Kagome to show him all the passion, all the love of her human heart. Soon his hands were on the move again, his left hand spread wide in the center of her back while his right hand lightly fisted her hair. Kagome had a very talented tongue, as she traced every inch of him, testing the points of his fangs, battling languidly with his own tongue for dominance that he easily relinquished. He was a whimpering puppy under her ministrations and they both knew it, as her right hand ventured higher, delicately massaging his left ear, an act which he didn’t protest as he only moaned louder into the kiss. Touching his ear like that, it sent shivers straight down to his groin.

Finally pulling back for air after a moment, Inuyasha met Kagome’s eyes with a look of wonder in his own. Glancing curiously towards the muted television set, Inuyasha waggled his eyebrows in Kagome’s direction as he looked back her way, smirking as he caught her eyes returning back to his gaze meaning she had glanced towards the set as well. It was different people now, not that it mattered, the silenced actors presently in the middle of fucking like dogs, the woman propped up on a bed on her hands and knees with the man kneeling behind her, pounding into her for all he was worth.

Kagome blushed lightly at getting caught glancing back towards the TV, though the look Inuyasha shot her in that moment quickly had her blushing for a whole different reason. Something in his expression told her they might be doing more than just watching sex if they kept on going the way they were going.

Not that that thought didn’t excite her all the more.

Before she allowed enough time to pass for that pesky little thing called common sense to kick in, Kagome found herself reaching for Inuyasha’s hand, leading him back over to the couch. Silently, he went with her, his expression a bizarre combination of excitement and awe. Was this really happening?

Pushing him down gently onto the couch, Kagome crawled on top of him, surprising herself with her own brazenness though she didn’t allow herself time to feel nervous or to second guess her actions.

“You know what else I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now?” she asked him smoothly, not even giving him enough time to answer as she leaned forward and started kissing his throat.

Soon it didn’t matter that the porn on the TV was muted, because Inuyasha was making enough noise to make up for it, gasping and moaning and panting her name as Kagome circled her tongue along one side of his throat before dipping low across his collarbone and rising up the other side. Leaning herself up and over him more, she pressed her chest against his face, not that she figured he minded, as she took his right ear into her mouth. Careful to avoid accidentally scratching him with her teeth, she stuck her tongue out and into his ear, licking as far down as she could reach, and he yelped below her, his hips thrusting up against her on reflex as his hands grabbed onto her hips.

“I had no idea you were so sexual…” she purred softly as she felt his stiffness rest snugly against her core with the way she was straddling him.

“M-me…?” he moaned as she started rocking herself against him. “I-I th-thought you were the pure little miko…” he managed to rasp out. “You always used to accused me of being indecent, even when I wasn’t…”

Used to.” Kagome stressed, leaning forward for a quick peck, suckling his lower lip for a moment before releasing him. “I’m not a prude, but I’m not a slut, either. Believe me, if I had caught you watching porn four or five months ago my reaction would’ve been a lot different.”

He snorted a laugh.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “You wouldn’t have apologized after subduing me.”

She smacked his chest lightly, causing him to chuckle once more.

“I’m being serious.” she pouted prettily.

“I can see that…” he replied, tightening his grip on her hips to hold her in place for a moment as he ground himself up against her center. It was her turn to moan and hiss.

“Believe me,” he added then, “Had you started acting like this four or five months ago, my reaction would’ve been a lot different.”

“It’s a good thing this is happening now, then.” Kagome replied, reaching forward to fiddle with the ties of his kimono.

She was surprised when his right hand released her left hip to still her fingers’ movements.

“What is happening, Kagome?” he asked her softly, sincerely.


He could see the doubt that started to seep into her eyes and he immediately added, “I ain’t tellin’ ya stop, I just…wanna make sure we’re on the same level.”

Smirking then, she ground herself against him again, causing another hiss to escape his lips as his hips rose up on instinct.

“Looks to me like we’re on the same level, you want me as much as I want you.” she stated confidently.

“Woman…” he ground out through clinched teeth, his voice straining. “You’ve got no idea how badly I want you.”

