InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Playing for Keeps ❯ Paradise- Lost ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pt 3: Paradise lost
This chapter contains my poetry- one was about my 1st love that I wrote a couple years ago. It also contains one I wrote the other day about my second love, about this story. The fact that I may again be in the way of new love makes me sick. Anyway, they are pretty cool poems.
Paradise- lost- (1st love version)
Caught between the brightness of the future and the love I thought I knew-
I wander through our foundation crumbled and abandoned
There, bushes and dead roses greet my broken heart
Those crystallized moments we shared and prized-
Now lost into the unfeeling abyss of time
The memories fade, but the heart remembers…
Was it so long ago, prince of my enfance?
I could never be the beautiful princess you said you saw
Instead of the future we imagined, our innocent dream has abruptly ended…
Gray air and carbon monoxide penetrate into Eden-
Infiltrating the paradise
Lost to us now.
Us, the fallen- fallen out of love,
Will we experience the richness the world has in store?
In the distance, a path of green grass manifests itself-
My path to paradise
Regained except without you.
Once, our love was our paradise.
Surely our paradise is dead along with our innocence.
Far after the sweet night of confession by the spring lake-
The lake now dry with blowing red windstorms like the rungs of hell-
I can see it still in my mind while mountains block my mental escape.
Yes, time has passed.
Carpe diem became a thing of our past, not my present-
That state vanished for me… for lost lovers.
For you, a new path of green love new and unseen appears-
Dewy and healthy in anticipation.
You love what you want to love.
When you stop wanting to love,
Paradise is lost-
Regained only through love deeper still.
Good luck on your journey far.
Paradise- Lost (2nd love version)
Moments frozen in time for us to wistfully recall with warm smiles,
Holding on to the past with searing hope for a future,
I wander between my failure of imagination and what I already knew.
Having recognized, but not dealt with, this possibility-
My heart breaks as I find myself here… yet again.
Neither knew what would happen to us-
However, we did know that whatever came, we'd face it together.
Shining the bright, yet blinding light of truth after months of darkened untruth,
You finally loved me enough to trust me again.
But, all could be easily forgotten and lost from this time on.
Simple, yet important thoughts horded in your mind tore my heart-
And we began to destroy trust as we struggle with ourselves.
We poured gray air and carbon monoxide into Eden-
Entreating onto paradise
Lost to us now.
Us, the fallen- fallen in love,
Try to protect the special connection that we possess.
You, fallen in love with someone else,
Find yourself caught between old love and new passion.
In the distance, a path of green grass manifests itself-
My path to paradise
Regained except without you?
Once, our love was our paradise.
Can you tell me that our paradise is dead along with our innocence?
We are so far from the times we clung together.
Although I can imagine the happy beauty of the past in my mind and heart,
I do not wish to say goodbye, not forever.
My fearing heart wonders…
Will our friendship and closeness survive the destructive test of time?
Yes, time has passed; carpe diem a thing of the past, not the present-
Not for me, not for us, not for the lost lovers.
For you, a new path of green love new, passionate and more like you-
Waits dewy and healthy in anticipation when you leave my side with a hug.
Unaware you are, but know that
Love is stronger than you know.
Past love cannot be threatened by new, unless trust is broken and left unrepaired.
Once doubt enters the mind and bitterness and anger poison love,
Paradise is lost-
Regained only through love, trust and friendship deeper still.
As for us, I wish you happiness, luck, love and friendship.
Why do I?
You will do the same for me when the time comes.
Next and final chapter up soon- it's called Truth Revealed!