InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pointilism ❯ Karma ( Chapter 34 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Karma -      “I’m home,” Mrs. Higurashi said wearily.      “What’s wrong?” asked Kagome.      “I caught that rich punk doing 80mph in a school zone again.  He can afford to pay speeding tickets and frankly doesn’t care that he’s breaking the law.  Can’t stay for dinner; I need to get back to work.”      Kagome’s smile froze.  “Um—”      “Oh— right.  You want me to meet your new boyfriend.  Well, bring him in.”      Smiling happily, Kagome opened the living room door.  A white-haired teen strolled in—and froze and paled on seeing Mrs. Higurashi.  “You!”      First surprise, then malicious glee spread across Mrs. Higurashi’s face.