With those words Inuyasha released Kagome’s hand on his robes to fist her hair, yanking her into another kiss. Doing her best to keep up with the demands of his tongue, the miko immediately began loosening his robes. Yanking his suikan and kosode out of his hakama she untied each robe and splayed them open to expose his bare chest. Finally breaking free from his mouth she didn’t go far, leaning down to nip, kiss and suckle the flesh displayed to her. Feeling his clawed hands release her hair and right hip to begin tugging at her own clothing, Kagome knew he would have difficulty with the modern fasteners and pulled back for a moment to work the buttons loose on her blouse herself, yanking the red scarf off from around her neck before shrugging out of her shirt, tossing it to the floor below. Inuyasha’s eyes widened in appreciation at the sight of her breasts, only half concealed by the futuristic chest wrapping she wore for support. Reaching up with a sure hand he confidently cupped her left breast. He was still in shock and more than a bit shaken up by the current turn of events, but that didn’t mean he was going to let his nervousness translate into his actions, turning him into an unconfident loser. Kagome was clearly offering herself to him, any doubt in that department had fled long ago, and while a part of him was still scrambling to process everything that’d happened in the last ten minutes, he wasn’t about to turn her down. She was right, though…she wasn’t a slut, and the last thing he wanted was for there to possibly be any sort of doubt in her mind that he didn’t love her as fully as he did, that he was only going along with this to get laid.

“Kagome, I…”

A sudden noise that turned out to be the cat had Inuyasha jumping for a second, and coming back into himself and their surroundings, his face suddenly grew horrified at the hypothetical scenario of Souta coming home for whatever reason.

“I think we should move this to your bedroom.” he stated then, and the miko, who’d also heard the sound of Buyo banging in the kitchen cabinets, readily agreed.

Reaching for the remote, they each took one last look at the graphic programming before Kagome finally clicked the TV back to her mother’s cooking channel before turning it off, and collecting her shirt, neck scarf and Inuyasha’s sword, they made their way upstairs to her room, which she locked this time, just in case.

Kagome was grateful for the temporary distraction, some of her reasoning coming back to her. She couldn’t believe how brazen she’d been! But, as she glanced down at the way Inuyasha gazed up at her eagerly from his place sitting on the edge of her bed, his suikan and kosode both still opened to reveal his bare chest as she stood before him topless except for her bra, Kagome didn’t start second guessing her actions. She didn’t have any doubts, and she didn’t have any regrets.

She smiled.

“Where were we?” she asked seductively as she reached for and unfastened the side zipper on her skirt, allowing the green fabric to fall to her feet, which she then daintily stepped out from as she approached his position sitting on the bed to again straddle his lap dressed only in socks, bra and panties.

“I was about to tell you how much I love you.” he stated bluntly, causing Kagome to falter for a moment, her eyes going wide before she immediately cupped his face and pulled him into another kiss.

She could feel his erection throbbing against her panty-clad core, and suddenly she got a wicked idea.

“Let me show you how much I love you.” she whispered, backing away from him to kneel on the floor.

The position was unmistakable, and as her hands reached for the ties of his hakama Inuyasha was torn between wanting to stop her for her honor’s sake and wanting her to go even faster. Battling against himself as he was he was unable to say or do anything as she freed the front flap of his hakama, lowering it to reveal his stuffed to capacity fundoshi, which she immediately made quick work of next, yanking the folded fabric off to the side to expose his erection, his cock springing forward once she freed it from its confines.

Tentatively wrapping her fingers around his shaft, Kagome watched Inuyasha’s face as his eyes pinched closed, a hiss escaping his lips as his entire expression pinched into a grimace of agonized pleasure. Just feeling her fingers holding him like that was torture, a limbo that offered him no reprieve from the stress his body was feeling. A loud voice in the back of his mind was screaming frantically that it was Kagome’s hand touching him in such a way, and he somehow managed to force his eyes back open after a moment, on the one hand in need of reassuring himself that this was real and he wasn’t dreaming, while on the other hand having no desire to miss any second of this cherished gift. Lowering his gaze, their eyes met, and he felt his face flame a deep crimson at her knowing smirk. Kagome was living out a fantasy of her own, of having Inuyasha at her mercy, and they both knew it. From the stories he’d heard of men hiring women to pleasure them in such a way, it had always made it sound like the women were docile servants, simply doing what they were told, but while that was perhaps true of those types of girls back in his own century, Kagome wasn’t that type of girl, and she wasn’t from his century. She wasn’t a subservient little woman who would do as she was told, and the beads around his neck were proof that she had no problem exercising her own dominance. He was in no position to make any demands; he was quite literally putty in her hands.

“Kagome…” he moaned hoarsely, the single word a desperate plea for her to do something, anything to free him from his torment.

Languidly running her fingers up and down his shaft a few times, Kagome studied the way his face strained in desire as he desperately tried to keep his eyes locked on her own, his expression silently begging for mercy. Releasing his cock for a moment Inuyasha actually whimpered at the loss of sensation, though when Kagome started tugging at the sides of his hakama it became obvious what she wanted and he immediately complied, raising his hips off the bed for a moment to allow her to pull his pants and fundoshi completely down and off his legs. At that point he figured there was no reason to keep his opened robes on his arms any longer and so he shrugged out of those as well, allowing them to fall to the bed behind him so that he sat before her completely nude. She then reached behind him with both hands and cupping his ass yanked him closer to the edge of the bed, opening his legs so that she could kneel between them. He felt no embarrassment to sit before her spread eagle, so vulnerable and exposed; he trusted her completely.

“I love you…” she whispered then, the words so quiet that even with his demonic hearing he almost missed them with how loudly his own heart was still pounding, and then she lowered her mouth over him.

“Gah!” he cried out, his hips rising off the bed as his head fell backwards. “I love you too! Ah…fuck!”

Leaning back on his elbows, Inuyasha stared up at the ceiling, seeing stars. He wanted to lower his head and watch what Kagome was doing, but attempting to for one second had immediately proven to be a sensory overload. Keeping his eyes focused on her ceiling was the only way to keep the last, tattered thread of his control from snapping, though that wickedly talented tongue of hers was doing a fine job of unraveling that thread inch by delicious inch.

Mimicking what she’d seen briefly on the TV in combination with everything she’d ever heard at school or read in a dirty manga Kagome wasted no time giving Inuyasha what she knew he wanted, gripping the base of his staff firmly with her right hand and pumping what she couldn’t fit down her throat as she swallowed the top half of him, thrusting him in and out of her mouth at a pace that was neither too fast nor too slow, swirling her tongue around his mushroom tip on the down strokes that pulled back his foreskin. His right hand quickly found purchase in her hair again, fisting her raven strands tightly, but he somehow managed to maintain enough control to not force her movements, allowing the miko to continue what she was doing at her own pace, and for that she was grateful.

“Holy fucking…ah! Damn!” Inuyasha cursed at random, his entire body writhing. “Sh-shit…Ka…Kagome…”

Her heart swelled with pride that he was calling her name, her name as he received such pleasure; he knew it was her, not her preincarnation, or some random, nameless porn star, her.

Kicking things up a notch, Kagome reached up and between his legs with her left hand to delicately massage his heavy balls, rolling the fuzzy globes gently between her fingers. He whimpered softly as he rocked his hips up slowly, his left hand tightening into a fist around a handful of Kagome’s blanket in a desperate last attempt to keep himself grounded. The miko continued on in her task for another few minutes or so, Inuyasha’s responses growing continually more heated and frantic, until finally with a loud cry of “Fuck!” he yanked her away from his dick by her hair.

Panting and sweaty, Inuyasha forced his eyes back down the length of his body to meet Kagome’s curious gaze from her place between his legs, her right hand still gripping the base of his cock though she’d stilled all movement. She could feel the way his shaft was throbbing; she knew he’d been close.

Grumbling out the breathy explanation of, “I care about you too much to make you swallow my seed.” Inuyasha managed to pull himself back into an upright posture with a loud grunt, freeing the claws of his left hand from Kagome’s blanket in order to gently remove her right hand from where she still gripped him.

“What if I care about you enough to be willing?” she asked playfully in return, her words causing him to groan once more.

“Kagome…” he beseeched breathlessly. “I’ll let you do just about anything you want to me, but not that…please.”

Deciding not to argue since it was from a place of love that he didn’t want to degrade her in such a way, Kagome figured there would be plenty of time in the future to eventually get him to concede on that matter. In the meantime, however, just because he had stopped her from bringing him to completion with her mouth didn’t translate in her mind that their encounter was over.

Far from it, actually.

Smiling, she stood back up in that moment, and reaching behind herself, she smirked knowingly as Inuyasha’s eyes widened in anticipation. She didn’t disappoint, unhooking and removing her bra to toss onto the floor below. Teasing his nose with the logical deduction that opening her legs would allow more of her excited scent to escape, she then lifted one leg at a time, planting her foot flatly on the bed beside him with knee bent, pulling down and removing her socks. He almost reached for her but managed at the last second to keep his hands to himself when she shifted her knowing eyes back his way. Standing before him then clad only in her white cotton panties, Kagome then looked Inuyasha square in the eyes, and with a playful smile in her own, she held her arms out away from her sides a few inches as she stated, “I’ll let you do the honors.”

It was a less serious expression in the 21st century, but to Inuyasha that’s exactly what it was, an honor, that she was allowing him to be the one to remove her final article of clothing in such a grandiose manner. Rising up from his seat on her bed and approaching where she stood with a nearly hypnotized expression, Inuyasha reached forward with both hands to first palm her bare breasts, amazed by that honor alone, that he was even allowed to see that much of her, not to mention all that she had just done for him. Slowly lowering himself to his knees before her, he took a deep breath through his nose once his face was level with her crotch. His hands, which had trailed down her body in a teasingly soft caress as he’d knelt, were quickly brought to the top band of her panties at her hips. Hooking his fingers underneath the elastic, he glanced up to meet her eyes again for one second, smirking at her nod of approval before shifting his gaze forward once more, staring transfixed as he slowly, deliciously so, pulled down her underwear.

Once her panties made it down to her knees they dropped to the floor the rest of the way on their own, but she didn’t step out of them at first, not wanting to shift her legs, not wanting to do anything that might break Inuyasha out of his trance, his eyes remaining fixated on her womanhood. Then he leaned forward, burring his nose in her daintily trimmed patch of raven curls. Kagome wanted to giggle at the sensation of him sniffing her there, it tickled, but the situation was too serious to warrant such a reaction and she managed to hold it in. Then he stuck out his tongue and gave her an experimental taste, and she couldn’t hold in her gasp of surprise and pleasure.

“My turn…” he grumbled low, and then the next thing Kagome knew, she was the one sitting on the edge of her bed, Inuyasha having grabbed a hold of her from his place kneeling on the floor to spin around with her and deposit her onto the bed all in the blink of an eye. Then her panties were gone from around her ankles, her legs held wide open as Inuyasha lapped at her hungrily.

“Ah! Holy…ahhh!” Kagome squealed, fisting both hands into the bedding at her sides.

While Inuyasha hadn’t gotten to see this particular act for himself on the television, he had heard stories of this as well, and after witnessing what he had seen on the moving picture box he at least knew where he needed to focus his attention. Lapping at her hungrily, paying special attention to the button of flesh that rested just above her opening as he repeatedly flicked it with the tip of his tongue, Kagome was electrified below him, squirming and writhing almost frantically, gasping and moaning and begging for mercy.

“Please…please…” she whispered, her head rocking from side to side.

“Please what?” he smirked against her, pulling back for a second to stare at the way her clit was swollen and throbbing. Reaching down with his right hand to grip his own erection for a moment, he groaned, knowing exactly what Kagome was feeling…the agonizing need to come.

Whimpering herself at the lack of contact, a sound that both surprised and amused him, Kagome managed to raise her head to stare down the length of her body at him, her eyes on fire.


& #8220;Relax, saiai.” he soothed, releasing his throbbing organ to gently, carefully insert his right index finger into her opening. It didn’t take long to find what he was looking for. “Trust me…” he murmured as he closed his mouth over her clit, suckling gently, while slowly moving his finger in and out of her.

She screamed her release, her entire body seizing uncontrollably as the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced tore through her very soul. In that same moment Inuyasha thrust his finger deeper inside her channel, tearing through her maiden barrier, whatever pain there might have been being completely washed away by the immense pleasure crashing over her. He stayed his course until Kagome’s hands were suddenly pushing against his forehead, desperately trying to shove him away from her while her legs kicked, trying to scoot her body backwards on the bed and out of his reach. Pulling back then, Inuyasha licked his lips in satisfaction, as if he’d just eaten the most delicious cuisine in the world, and catching the look in his eyes Kagome vaguely thought it odd that she didn’t feel embarrassed by his expression. Instead, it only made her want to return the favor all the more. How was it fair that he had stopped her from doing for him what he himself had then just turned around and done for her? But of course, Kagome knew of another way Inuyasha could find completion within her body, and something told her the thought had already crossed his mind. He might think she hadn’t notice what he’d done, but just because it hadn’t really hurt her didn’t mean she hadn’t felt it.

Scooting herself back on the bed in that moment, to lie across it in the correct direction, Kagome reached her arms up wide and said, “Come join with me.”

Smirking, Inuyasha readily complied, crawling on top of the bed and on top of her, settling himself between her legs. He didn’t enter her at first, despite every fiber of his being screaming at him to do so, his heart and soul overriding the desires of his body for a moment as he gazed down into her eyes, wanting to remember this moment forever.

“Kagome, I…I really do love you.” he murmured low.

“I know…” she assured him. “Despite how I feel about you, I wouldn’t give myself to you if I still thought my feelings weren’t returned.”

“Your feelings were always returned,” he admitted. “I just…I just couldn’t…things were so…”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to explain.”

Reaching up with her right hand, she massaged his left ear again, giggling despite herself at the way his eyes rolled in pleasure as he tilted his head into her touch. She felt his hips give a little thrust of their own accord, his throbbing phallus resting snuggly against her core, and in that moment Kagome released his ear to reach down between their bodies, gripping him and aligning his tip at her entrance.

“Please, make me yours.” she murmured softly, and he didn’t need to be told twice.

Despite breaking through her barrier with his claw, he knew Kagome would still feel discomfort during their first joining, so he pressed forward as slowly as he could stand, her walls so tight they felt like they were trying to keep him out. He was caught off guard when she looked up into his golden orbs and said, “You can go faster. I won’t break.”

He paused halfway inside. “Are you sure?”

“You’ve waited far too long since this all started, I don’t know how you’ve stood it. Please, Inuyasha, enjoy this. Don’t hold back.”

A part of him realized her words could be code for telling him she wanted him to get it over with because it was uncomfortable, but in that moment, gazing down into her loving eyes of chocolate brown, he honestly didn’t care. If it were truly even mildly unpleasant for her, then the best thing would be for him to make it as quick as possible, right? And he new how to give her pleasure, so he could certainly make it up to her, over and over again. He smirked at the thought.

Pulling back out a tiny ways he then immediately pushed back forward again, going a little bit faster than before, though he still refused to slam home too quickly and hurt her needlessly. Feeling his hips make contact with her own, his stiffness submerged fully within her, Inuyasha held still for a brief moment, savoring the sensation, though it didn’t take him long to retract his hips and then push back forward again, beginning a steady rhythm. As for the miko below him, Kagome was not truly in any pain, or at least not any that she felt was significant enough to pay any attention to. She was too busy staring mesmerized up into the ever-changing expressions that flashed across Inuyasha’s face to worry about some mild stinging and burning. Knowing that they had joined, that they were one, seeing the pleasure in his eyes as he bared his soul to her in his gaze, Kagome had never felt more at peace, or more in love, than she did in that moment.

Gradually picking up his tempo, it wasn’t long at all before Inuyasha was moving at a fairly steady pace. He wasn’t going nuts like the men on the TV had been, but neither was he acting like he was afraid to move. Kagome did her best to keep up with him, refusing to just lie there like a dead fish as she rocked her hips up and down in time with his thrusts, and Inuyasha groaned his approval, already feeling the telltale tingling that indicated his release was near. Honestly, considering how close Kagome had brought him to the edge with that delicious mouth of hers, he was surprised he had lasted as long as he had.

Leaning forward to capture said mouth in that moment, Inuyasha devoured Kagome’s lips in a hungry kiss reminiscent of the first one they’d shared out in the living room. The feel of her tongue dancing with his sent shivers down his body straight into his dick, and in no time Inuyasha felt his balls tighten up as his entire body seized.

“Ahh!” he cried out, unable to keep quiet given the intensity of sensation washing through him, his release made so much more powerful by being held off for so long.

Kagome’s own body came to a stop in that moment, knowing immediately what had happened, though she surprised the hanyou by wrapping her legs up and around his bottom, holding him to and within her. The fact that she so openly accepted all of him, and he did mean all of him, really meant a lot to Inuyasha. Perverted thoughts aside, the fact that she had allowed him not only within her heart, but also within her very body, proved that everything she’d told him before about not thinking differently of him for his youkai blood was true. Belatedly he realized that he should have pulled out of her for fear of getting her pregnant, though it wasn’t that he didn’t want to have a child with Kagome, now just wasn’t a good time. But they would cross that bridge when they came to it, if he was using her expression correctly.

Finally feeling his heartbeat calm back down into some semblance of a normal rhythm, he kissed her forehead and nose gently, silently asking to be released. Kagome unwrapped her legs from around his backside, then, though she refused to allow the possibility of an awkward ‘morning after’ sensation to develop between them, sitting up to snuggle against his side as he sat on her bed for a moment, catching the rest of his breath.

“I don’t regret a second of it.” she stated quietly, leaning her head against his shoulder.

Chuckling softly, he wrapped his arm around her, holding her tight.

“Me neither.” he admitted. Even if she were pregnant, which he didn’t think she was because as far as he could remember it should be the wrong time in her cycle, though he would really have to start paying closer attention if they were ever going to have a repeat of today’s activities, he still would not allow himself to regret joining with Kagome. In his opinion, and probably in everyone else’s if they ever found out, today had been far overdue.

“Well, come on, we better get dressed.” he stated after a moment, hating to be the one to ruin the afterglow though it was true they couldn’t just sit naked in her room forever.

They didn’t have to immediately rush back to the past, though, Kagome knew with a wicket smirk as she pointed out logically, “We should probably get cleaned up, first, unless you want Shippou questioning why we smell so funny.”

His eyes widened comically large in mock horror at that thought, a look that quickly turned sultry as Kagome moved to get off the bed while reaching for his hand. “Come on, there’s plenty of room in the shower for two…” she stated playfully, giving his hand a little tug.

Shaking his head in amusement, Inuyasha could only think that if he’d known there was a wicked little minx living just under the surface within Kagome, he would have done something to bring it out sooner. Though, on the other hand, it had been more or less admitted by both of them that they’d needed to get their heads out of their asses first. Sexual attraction was all fine and good, but they loved each other, and that was what really mattered. He knew he’d been the hold up between them, looking back on her behavior over the last several months it was only all too obvious that she’d come to terms with her feelings for him long before he had, but he finally had the balls to admit that he loved Kagome now; better late than never. Hopefully the final battle with Naraku would come sooner rather than later, because now that he’d had a taste of Kagome – he mentally chuckled at the literalness of that statement – he knew it would be that much harder to continue behaving as ‘just friends’ while back in his time. He still stood by his belief, though, that with as dangerous as his world was it would simply be too risky to allow themselves that kind of a distraction. They would just have to make sure Kagome was still granted the ability to come through the well from time to time, for her ‘schooling’…he snickered.

While he knew he would have to get serious again once they went back to his world and resumed their hunt for Naraku, that didn’t mean he couldn’t have a little fun while it was still just the two of them, as he thoroughly enjoyed sharing the shower with Kagome. A little voice in the back of his mind reminded him that not all that long ago he’d felt that he didn’t deserve to feel such happiness; just one more thing he owed the woman beside him his thanks for. He knew he’d been a screw up in the past, but that was the old him, and that Inuyasha was gone. He would be there for Kagome now, no matter what; she had healed his soul, and he would return the favor. Though the road before them would be long and treacherous, he knew that with Kagome by his side he could accomplish anything, including the defeat of Naraku. The dark hanyou would die, peace would be restored, and then he wouldn’t have to worry so much about Kagome’s cycle. He wondered if their kids would have his ears.

~ Fin ~

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